16 October, 2022

This is a nuclear war against the nuclear family.

At least 269 US K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes since January
October 14, 2022

□ [“It Begins… Schools in The Netherlands Serve Mealworms and Insects to Children to Save Planet from Global Warming"]

The only reason to eat bugs is to avoid dying of starvation.  No sane person would pick that under any other alternative.  But that's why the rulers are removing all other alternatives.  I suppose the rich and famous could show how they eat nothing but bugs but we'd believe that about as much as we believe them getting the so-called vaccine.

It's this sort of thing that makes me wonder if 'demon worship' is really a thing.  How else would you decide to impose this insane idea on everybody else?  They obviously picked 'eating bugs' as a solution and then had to make up a problem for it to solve.

Suspected Black California Serial Killer Arrested in Connection to 6 Murders
October 15, 2022

Haitian Singer Collapses on Stage and Dies Suddenly of Suspected Cardiac Arrest During Concert in Paris
October 16, 2022

□ [“Unhinged Climate Activist Vandalizes Luxury Car Aston Martin Dealership with Paint to Protest Oil Production"]

These insane children are sent to torment as many people as possible.  I gotta admit, I don't have a clue why they don't just get shot.  Use a stun-gun if you insist, but whatever.  Or at least drag them into an alley and beat them up.

That is probably what the rulers are waiting for, an excuse to crack down entirely on anyone they don't like.  It's just at this point, I don't see any other down-side.  It's going to start sooner or later, just get it over with.  Then these obedient tormenters will have to find something else to do with their lives.  What are they gonna do, practice their religion?  Not happening.

Chants of ‘Death to Khamenei’ Heard Outside Burning Iranian Jail Where Hundreds of Regime’s Opponents Held
October 15, 2022

China’s Xi Jinping Opens Annual CCP Conference and Announces Full Control of Hong Kong – Taiwan Is Next
October 16, 2022

Will there be a run on the banks?  Probably.  I've said things about the economy falling apart and expecting our rulers to just turn the internet off, but I hadn't considered a run on the banks.  Great, one more thing to worry about.  At least the rulers doing that would effectively shut everything down, no money going in or out.  But a run would create massive problems that just expand further and further as more people are affected.

The economy just keeps falling.  Any week now, they'll release the news of what's expected to be the third quarter of the recession our rulers pretend doesn't exist.  If they're able to, they'll fake the news so they can say how happy we are.

Mark Zuckerberg’s “META” Is a Flop – After Billions Spent – Less than 200,000 Users on its Virtual Reality Universe
October 16, 2022

Gen. Flynn: Explosive Truth About FBI Has Been Revealed in Durham Trial… They’re Not Acting Alone in This Coup
October 15, 2022

□ [“Red Pope Francis Calls for 'New Economic System' that Guarantees 'Food, Health, Economic and Social Rights'"]

Which he sure doesn't provide for his people.  He just gives orders, nothing else.

Doing it his ways, you get to eat bugs, you own nothing, you're not allowed to say anything and the government will pump poison into you.  This has nothing to do with Catholicism, this is the leftist religion, to gain more followers.

I definitely think they're going to try something for Halloween, possibly as a religious attempt to summon the demons.  Maybe it'll just be a side activity while stealing the elections, but I've been seeing a lot more Halloween signs up than usual and they started a lot earlier.

Ice Cream and a Sniff:  Biden Manages to Sniff His Next Victim While Out for Ice Cream in Oregon
October 16, 2022

□ [“New York Congressional Candidate Stars in Porn Video in Order to Show ‘Sex Positive’ Campaign"]

He needs you to see his dick.  He can add a famous porn star for flavoring, but it's important to him that you see his dick.  He can't gain power if he doesn't.

Is this deliberately part of the demon cult, is it just automatic for anyone who goes along, is it his individual perversion?  Does it matter?

Data from 8,000 Walgreens Reveals Vaccinated People are More Likely to Test Positive
October 16, 2022

Ecoterrorists: British Vegan Teens Pour Milk on Store Floors to Protest Dairy Industry
October 16, 2022

“I Had Nothing to do with It!” – Fauci When Asked if it was a Mistake to See Schools Closed as Long as They Were
October 16, 2022

This is where I can suspect (hope) there's an actual plan, let the left steal elections in 2020 so that by 2022, we can be ready for them because we all see how they'll act.

I've said it before, I've long thought we did that with the Iraq elections in the mid-2000s, whether or not it required actual cheating.  We let the extreme Muslims win so that a year or two later, Iraqis were against it in-force.  But at least at the time, there were US forces in charge.  No matter how restrained we were, they knew they couldn't get us too mad or there would be problems.

This time, our rulers are the ones who command that sort of force.  I would really like to think people on our side are working at a higher level and have this planned but I'd also like some evidence.  Even if Republicans win most of the elections by some miracle, there's nothing to show that the candidates are actual right-wingers, and this will just continue to get worse.

We need more than that.  Something that can't be misconstrued or stolen by the enemy and turned to dust.  Short of an act of God (which I pray for often) we need an organized resistance.  That alone would give people hope, either in support of the resistance or forming their own.  Otherwise, there's nothing to stop our rulers from pumping more poison into our bodies.

They want us all to be their pets, their puppets.  Nothing they do is to help us, it only follows their own whims.  In a few years, those who are left may be wishing they'd gotten the vaccine because they envy the dead.

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