01 April, 2023

Already? I'm still playing my March Fools pranks on people!

□ [“Ukrainian Security Forces Raid Monastery in Kiev to Forcibly Evict Orthodox Priests Suspected of Being Pro Russia – Patriarch Pavel Placed Under House Arrest"]

Because that always works.  And you know Ukrainians will just obey, they'll never fight for anything that's important to them.  And just think of all the wonderful examples of this that has been set in history before.  It's those precedents that made Ukraine what it is today, which is why leftists always support it.  This monastery is only a thousand years old, no Ukrainian can respect anything that old.

You could at least say it's their problem and they have to handle it themselves, but that would apply to the whole Russia/Ukraine thing and, well, that's not how our rulers want it.  If they want to "liquidate" the priesthood - a term a Zelensky advisor did use last year - then Ukrainians just have to suffer until they're willing to fight back.

Who really wants to wind up saying "First they came for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and I did not speak up because I was a member of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine..."?  And what kind of country has two frickin' churches with the same name?  That's just Russian nonsense.

Haven't seen much other news from Ukraine lately.  I guess Bakhmut is doing fine, just another victory to put on the list.

Trans Activists Invade Florida State Capitol Chanting “Whose Schools, Our Schools!” – Outraged Over Legislators Voting to Protect Children
March 31, 2023

Wild Night Across US! Deadly Tornadoes Ravage Multiple States, Earthquake Rattles Southern California
April 1, 2023

□ [“Zombie Network: CNN Has Disastrous Month Of March – Primetime Ratings Down 61%"]

I'm still trying to figure out how they can afford this.  How much do they have for staff, offices and the like?  For that matter, how much do they charge for ads?  And who's stupid enough to buy those ads?  How can any business possibly get customers from people who watch CNN that they can't get anywhere else?

Then there's the mindset, what news can a viewer get from CNN that they can't get anywhere else?  You can hire expensive actors to deliver the latest stories but that just costs more money and doesn't bring in any viewers, so what's the point?  I would think at this point, some Youtube-esque channel would be more lucrative and as believable for a "news source."

I know they get money just by being part of cable so at some level, they'll never be cancelled, but what kind of delusion does it take to think this would be worth anything to anybody except for the self-absorbed employees and the handful of people who actually watch it?  It was there at the start of cable, brought to us by Ted Turner, so it may be part of the cult that rules the world.  That's as believable as anything else they put out.

“Still Alive!” – Pope Francis to Reporter After Being Discharged from Hospital
April 1, 2023

□ [“Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation – Who Approved This?"]

Doesn't matter who approved it, our rulers can ignore the laws all they want.  They're special because they say so.  They don't even have to obey Congress even if it gives them the money.  That's the way they work, or don't work as the case may be.

I see no reason to hope anything good will come out of this.  I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see anything in the way of resistance going on.  In theory, every Republican leader could go after all the Democrat leaders for the same reason, but what are the odds of that?  You'd need someone willing to hold them to the same standards and a Democrat's whole life is about saying those standards don't apply to them.

It's slightly more possible that this will undermine any of the other attempts to get Trump that they're still going with.  But if we're going to live in a banana republic, that doesn't really matter.  They can keep making up as many lies as they want and sooner or later it will work, so long as everyone's willing to take part in it.

Biden Fondles and Sniffs Another Little Girl in Mississippi
April 1, 2023

□ [“Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn"]

This might actually get somewhere.  You'd have to ask these people if molesting children is more or less important than inventing your own gender, but both of them are very high up on their priority list, so this is actually believable that such creatures are the ones going after Trump the most.

Because of that, I do think this is where at least part of the attacks are happening.  Even now, there must be people of high levels who are actually opposed to this demonic behaver, so it's possible that they've been suckered into this trap.  Whatever is going on, I do believe that Trump is the target and everyone knows it, so the goal is to take down the people who are going after him.  I'd like to know more about that and how to support them, but at least something is happening.  [Hire me, I'm cheap!]

So maybe there's progress here.  They're luring in all the child predators.  Ok, that's believable, but it's just going way too slowly.  There needs to be progress and the only way I see that happening is if we just break out of their chains.

It's also possible that these creatures have always gone in for the law - those who aren't grade school teachers - as lawyers or judges, precisely so they can make it legal to do what they want to children.  If our side has an actual scheme to trap these people, I realize that some of them might be able to escape if we reveal that too early, but I just think we need a sign of progress.  If nothing else, those who escape can be named and we'll hunt for them all over the world, while the rest can be executed.  That's pretty straightforward, why not go for that?

NPR Employees Throw Hissy Fit at Meeting After Layoffs – Blame Racism and Transphobia
April 1, 2023

□ [“Arkansas Judge Rules to Shield Hunter Biden’s Financial Records In Child Support Case"]

And speaking of someone whom the laws don't apply to like the rest of us, here's a rich talentless boy who's related to a rich talentless politicians and gets protected by judges for all his abusive behavior.  He's going to give as little money to his baby momma as possible, making the best advertisement for abortion imaginable.

They kinda have to be, they're a lousy argument for rich people being forced to give up their money to pay for the needy children.  Which lines up with how they don't have to follow their own standards, they just impose it on the rest of us.  Hunter could just give his kid all the money he's paid for a painting every month, but...  No, he won't do that and you can't make him.

These people are just puppets and they're being used to show off to the rest of us how the rulers can get away with anything and they'll punish us for any reason they can make up.  It's "revolting" in several ways, so why don't we add one of those to current events?  What do we have to lose, news about Hunter's latest achievements?

Fetterman Leaves Walter Reed After Six Weeks; Video Released of CBS Interview
March 31, 2023

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