04 January, 2024

What's new and miserable today?

Female Boxer Cara Castronuova:  New Transgender Rules “Could Be Life or Death for These Female Athletes
January 4, 2024

□ [“New Star Wars Movie Predicted to Be Disney’s ‘Biggest Flop Yet’ After Clips Expose Director’s Agenda"]

This is actually becoming more interesting than any Star Wars movie since 1983.  I made the comment about the last movie cramming in extra footage of Carrie Fisher as the sort of thing that only Palpatine could come up with, and nothing has changed.  Disney has already ruined the franchise, basically destroying everything George Lucas spent decades being in charge of, and they just want to double down with a Rey movie.

Nobody wants that.  The character wasn't remotely interesting in the previous appearances and the actress has no career beyond that.  Doesn't help the toy sales, doesn't inspire anybody to be interested in a 'war in space,' it's just continuing to mutilate a decrepit corpse.  They aren't even going to profit from this, but they're doing it anyway.

And they're already promoting the director who was chosen only because of her gender and skin color, literally a response to the recent South Park cartoon, 'put a chick in it and make her gay!'  So now comments she's made about wanting to drive away all male fans have come out, and Disney is still doubling down on this.  Who do they expect to pay to see this movie that they're spend hundreds of millions of dollars on?

I'll probably keep using the 'cult of cults' term for this.  It's Disney, it's Star Wars, it's generations of depravity all united in tearing apart what made all of this work.  That is what the Emperor wants.  Interestingly, Palpatine was technically based on Richard Nixon, but it was leftist propaganda of Nixon, nothing to do with the real man.  That's who they've become.  I had a similar reaction when I realized that Thanos was actually the hero of the Marvel movies, he was only defeated for simplicity's sake to sell tickets, but he achieved their goal of 'population reduction.'  This is what Disney is bringing to the world.

Transgender Ohio House Candidate Disqualified for Not Disclosing Birth Name
January 4, 2024

□ [“Joy Behar Reaches New Low, Admits She Doesn’t Believe Voters Should Choose President"]

But they don't!  The Electoral College does!  And they're picked by the states!  If this woman had ever taken grade school civics, she'd know that.  But instead she's a tv star, that's how the cookie crumbles.  This is why the Founding Fathers chose this method which, if she had the capacity for thought, she would realize she's supporting.

This is just demonstrating the left's love for totalitarianism.  Her point is that the voters don't get a say in who's in charge and that's all there is to it.  She definitely won't permit anyone to disagree with her.  As is natural for these people, this goes up to and includes the all-mighty beloved ruler that she supports who also doesn't have to worry what the voters think.

As a person, she's nobody.  I couldn't name the tv show she's on, what network her show is on or recognize her in a line-up.  But she's been installed to promote the leftist elites and oppose anybody else.  That's all the thought she's capable of and she's paid well for this.  It would be very easy to argue that anybody who agrees with her shouldn't be allowed to vote and a majority would probably go along with that.

President Trump Asks Court to Hold Jack Smith in Contempt For Violating Order
January 4, 2024

□ [“High School Shooter in Perry, Iowa Identified – Social Media Tries to Hide His Identity"]

This has been happening quite often these days.  Colorado Springs, Denver, Aberdeen, Nashville and Uvalde all had recent shooters and they all turn out to be trans.  Yet again, this is where our rulers have multiple goals that are all lining up with each other.

They've got the insane working on their side, they're going for population reduction and they know how easy it is to manipulate people who think they can invent new genders.  The whole point of this is to cause chaos and fear, as well as an excuse to ban guns.  But this is where they keep running into a problem that the same psychos are the ones committing these murders.  It's like banning blacks from having guns, which Democrats have long supported.

But to everyone else, it's an example of these insane people who must be permanently removed from society.  It's also an example of how they all serve leftists and why citizens need the ability to defend themselves against leftists.  And anybody else for that matter.  There can be 'cults' with other intentions, but when they start working this is always the intended result.  And that's how leftism works.

Trans Space Force Officer: 'Inclusion Is a National Security Imperative'
January 3, 2024

Biden Calls Millions of Americans “Extremists” in First Campaign Ad of 2024
January 4, 2024

□ [“3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev"]

Haven't paid much attention to this part of the world lately, just building up a bunch of articles I may look at someday.  But this one was noticeable because it shows another example of the world-wide totalitarianism of our rulers, creating more problems for everybody for seemingly no reason.  'We don't care how much our supply and logistics suffers, our priority is a corrupt nation that funnels our money!'

This really is showing that the Russia/Ukraine thing is a complete distraction and an excuse to impoverish the citizens of all western nations.  The militaries have sent all their equipment to Ukraine and are now completely worthless to defend their own nation.  Even if they had equipment, these militaries are all about becoming 'woke' so they're still worthless.

Just a guess, but right now, I'd say this was always the plan and Russia was totally in on it with the western rulers.  The rulers of Ukraine probably went along with it too, since it's not like they'd be risking anything.  I'm a bit more wary if all the other wars raging around the planet were caused for the same reason - not to mention the other ones getting ready - but it's very possible and given everything else our rulers are doing, very believable.

Bill Clinton Threatened Vanity Fair For Writing Sex Trafficking Pieces On ‘Good Friend’ Jeffrey Epstein
January 4, 2024

□ [“'Most People Understand That Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself' Mark Epstein On His Brother’s ‘Suicide’"]

So will this go anywhere?  My gut reaction is no, it won't.  People will just shrug and watch their lives getting worse, that's just how the world works now.  It will definitely get a lot of attention, but that's probably distraction, given that the law enforcement agencies *could* have done something about all the people they knew hung out with Epstein.

But it is yet another problem our rulers have thrown on us, in addition to the economy, the war and all the rest.  Just the fact that all these problems happened immediately after they got rid of the Bad Orange Man, whom they're still trying to go after with very little success, shows how they operate.  Anyone with a working memory can recall that life was easier just a few years ago and has only gotten worse because of our rulers.

So it's possible this could be another step towards people who've had enough of this and are finally willing to fight back.  I keep saying our rulers are prepared for that, and they probably are.  But then, that may be why nobody has been willing to do anything so far, and they never will be.  At some point, society is going to collapse, that's a given.  I'm just surprised that it hasn't happened yet, but it's unfortunately believable that the population has been permanently trained to be docile until then.  I would very much like to be proven wrong on this.

Nikki Haley Said Americans Shouldn't Call Illegal Aliens ‘Criminals’, 'They're Not,' It’s ‘Disrespectful’
January 4, 2024

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