07 September, 2022

Why are schools still teaching biology if you can just self-identify as whatever you want?

19-Year Old Black Mass Shooter in Memphis: Police Warn of Man Driving Around Shooting People While Livestreaming; City Urges “Stay Home!”
September 7, 2022

□ [“Project Veritas: Democrat South Carolina US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews: You Gotta Treat White People Like Sh*t"]

"You gotta treat them [white people] like shit, like I mean that’s the only way they’ll respect you.”

Well, that nails down the liberal vote.  Can you imagine a white liberal who doesn't enjoy being treated like shit?  They should do that as a group chant at her rallies.

Jailed Irish Teacher Refuses Student’s Pronoun Demands
September 7, 2022

□ [“Dutch Agriculture Minister Henk Staghouwer Abruptly Resigns After Protests"]

Doesn't make a big deal, they'll just replace him with someone else who will obey.  As the saying goes, 'can't challenge the narrative.'  

I do wonder if this is where unbridled totalitarianism comes from, people who realize what the job requires and really don't want anything to do with it [beyond reaching such a high level to begin with, that is] and their replacements are chosen for enforcing the master's will, nothing to do with ability or knowledge of what's going on.

It makes you wonder if the rulers flat-out specify that ability is not required.  It's not even their obvious preference for skin-color or leftism, it's that obedience is all that matters to them.  I know that sounds ridiculous but, well, look at where we are.

□ [“‘Do You Think This is Fair?’ – Moderna CEO and AstraZeneca Official Reveal Shocking Secrets to COVID Vaccines After Romanian MEP Cristian Terheș Grills Them"]

I will give Europe credit for this, they are doing more to get to the bottom of the poison vaccine than anyone else seems to be.

First question: I would like to know the date, if possible, when you decoded the entire DNA sequence of this virus or did you rely solely on the sequence provided by the Chinese government?

Second question: Have you tested whether the vaccine stops the spread of the virus or not? Because the data clearly shows that your products are not stopping the spread of this virus.

Third question: Have you had people die during the human trials, and if so, what was the disease they died from?

Those are pretty straightforward questions.  The answers are also basic, yes, the world governments wanted this right away and gave them legal protection from damages, so they didn't do any actual testing and used the information China gave them.

No idea if this will go anywhere - probably not, our rulers won't like it - but it's something.  Notice that Romania and other Eastern Europe countries have been doing more to stand up against leftist tyranny than the rest of the world.  Wonder where they learned that.

UK Bans COVID Vax for Kids – Investigation Finds Vaccine Affects Sexual Development in Little Boys
September 7, 2022

High School Athlete Found with 6 Foot Long Clot In His Leg – Ending His Football Career — Doctors Baffled on Exactly What Happened?
September 7, 2022

Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ in 94% of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects
September 7, 2022

California Activates 4 Gas Generators for the First Time as Electric Grid Suffers Major Defeat
September 7, 2022

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Insists Joe Biden’s Moloch Speech Where He Labeled Half the Country 'Enemies of the State' Was Not Divisive"]

Compared to her, Biden's brain is working fine.  She wasn't hired for ability and since she made it this far without learning anything, has no reason to start now.

The left says they're already at war with us.  As collectivists, they're automatically more unified than the rest of us.  Take that as a given, but as individuals, we can unite on higher levels that they can't even comprehend.  That's what individuality can accomplish, but we need to actually do it to succeed.

They really don't know what a war is like.  They can't even perceive of that experience, shown by how eagerly they rush to insist this is already a war and they're guaranteed to win.  Their masters will protect them.

We can see this just in the way they see no way to lose, future elections or anything else.  Given all the problems they've caused with production and supply, it makes sense to believe that they already have their supply chain in place because nobody could possibly be that stupid, especially if they believe they're already at war.

I'm not saying they do have a secret supply chain, just that it's impossible to see any other rational reason for destroying everything around them if they didn't already have a place where food, water, fuel, weapons, etc. would be provided.

That's why my argument is that we should go on strike.  As always, I would recommend everyone just quit entirely anything that the rulers depend on.  I can understand the problems of doing that, we aren't united, there's no way to know how we would even get this info out to everyone else.

I'm not in charge [thank God] and as much as I recommend at least a one-day strike on Monday, September 12 - or a back-up on Wednesday, September 21- I won't be taking part unless I know that a significant number of others are as well.  It's not going to make the slightest bit of difference if I don't show up to work, I'll just stay home and work on the book like I do every day anyway.

At least a one-day strike would be enough to show that the rulers actually have some active supply chain which they don't share with the peons.  It would also show everybody what will vanish very quickly if they actually go through with this war they claim we're already in which they don't see any chance of losing.

Because short of that, we are indeed at war and our side isn't remotely ready for it.  That will only expand their tyranny at our expense.

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