03 October, 2022

How can we resist? We didn't sist the first time.

□ [“‘Anarchist’ Tulsa, Oklahoma Middle School Teacher Wants to ‘Burn Down Entire System’ – ‘F*ck the Parents… I’m Your Parent Now’"]

Why doesn't he point out that society is what made him a school teacher?  That's about as good an example for burning it down as we have.  It's not like there aren't a lot more of him out there everywhere.

Safe to assume all these creatures came from single-parent homes, probably by their mothers.  Quite likely any siblings they have came from different fathers.  This is what happens when family is torn apart, the rulers double-down on that to get more servants.

When they steal the elections in November, they're going to immediately impose a universal confiscation of weapons.  They're already putting together the men-with-guns to do it.  What are we going to do about that?

They will start knocking on every door with anyone who's registered with a weapon and they probably won't take 'I lost it' for an excuse.  They ignore state and local laws the way they already ignore the Constitution, what are you going to do to stop them from taking over your home and searching it until they find what they're looking for.

Remember, they self-identify as 'law enforcement,' they have the right to do whatever they want to you and they're already carrying their weapons.  You going to grab yours and go for defense?  Are you going to be magically lucky enough to shoot down several men before they can move?  And then what?

This is where it's a really really really bad idea to assume they don't already have a plan in motion here.  Maybe if we're lucky it's just stupid or crazy but they've got a plan.  All it needs to do is *not* be too stupid or crazy.  What.  Are.  We.  Going.  To.  Do.  Then?

Ok, there's no way they can automatically disarm 50 million people or however many there are, but all they need to do is start trying and *that's* the breaking point.  Any resistance and they go full-on-tyrant which they're already preparing to do.

This is something that needs to be prepared for immediately and simply having your weapons available isn't enough.

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