03 September, 2022

Stick these solar panels where the sun don't shine!

□ [“California Extends Flex Alert Amid Sweltering Heatwave, Urges People Not to Charge Electric Vehicles During Peak Hours to Avoid Power Outages"]

Is there any point where they realize that they're contradicting themselves and making people miserable?  Unless that's the actual goal, why else would they be doing this?

California has always seen itself at a higher level and other states are expected to follow their example.  That's just what you expect from your inferiors, so how many other states will have to go along with this?  It's starting to look like shutting off our electricity is a major part of the goal.

It's not just about making everybody spend $70,000 for a new car that barely-if-ever works, that's just a bonus for the rich people who sell these products.  They even blame global warming for their inability to charge up the vehicles they demand everyone buy.

IRS Publishes Confidential Information of 120,000 Taxpayers Online, Then Blames ‘Human Coding Error’
September 3, 2022

Scottish Superfit Doctor Dies of a Heart Attack While Swimming During Triathlon Training
September 3, 2022

□ [“Russia Toys With Europe – Shuts Down Gazprom Nord Stream 1 Pipeline to Germany Due to New Technical Issue as Energy Crisis Deepens"]

Don't know how California relates to Germany in their hierarchy, but they're both doing the same thing to their tens of millions of people who didn't get a say in this.  The leaders want this.  If it wasn't what they wanted, it means they've been very lazy for decades to find a back-up plan if something goes wrong.

They don't mind sanctioning Russia, they don't mind throwing money and weapons at Ukraine, but it's so horrible when Russia responds in a peaceful way that doesn't let Europe destroy the planet with fossil fuel.  Just think of how many European businesses had to cut their contracts with Russia because their rulers demanded sanctions, but Russia's the bad guy for going along with it?

They even have another Russian pipeline ready to go, Nord Stream 2 was completed earlier this year, but it was shut down of the sanctions.  You can't say how awful it is to not get fuel from Russia when you deliberately avoid getting fuel from Russia.

Germany's Energy Saving Ordinance is, for now, intended to last for the next six months.  Germans never voted for this and now they get to suffer through the fall and winter.

I've been wondering if there's a conscious effort to avoid the 'cult of personality' required for communism.  Lenin and Stalin had cults (and still do) but their successors were just bureaucrats lusting for power and lucked out in taking over.  Gorbachev was the only Soviet leader who wasn't born before the Russian Revolution, born in 1931, Andropov came the second closest, born in 1914.  Putin was born in 1952, five months before Stalin died.

But it does make sense that our rulers are aspiring to form a Central Committee, thinking they'll avoid the leader who gets all the attention.  They have to have one, at least for the time being, but the public sees what a waste of life Biden is.  I'm sure the secret rulers have their own conflicts, assuming they aren't brainwashed by one person.

But that might explain this bizarre shift to occultism.  I can't figure out how or why that would be done, but it does seem like this sort of demon worship would be the obvious choice when they wipe away everything else.  Human sacrifice would definitely be an option as well.  This would line up with the cult-behavior of people like Jim Jones - very popular among Democrats - where telling people 'let's quit and find something else to do' isn't an option.

They're certainly not expecting to win anyone over with this ridiculous Biden speech, so what's the point?  He apparently didn't get into much of anything except trashing Trump and Trump supporters, the lighting, the military guards, it's like they're attempting to demonize the people they don't like.

□ [“MSNBC Guest on Trump Voters: 'We Are at War with These People; These Folks Are Evil'"]

Whether or not there's a lead figure in a cult - I assume there always is but I don't know much about cults - this is what they do.  A fat black guy in expensive clothes insists he's at war in a broadcast that at least a few dozen people are watching.  Jim Jones-territory there.

I looked it up, he doesn't seem to be from San Francisco but that would have been totally believable, wouldn't it?

Woke NASA Cancels Second Attempt of Artemis Launch to the Moon — Another Fuel Leak
September 3, 2022

□ [“WH Press Secretary says Biden created '10 thousand million jobs'"]

She really said that.  No beat where she suddenly realized she got the word wrong, that was what she thought she was told to say.

The word is "billion," not "thousand million."

Biden Regime Launches Racist Housing Plan that Violates Fair Housing Act
September 3, 2022

□ [“Oops: Alaskan Electric Buses Run Out of Power in Winter"]

They do realize that batteries don't hold electricity in the cold very well, don't they?  They do know that Alaska gets cold, don't they?  They could at least tell the maintainers to strap some spare electricity on the back in case problems like this happen.

□ [“Ukraine’s Western-Backed Gamble To Capture Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Backfires"]

This was it?  This was the plan they'd spent months training for thanks to western intelligence and military forces?  To take back a nuclear power plant?  Russia might look bad if they lost it so that's the motivation?

Didn't anyone in the Ukraine military have any say in this?  They would probably have known that you don't get victory by taking back a small piece of land here when the rest of your country is occupied by an invader.  Never mind farmland, the westerners will take food from their own people and burn fuel to fly it over to us?

Over 50 Of The “Classified” Folders Taken In Mar-A-Lago Raid Were Empty in FBI Smash-and-Grab
September 3, 2022

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