21 September, 2022

I'm getting rid of my brain so I can grow up to be like Joe Biden!

India: 32-Year-Old Runner Dies Suddenly of a Heart Attack Near Finish Line
September 20, 2022

□ [“Latest Inflation Numbers Show Germany’s Economy Is Cratering"]

It's up 46% in August.  How much of it is because they're run by leftists and how much is because they're banning Russian energy like Trump told them to?  Maybe they just have happy memories of previous German experience with massive inflation.  Or maybe they just believe Joe Biden who says there is no inflation.

World Economic Forum Hosts Creepy ‘Climate Crisis’ Confab in NYC as Clinton Global Initiative and UN General Assembly Kicks Off Simultaneously Across Town
September 20, 2022

Hillary Clinton Brings Up 2016 Election at Clinton Global Initiative
September 20, 2022

□ [“Who's in Charge? White House Rushes to Clean up Biden's Pandemic Remark"]

The guy complains that people think he looks weak then gets contradicted immediately by the people he's in charge of.  He said we should just watch him to see if he's mentally capable of being POTUS and this is the result.

He could flat-out fire his employees who immediately spoke out against him, that would be showing that he has some sort of authority that needs to be taken seriously.  So why doesn't he do that, hmmmm?

The people who told him there's no inflation are still there.  The people who told him the Taliban wouldn't take over Afghanistan are still there.  The people who told him Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine are still there.  Now there's this.

There's not even any sign he remembers what he said a few days ago (or whenever he made that statement which was broadcast a few days ago.)  It's not like anybody's going to publicly ask him what he meant by that.

“Thank You For Tolerance For Listening to Me” – Joe Biden to World Leaders at UN
September 21, 2022

Biden Gets Lost On The Global Fund Stage Again – Shuffles Around Aimlessly with Hands Reaching for Something That’s Not There
September 21, 2022

Seattle-area school tries to ban saying "biological male"
September 21, 2022

Coalition of 24 State Attorneys General Send Letter to Credit Card Companies for Violation of Second Amendment Rights
September 21, 2022

□ [“Atlanta Fed Announces Negative 3rd Quarter Growth for Third Quarter In a Row!"]

They probably won't be asked about this either.  They'll just say they're totally fine with the way the economy is and anyone who disagrees is racist or whatever.

I've heard that railways are planning to reject the deal, there will still be a strike.  Lord, I hope so.  Yet again Biden will show that he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about it and liberals just want to throw money at things.

This is obviously why they picked him for the election theft, all the blame gets thrown at the stupid guy in charge and those who make the actual decisions are totally ignored.  That's why there needs to be a real strike, nation-wide, people who actually work just aren't taking part in this anymore.

Railroad workers obviously don't have the freedom of other workers when it comes to strikes.  That's where they [we?] need the courage to go through with it, just don't show up to work.  Stay at a friend's house for a week or so.  If they have a van, drive to another neighborhood and stay there.  Within a day or two, there will be far more problems than arresting them can do anything about, pretty sure the police will be the first to say that.

The problem would be getting them the courage to go through with this.  If we can get it started, that would help so much.  We need a resistance, we need to be on strike.  We need it now, the tyrants' power and our misery is just growing every day.

Furious Chinese Disney Fans ‘Whitewash’ “The Little Mermaid” – Transform Black Ariel into a White Character
September 21, 2022

NY AG Letitia James Lawsuit Seeks to Make Trump Pay $250 Million, Ban Trumps From Running NY Businesses, Buying Real Estate – Makes Criminal Referral to DOJ
September 21, 2022

□ [“Alabama Embalmer Sounds Alarm: Massive Increase in Strange Blood Clots and Cancer, 'It’s not Normal, It’s Drastic'"]

They can't hide the dead bodies.  They can censor media coverage but the corpses are still piling up and they're going to keep increasing.

The embalmer and his colleges have seen a lot of these since around the time that the so-called "vaccine" started being pushed in early-2021.  They also note that, throughout their careers, they were used to people in their middle-to-old ages showing up dead.  Now they're getting young people with these "spike proteins."

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom Says People Are Fleeing California Because of Trump’s Policies
September 21, 2022

Trump-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Federal School Mask and Vaccine Mandate
September 21, 2022

Severely Decomposing Body Found in Rhode Island Home Identified as Former Woonsocket Mayor Susan Menard
September 21, 2022

House Passes Legislation Changing Electoral Vote Counting Process For Presidential Elections – 9 Republicans Voted with Democrats
September 21, 2022

□ [“Putin Warns West – His Nuclear Threat 'Is Not a Bluff'"]

And then we get to this.  Because what else do we need right now?

Russians do bluff, they just don't bluff the way people in free countries do.  They've had to put up with a lot more war on their own turf for the last few centuries than we have, and a lot more tyranny.

We know our dictators have been blaming Russia for everything and their sycophants have believed it without question.  They're already at war with us, why not throw it together?  Putin has finally started a mobilization to defend/attack NATO and unlike Ukraine, he wasn't stupid enough to give up his nuclear weapons.

A few areas in Donbass and Ukraine will be voting in a couple days on whether or not to join Russia.  I'm sure the elections will be as trustworthy as Biden's.  There's also a military draft, leftists will probably approve of that.

But they won't believe in the vote and they won't be willing to fight for Ukraine.  They'll just tell others to do it and make the rest of us suffer for it.

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