20 April, 2023

When I rule the world, the First Lady will be Kelly Bundy!

Brazil’s Security Chief Resigns Abruptly as January 8th Riot Investigation Closes In on Lula’s Team
April 19, 2023

House Republicans Pass Bill to Ban Transgender Athletes in Women and Girls’ Sports
April 20, 2023

□ [“US Residents Stranded in Sudan after Failed Coup Attempt – 'Too Late' for Evacuations"]

Haven't paid close attention but I did know Sudan was having some sort or civil war.  I do have to wonder why we don't have a government that actually does anything to protect its citizens.  Ok, it's an obvious answer, look who our rulers are, but you get the point.  They spend so much time pretending they care so much about us and they always ditch us at the first opportunity.

This goes back at least as far as Rome, your citizens are under your protection wherever they go.  And until a couple years ago, even our rulers agreed with that.  This is the sort of thing everyone should be asking, 'who will you ditch next?'  If they were black, would you abandon them just as quickly?  Or transgender?

Because everything else seems to be connected these days, is this part of the US helping out Iran?  Or following up from Libya, which is right next to Sudan.  Or is this just another part of the worldwide disaster our rulers are imposing, and making Americans suffer from it is just a bonus?

Lawsuit Filed Against Anheuser-Busch Over Racist and Sexist Hiring Policies Company Fails to Define What it Means by ‘Woman’
April 19, 2023

Biden: “Anybody Who Doesn’t Think We Have Global Warming, Hang Out with Me, Man. Travel to Every Major Fire I’ve Been Too”
April 20, 2023

□ [“Rep. Adam Schiff Claims Judiciary Committee Hearing on ‘Victims of Violent Crime in Manhattan’ is Meant to ‘Intimidate’ DA Alvin Bragg"]

How do you intimidate a DA from doing anything about the violent criminals taking up his city?  Or is this one of those 'elite' rules where he can pick political targets and all the victims of violent crimes are out of luck?  I'm guessing it's the latter.  Go out for a walk in NYC without your bodyguards, let us know what happens if you're ever found alive again.

Schiff is deliberately ignoring all the crime victims to do this, that's why he's in charge of Democrats.  That's also why they never need to worry about losing elections ever again.  How dare anybody point out all the violent crime we support, that's racist!!!!

They impose perversion and corruption, using violent thugs to impose their will on the citizens.  Tyranny is their life's work and we need to put an end to that.  We are well into Civil War 2.0 and I really don't get why only their side is organized.

Chicago is Doomed – Mayor Elect Johnson Doubles Down Defending Youth Riots as ‘Silly Decisions’
April 20, 2023

□ [“Woke ESPN to Begin Layoffs Next Week as Part of Disney Cost Cutting Efforts"]

More Disney employees who need to learn to code.  For some reason, there are a number of internet trolls going around insisting that Disney is doing great financially but never have anything to say about all these people losing their jobs.  Healthy companies hire people, unhealthy ones fire them, that's a basic difference.  Are these trolls just spambots or are they real human beings who aspire to be spambots?

One thing I've noticed is that Disney always cares about the characters the most, everyone else can be replaced.  That's probably why they've linked up with Marvel so well.  I'm not sure how that would work for ESPN, I get the basic concept of liking your favorite sports team, but I don't get how that could be expanded to highly-paid people on cameras talking about a sports team.  Well, maybe it can't be expanded, even if you're not *woke,* but why would Disney even try?

I wonder if this is what they're trying to build with the recent problems their biggest franchises are having.  As always, I go back to comics and I've pointed out that Marvel was in bad shape by the mid-70s.  Stan, Jack and Steve were gone, there wasn't any direction, just fanboys trying to repeat the same stories with the same characters they'd grown up with.  That wouldn't be turned around until Chris Claremont's X-Men became successful and Jim Shooter started running the company.  I still think that's what they're going for here, even though I can't imagine how.

But my guess is that's why they're ruining the characters.  There's still modern problems, being *woke,* but face it, Spider-Man can take a lot of damage and still be popular.  This may also explain the way all media seem to be focusing on characters and not anybody else.  The basic concept of telling a story and creating whatever characters are needed for that story and then moving on seems to have vanished.

Criminal Charges Dropped Against Alec Baldwin Over Killing of ‘Rust’ Cinematographer
April 20, 2023

□ [“Unhinged Florida State Rep. Claims Girls Will Cut Off Their Own Breasts If They Can’t Get Sex Change Surgeries"]

And you support that.  You want them mutilated and you don't have the slightest interest in if they survive afterwards, or if they commit suicide.  If I'm ever in charge, anyone who supports this will be mutilated to death.

So ok, fine.  Let them chop themselves up, that's what you want.  Any sane person would be preventing that from ever being an issue but that's not you.  You're already making the argument that these things are no longer human because of your action, so we might as well let them die since they won't be good for anything else in their short lives.  That's not a good way to go but that's what you're pushing for anyway.  And yes, we can start with you.

It's really mindboggling how these people have ever been allowed to get anywhere, much less take charge of us and order mutilation for their followers.  This is a death-worshipping cult and we need to start fighting back against them.  Can't even point to anyone who believes in this and doesn't also believe in global warming.

Biden Pushes Plan for Good Credit Borrowers to Subsidize High Risk Mortgages
April 20, 2023

□ [“White House Reverses Course, Issues Statement Denying Biden Behind Political Interference in Hunter Investigation"]

So there are supposedly investigations going on.  If true, they're just a waste of time.  We already know nobody's going to be caught or punished for anything, unless they vote Republican.  The whole government is full of elitist corruption and it wants more.

It's not even clear what this is about, something about Hunter not paying taxes, but he still has plenty of money so he's fine there.  His father is in charge of the people investigating him and read off the teleprompter that he has nothing to do with it so that's obviously trustworthy.  Rich old white men don't have anything to worry about here and the left agrees.

It's probably just funneling more money to Ukraine so that Americans have less, that's basically a given at this point.  They'll probably attack the whistleblower soon.  Like any banana republic, they need to protect the rulers from the rules they impose on the rest of us.

Ontario Transgender Arrested For Sexually Assaulting Woman In Shelter
April 20, 2023

Office of Special Counsel Finds Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra Violated Federal Hatch Act, Interfered With Election
April 20, 2023

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