02 October, 2022

Not going to think of a headline and you can't make me!

□ [“MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross: 'There Have Been a Spike in Homicides That Has Nothing to do With Democrat Policies, Of Course'"]

As always, another leftist example that makes you ask 'can these people really be this stupid?'  She self-identifies as black and female but really?  Is she blatantly lying to her audience or is she in-effect signaling to those who see the signs that 'yes, I'm lying.'

Underground movements can do that, even when famous people are involved.  It would be promoting that 'leftists are making this happen to you' despite pretending to defend leftists.  Probably not, she's just saying what she's told to say and possibly even believes it, but that is possible.  People who know how to do what's called "gas-lighting" can turn it the other way.

Bill Maher’s Liberal Audience Applauds When He Suggests Biden Dump Kamala Harris In 2024
October 2, 2022

Vermont Girls Volleyball Team Banned from Its Own Locker Room After Objecting to Transgender Student Changing Clothes There
October 2, 2022

Minnesota students walk out in protest over woke assistant principal who told staff to use their 'straight, white privilege' to back new gender-neutral homecoming royalty - after prom king and queen titles were axed
October 1, 2022

Scottish Government Orders Investigation Into Recent Spike in New Born Baby Deaths
October 2, 2022

Some Thriving in Biden Economy: Migrant Smuggling Cartels Make Billions
October 2, 2022

German MP Petr Bystron Speaks to 100.000 in Prague: “Donald Trump’s Populism is Sweeping the World!”
October 2, 2022

I definitely hope that there is a world-wide movement to fight leftism.  We can all see that their goal is to overrule federal governments to get rid of state and local.  They only cite a lower-level government when it's something that 'everyone else must obey,' as we're seeing in California these days.  It's always the rulers deciding for everyone no matter what.

I've also noticed that a number of people, myself included, have been taking it as a given that some sort of devil-worship is going on here.  At this point, what else would make them behave so ludicrously?  You ever hear of the devil having an objective blocked by someone under his authority?

I still don't even know if I believe in a devil but it sure looks like that's what our rulers are after as quickly as possible.  They're using earth-worship as an excuse to cause as much suffering as possible.  After all, nobody can possible disagree with them, right?  You have to be evil to think they're wrong about anything.

California Decriminalizes Jaywalking Because ‘People of Color’ Are Most Often Ticketed
October 2, 2022

Missouri Middle School Teacher Facing Charges for Grooming and Raping Students Found Dead in County Jail
October 2, 2022

Really don't have much to say today.  It's like we're just out of time now, it's over.  Don't know if anyone else feels that way or if it's just me.  I'll try again later, God willing.

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