18 April, 2023

I am Shirley, and don't think I'm serious.

REI Sporting Goods Store in Portland Closing Due to Rise in Break-Ins and Theft
April 17, 2023

18 People Arrested in New York State for Trafficking the Same Child for Over 7 Years
April 18, 2023

□ [“Climate Cultists Blame Global Warming on Rice"]

Another food they're trying to get rid of, one of the most basic foods in history.  It hasn't killed the earth so far but all of a sudden it now needs to be stopped.  There's already not enough food and they want to ban more because they can.  Rice comes from plants, so what else will they ban next?

Maybe they could point out that non-whites are the ones who depend on rice the most, that would get them more support.  At least according to their own claims of racism.  It's like abortion and shooting people, just point out that blacks do it the most and look how much more support you'd get.

□ [“Gas Prices on the Rise Again But This Time the Strategic Oil Reserves Are Empty"]

And they're still doing this.  It's pretty clear at this point that the intention is to destroy the US and our allies, given that Russia and China and Iran aren't remotely interested in quitting fossil fuels.  They're basically getting us to advertise how horrible we are so the rest of the world will turn to them.

I've always wondered about the Strategic Oil Reserve.  The whole point is that it's not really storing enough to supply the country, or even the military, for very long, so what does it matter?  My guess is that it's setting an example for other fuel producers.  In addition to all the other mindless government regulations, the SOR helps to maintain maximum production most efficiently.  Like I said, that's just a guess, but I can't think of any other purpose for it.  So of course our rulers want it gone.

Biden Mumbles Through Remarks in Rose Garden Speech, Kisses Nancy Pelosi on the Lips
April 18, 2023

Liberal Washington Post Editorial Board Reverses Position on Defunding the Police
April 17, 2023

□ [“Illinois State Senator Defends Violent, Rioting Teens in Chicago: 'It’s a Mass Protest'"]
□ [“Lone White Woman Swarmed and Brutally Attacked by Dozens of Black Teens in Chicago"]

It doesn't look like a protest.  What are they protesting?  Being ruled by Democrats for centuries?  What did this chick have to do with that?  Nothing, she's just a victim created by government policy and their mindless tools.

At least in red states, people would be able to pull out their guns and start shooting before these attackers get close, but this is what Chicago does to itself.  That's why Democrats are going to use fossil fuels to meet there in a year or so to decide who will steal the next elections.  They couldn't do that on the internet, it has to be in person.

None of the leaders are in the slightest danger, only the people who vote for them have to worry.  Of course the criminals themselves aren't in the slightest danger, they're probably getting paid for this.  It's all they know and they obey.

Disneyland Welcomes Children Of All Ages To Gay And Transgender ‘Pride Nite’
April 18, 2023

□ [“Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Refuses Three Times to Answer the Question: What is a Woman?"]

He doesn't know what a woman is and he gets paid to impose policies specifically aimed at women.  A convenient way of avoiding any responsibility for their decisions, they don't know what what they're doing.  Or rather, they do know but they don't want to say that under oath, but he's not willing to admit that.  He'd rather look too stupid to oversee Title IX which covers womens sports than defy his leftism with the truth.

 Some sissy girls-with-vaginas are annoyed by this.  Those who have actual abilities and direction see how much damaging this is to their gender, the one they've been supporting all these decades.  They may even be noticing that they've had the same leaders all this time, the Democrats in power.  This is what you've been working for, ladies, and now you don't get any protection from men.  You're so good at taking care of yourself from big, strong women-with-penises, go for it.

This really does show where civilization come from, recognizing that men are men, women are women and there are no other genders.  Destroying that reality is what our rulers are aiming for, no matter the cost.  It's not going to work out for them but will increase suffering and misery, so that's enough for those in power.

Southwest Airlines Resumes Flights After Nationwide Grounding Due to “Technical Issues”
April 18, 2023

□ [“Speaker McCarthy Says the House GOP Will Increase the Debt Limit and Cut Spending"]

Because he's so trustworthy so far.  They won't cut spending and the debt limit is a pointless rule since it just keeps getting changed.  When this rule was created in 1940, the debt ceiling was 49 billion dollars.  1990 was the last time they even increased it by less than 49 billion and it's been increased many many in the last 80 years.

If the government creates the money, why don't they just print out enough to pay the debt and that'll be that?  I don't get the point of a debt ceiling in the first place but obviously our rulers like it this way, even those who self-identify as Republicans.  This has always been an example of the uniparty-in-action.

And, just a note, Donald Trump has been indicating which side he's on, taking Disney's side against the Florida government, while Don Jr. takes Budweiser's side.  That's a good way to make them look like they've always been part of the uniparty and they just put on a show for the peasants.  If Trump really wants more people to support him, this isn't the way to go, but I need more convincing that he really wants the support.

Budweiser's last Quarterly Earnings Report was February 10, so it won't be long before we find out how well their latest ads have worked out.

Hillary Clinton Trashes Trump, Says He Has “No Chance” Against Biden in 2024 Following Indictment
April 18, 2023

□ [“FDA:  Monovalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Are No Longer Authorized, New Protocols Announced"]

The virus is still going on even though now we're all just waiting for the sequel.  Some poison-vaccines are now not authorized in the US but other poisons are still just fine and everybody should get them.  I don't see any actual reason for this announcement, maybe they've found away to increase deaths from "suddenly."

I'm actually surprised we've even heard about this, there hasn't been much news on the virus/vaccine lately.  There's still deaths from "suddenly" but not much else.  I definitely don't understand why people aren't outraged about this.  They've only just bothered to getting around to ending the so-called pandemic and it's not like anything is better.  You might be allowed to go to a government building without a cloth on your face, that's about it.

With all the practice they've had from this pathetic virus, they're probably quite prepared for when a real one shows up later-this-year or early-next year.  They'd steal elections even without it but China will be ready for their next step and there's the government incompetence and punishing anyone who disagrees.  So what are we going to do about it?

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