14 February, 2024

Roses self-identify as red, violets are racist.

Climate Activists Dump Red Powder on US Constitution in National Archives Rotunda – Police Stand Around and Watch
February 14, 2024

□ [“House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner Sounds Alarm: We Have Access to Information on a 'Serious National Security Threat'"]

More serious than the millions of invaders you've brought in?  And their slaves and child trafficking?  More serious than China's last unrestricted aerial attack?  More serious than all the access to bioweapons we've given Russia?  Maybe Russia is finally going to complete the takeover of Ukraine, having delayed enough so that we're guaranteed to send money for five years and any POTUS who refuses will be impeached.

My guess is they'll either blame Russia for something, or this is just more rhetoric to keep people distracted so our rulers can get what they want.  Pretending for the sake of argument this is serious, will we even notice at this point?  It's so serious they couldn't even be bothered to say what the threat is.  Oh yeah, that's believable.

I'm pretty sure it's the distraction, nothing more.  A real threat would be made public so people can protect themselves or it wouldn't need to be mentioned so we can get on with our lives.  I'm sure there are real threats and when was the last time you heard of one that mattered?  Probably not since the virus and maybe not even for a while before that.  If something's really happening, Congress will be the last to know.

Delta Flight From Amsterdam to Detroit Forced to Turn Around After Maggots Began Falling on Passengers
February 14, 2024

□ [“Nikki Haley Comes Clean, Brags on Today Show:  'I’m Not Loyal to Anyone!  I Don’t Do That.'"]

So where's you get that ring on your finger?  Not loyal to the guy who's last name you're using, that sounds like a modern woman.  Which is not a good way to run for political office, but at least it's honest, have to give her that.  She'll betray people who voted for her without hesitation.

So is she still trying to keep going just to get herself a high-paid figurehead position somewhere - with leftists of course, because everyone else knows she won't be loyal - or is this part of some plan and they really believe they'll take Trump down somehow, unlike how they've failed for the last seven years?  Not sure.  If she has anything worth paying for, she could get that new job now.

Out of curiosity, what happens if Trump gets taken out permanently?  Maybe with a fake court decision or he's old, he might drop dead any second anyway.  If that happens, who will the replacement be for the next stolen election?  I highly doubt it would be Nikki Haley but that said, Republicans are in as bad a shape as Democrats and don't even have election theft to work with.

Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention After Senate's Open Border Legislation Fails
February 14, 2024

□ [“Chuck Schumer Says Questions About Biden’s Mental Acuity Are Just ‘Right Wing Propaganda’"]

Schumer's in his mid-70s, old people tend not to notice how bad their friends look because it makes them wonder about themselves.  Besides that, there's still the need for propaganda.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in great shape too, look how that worked out.  Then there's Francisco Franco...

It is noteworthy that he has to address the issue at all, but doing this means he's just showing off how untrustworthy he is about everything.  Your own eyes can see the shape Biden's in and to lie about it like this is moronic.  A more sensible response would be to say yes, you can certainly see problems on the clips run by the state media, and more if you look elsewhere, but to those who've known Biden for decades, like Schumer has, he's still the same, great, awesome, all that stuff.

But that's not how our rulers roll.  Not only do they refuse to acknowledge the truth, not only do they proclaim themselves to decide what the truth is, but they use it as an excuse to attack whoever they don't like.  Biden's own words show that he doesn't know when he stopped being Veep, that's not right-wing propaganda, but Schumer is just projecting his own propaganda.

NCAA Official Resigns Over Trans Policies in Women’s Sports: “Authorized Cheating”
February 14, 2024

□ [“Mar-a-Lago Raid Targeted 'Missing Top-Secret Binder' Revealing CIA and Foreign Allies’ Role in Russia Collusion Hoax"]

Something seems to be coming out about this, although I must admit I don't get the point.  Today I heard something in passing about Bill Clinton's so-called run-in with Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport tarmac, after which she immediately decided that Hillary's unsecure private server containing classified information wasn't a crime.  When was the last time anybody remembered that?

In some ways, this is all looking like a planned plot, and I mean it in a fictional sense, from a book or movie.  Much of this info was already public and a lot more could be if those in the know bothered to tell us.  Just looking up what I wrote years ago about the Loretta Lynch meeting, I discovered that I had mentioned Anthony Weiner having a laptop with a lot of important info too.  Still more lost for all time.

But that's also why I'm getting annoyed by all this, more than usual.  The rulers obviously have a plan, and hopefully there's someone on our side who also has a plan, and they were aiming for 2024.  The point is that the year will end with one side getting everything they want.  But who's seriously willing to put these things together and work out the puzzle?  Just get it over with.

As to the intelligence agencies around the world collaborating on something like this, it's not surprising.  They're all trying to build the 'new world order,' and if someone gets in their way, squash them.  This particular incident might be relevant at some point, but it's not that interesting on its own.

General Syrsky Takes Charge And Ukraine Continues To Falter
February 14, 2024

□ [“Illegal Alien Arrested and Released for Attack on NYPD Officers Arrested Again for Macy’s Robbery"]
□ [“New York City Considering Banning Laundry Pods to Save the Environment"]

You can beat up cops and not worry about being punished, but buying laundry pods is too much.  That's what the rulers want everybody to know.  So it's probably acceptable to beat up the police who try to arrest you for using laundry pods, or smuggling them in from out of state, or bribing government officials so they'll ignore your smuggling ring.  Have they really worked this through?

And where do they expect to find police, or anyone else, who will go along with this?  This is like a blatant call for mindless thugs to join the rulers and impose their will on everybody else.  It's not like they have to worry about voters turning against them, but who's going to protect them from their own thugs?  They're rich so they can get real security agents, but then those men will be able to make the decisions.

And this is just one city that's guaranteed to be ruled by leftists forever, how do they expect this to apply to other cities or states?  Their delusion of saving the world is what's actually destroying, yet somehow they've gotten to the point where they'll be the last ones to know.

Penn State Professor Charged with Animal Cruelty After Being Caught Having Sex with His Pet Dog
February 14, 2024

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