20 October, 2022

I'm stopping with the man in the mirror. Where's the hot chick in the mirror?

□ [“Switzerland to Destroy 10 Million Doses of Expired Moderna’s COVID-19 Shot Worth $285 Million"]

They're throwing money away.  They could have not-purchased that poison and the result would be exactly the same, except for the extra money they would have.

This indicates that the point is to waste money.  They could set it on fire for the same result, although that would be a little too obvious.  This way the rulers can yammer on about how much they care, they'll help themselves to people's money to buy some worthless chemicals and then throw the chemicals away.  The company that makes the chemicals also profits, nice coincidence.

And Moderna has said that only vulnerable adults should take the vaccine, others don't need to.  Which contradicts the CDC making it mandatory for everyone.  Which side is spreading "disinformation"?  Are they working for Russia?

□ [“UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns After Just 45 Days in Office"]

That was fast.  I didn't pay much attention so I couldn't tell if she was a hardcore leftist or actually bucking the system to do something sensible.  Either way, I think she set a record for the shortest term of any PM in British history.  Then again, she's also the first PM to have no white people on staff except her.  No wonder they made her quit.

If you trust polls, they're making Republicans look very good for the elections.  *If* you trust polls.  There are also news articles about Democrats being worried, even saying they've dropped funding for 'safe seats' to give money to 'safer seats.'

Or maybe they've got the votes tallied for the safe seats, now they pay people to take care of the safer seats. Is there any point where there should be concern about the election? Or will the losers just shrug and say 'oh well, better luck next time'? Because Democrats don't do that when they lose.

NHL Apologizes For Its 84% White Workforce, Launches Initiative To Increase ‘Diversity’
October 19, 2022

North Carolina School Board Votes to Forfeit All Volleyball Games Against School With Transgender Player After Girl Was Injured
October 20, 2022

16-Year-Old Black Twins Escape Houston House – Mother and Her Boyfriend Kept Them Starved, Naked and Shackled, Forced to Drink Urine
October 20, 2022

London Hospital Denied Operation To Female Sex Abuse Victim Who Requested Biologically Female Nurses
October 19, 2022

□ [“Has the media told you about the massive protests happening all over Europe right now?"]

No, it hasn't.  This article was dated the 17th but it covers protests against the food and energy crisis in Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Stuttgart.  That is a good sign, these people don't want to suffer for Ukraine.  They didn't ask for it or vote for it, their masters just pushed this onto them and winter is coming.

One gets the impression that, like the virus, the Russia/Ukraine thing is just an excuse for our rulers to impose more tyranny on us.  They already self-identify as a 'New World Order' and seek to wipe out the concept of the individual.

One thing I've noticed, still trying to work it out, but these rulers always blame the lower classes or ranks for everything.  'The buck stops here' is something they completely oppose, it's always the media who didn't tell the public what the rulers wanted them to hear, it's always subordinates who didn't get things organized.

Like I say, I'm still trying to figure out what this means or how it works, but the whole point of freedom is that lower-ranks can just ignore you because they're responsible for their own lives.  Just because there are people who have more money or authority in their jobs doesn't have to stop them, they're free to ignore you.  But that's what our masters oppose.

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