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30 December, 2024
I really did have a post yesterday, I just fell asleep before I pushed 'publish.' And that's the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my entire life.
Warren Upton, oldest living survivor of Pearl Harbor, age 10520241226
Jimmy Carter, President, age 10020241229
Linda Lavin,
, Broadway actress, age 87
Cuba Importing Sugar, a Resource It Was Once Famed For Producing
December 29, 2024
□ [“At the Brink of Being Ousted From Power, PM Trudeau Sends Ministers to Mar-A-Lago To Negotiate"]
It's not clear what there is to negotiate. Border security and Trump's threatened tariffs, but I'm not sure what Canada could do other than give in. Didn't Trudeau go to Mar-a-Lago a week or so ago, that should have solved everything.
It's Canada, so everybody should ignore it, but it is also a neighbor to the only country that matters. Trudeau is desperate about something and I doubt it's about the border and the tariffs. Those sorts of things could be handled by standard international relations, even though Canada's options are still to either give in totally or not give in at all. So I suspect they're talking about something that's always been kept secret from the commoners.
I think this is also why Canada and a number of European nations are having such problems with the people in charge. Whether Trump gets credit for inspiring it or just riding the wave, western civilization in general seems to have reached a point where we're all tired of our leftist tyrant. We can remove them thought a vote or a mob at the door, but either way, we want them gone.
Which leads me to what I suspect Trudeau is really trying to negotiate about, which probably has to do with globalism and the self-appointed world government. Trump suddenly has authority among them which he wasn't supposed to, they've had four years assuming he'd never be back, so they've been able to push the *woke* agenda, human trafficking and serving China. Now Trump is able to use that against them and they're much more vulnerable.'
This sort of thing is probably where Trump's negotiating skills really shine. I'm still pessimistic, even on the chance we'll ever find out what this is about, but at least this sort of thing comes off as positive.
French Intel Chief Says Muslim Brotherhood is Working to Turn the Country Into an Islamic Caliphate
December 29, 2024
□ [“Democrats Are Failing Hard at Winning Over the Normies"]
This could be the biggest benefit Trump has to society and I still can't figure out if he's responsible or just riding the waves. He'd never been a politician so in 2016, they just whined about Hillary. They had to set up everything they could to get rid of him in 2020, stealing the election with a fake-virus as an excuse, and then though they'd be able to jail him for whatever accusations they made up. Now a majority of sensible voters wanted a return to what he had brought, symbolically or for real, so who are Democrats left with?
The *woke* idiots. And 'bots, illegal immigrants, 'new world order' elites, but really, they just have the mindless left to work with. Even before the election when I was convinced they'd easily steal everything, I pointed out that a 99% pro-Biden vote in a fair election, the 1% would still be the competent ones who could actually do something. Of course thinking like this goes back at least as far as Ayn Rand, whom Trump has said he's a fan of. Don't remember where and not sure it's believable, but I'm positive that he did say that at some point.
The left are collectivists, heart and soul. They can't produce anything, they can only seize from others. I've also said for a long time that the term 'right-wing' is just used for convenience, it's actually the center. It's about giving the individual maximum freedom and responsibility for their own lives. That's why the government should be minimalized and identify politics should be ignored. These people have taken over the Democratic Party - and too much of the Republican Party - so that's why they have nothing to work with and no clue where to go now.
Effectively, collectivists are drones following the queen bee, which means that she's the only one coming up with any plans. It gets even more chaotic because, as much as they wish otherwise, each of them is also an individual, which they need to ignore and erase. But that isn't possible, so they wind up in individual messes which build on each other to lead to what they're facing now.
For decades, they've been trying to push everyone to focus on the party's agenda, so they can't back-up from that. If they focus on local or state issues, they'll ignore the national, so the party can't grow. An individual politician might become popular but would get promoted before they've earned it, making success at the higher level almost as damaging to the party as failure. As an example, Gavin Newsom can't get votes outside of California, so what would happen if the party nominates him for the next POTUS candidate? Or just puts him in charge of the DNC?
The party can't come back as a whole unless they reject some of their cornerstone beliefs, which would turn away even more people. Even there, it's impossible for sane people to come up with any specific suggestions. We can't fathom how they got to this point, so there's no way to work out a way to fix things. The party that doesn't believe in abortion is doing better with young people, how do you fix that and still demand maximum taxpayer-funded abortion? The taxpayers don't get a say? Because *democracy!!!*?
Now that Jimmy Carter's dead, the only living POTUS we have are Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump. You can pretend Biden was POTUS if you really want to, but do you really believe he's still alive?20241229
Homelessness Soared 18% in 2024
December 27, 2024
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI):”We Have to Know the Truth” About Vaccines, “Right Now We Don’t”
December 29, 2024
□ [“Trump Expresses Support for H-1B Visa Worker Program"]
Something weird is going on here because we don't have enough problems yet. The guy who's all about keeping invaders out suddenly wants to give a break to some foreign workers. Near as I can tell, that mostly covers engineers from India, which may be why Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are so in-favor of it, to the point that they're very insulting about Americans who disagree with them.
Uh, no. They can stay in India and learn this. Otherwise you might as well bring in Nikki Haley for the win. The fact that Trump is going along with this - assuming he's serious and this isn't some other plan - isn't a good thing. This is the type of thing that keeps me from being a full supporter and remain skeptical about a lot of his decisions. Does he side with the American people or the Indian billionaires he appoints to his administration?
If there's a convincing argument to be made for this visa program, fine, spend some time working on that. But it should be shut off on day one just like the southern border. Stop the bleeding first, then fix the problem. Indians don't get to be an exception to the rule because you're just going to find more exceptions.
Musk did come out a bit later and sounded a little more sensible, offering some clarification and suggestions. That's fine, but he already said “Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.” Not someone who needs to be taken seriously, regardless of his wealth, but he's got Trump's ear. So he's bringing in more to worry about.
Democrats Lobbying For Biden to Pardon IRS Contractor Who Stole and Leaked Trump’s Tax Returns
December 29, 2024
Elton John Rips Apart America and Canada Legalizing Marijuana, ‘Greatest Mistakes of All Time’
December 30, 2024
□ [“White House to Give Another $2.5 Billion to Ukraine After a $1.25 Billion Donation on Friday"
Where the hell are they getting this money and why the hell isn't anyone trying to stop them? At this point, I take it as a given that this is about funneling money to leftist allies around the world, and I'll assume Russia gets a share until there's proof otherwise. And why isn't Trump publicly complaining about this?
Then there's the way they're cleaning out the US military stockpile of weapons and equipment. Probably the rest of Europe too, although they don't matter as much. But this hasn't effected the war. Russia is still moving in, taking as much as it wants and leftist peaceniks have no objection, at least not enough to actually go fight the war they claim to support. This is what shows how none of this is going along with the narrative our rulers have pushed out on us for the last three years.
□ [“'I Am Not Your Servant' Slovakia Slams Zelensky for Stopping Russian Gas Transit to Europe, Threatens To Cut Electricity Supplies to Ukraine"]
What we don't see is the damage being done to our governments and elites. As Biden is doing, they've been laundering money through Ukraine for a long time. Different people in different nations have problems with this so the cracks are growing. NATO members are starting to see that the US will turn against them to support someone else. It's going to get worse, and it looks like the elites are trying to set Trump up to have no way to fix anything.
U.S. Treasury Department Hacked in Cyber Attack Launched by China
December 30, 2024
□ [“Guardian Angels Announce Return to NYC Subway Patrols in Response to ‘Sky-High’ Crime"]
The government isn't doing its job, they're either deliberately siding with criminals or are just too lazy and stupid to do anything. Probably the former, they're never incompetent about things that damage the populous and we've heard about numerous attacks on the NYC subway.
Government really needs to start thinking about what they're doing because they're driving people away. It only works if we all collectively agree on these rules like you can't set people on fire on the subway and government is avoiding this. Once people start ignoring them, that's it, and then what is there to look for help from?
If we're lucky, former police and military will step forward and be willing to enforce societal order. Otherwise it's going to be the gangs, backed by the illegal invaders Democrats have brought into our borders. We see this in Europe where large sections are now Muslim territory. I don't think Americans want that to happen here, even leftists, but if they did, what would they be doing differently?
Even worse is how these Democrat-run locations haven't learned anything from the election. There is no incentive to start acting like they give a damn what happens to the citizens they're supposed to protect. It's possible they may even justify it by saying 'Trump voters deserve to suffer,' and they'll do whatever they can to make that happen. They don't see how that's going to erase government altogether, and not in the standard right-wing way. It will be much more... permanent.
Team Trump Orders All Cabinet Nominees to Stop Social Media Posting Ahead of Confirmation Hearings
December 30. 2024
□ [“Trump Endorses Unpopular House Speaker Mike Johnson for Speaker in Surprising Move"]
You see what Trump does? He's supposed to be wiping out the deep state, not supporting one of them in one of the most powerful positions in DC. He's at a point where he could pick anyone he wants to be speaker and he sticks with Johnson? That just sounds horrible. Remember that thousand-page trillion-dollar spending bill he pushed out to the House to vote on immediately?
I've heard an argument that the speaker is needed to certify the election results. Even if that's the case, there's no reason it has to be Johnson. At this point, it would probably be better if they just fight it out amongst themselves and everybody begs for Trump's endorsement. That just seems like a better way to get things done.
As with the 'H1B visa' issue, this just comes off as another example of Trump doing the opposite of what he's claimed to stand for all this time, and it's not like he has to worry about losing future elections. At this point, it's almost like there's an impersonator making various comments, but only at certain times. I've had similar suspicions about Biden-impersonators, and the main argument against was that they were still just as senile and incoherent. With Trump, it's like they're deliberately contradicting Trump. No clue what anyone would do this, but it's not totally unbelievable.
Appeals Court Upholds E Jean Carroll’s $5 Million Judgment Against Trump
December 30, 2024
Leftist journalist Matt Yglesias is getting closer to realizing the hoax the rulers are imposing on us, with help from the media. But he's still missing the obvious point that if you don't know who the mark is, you're the mark.
"I thought Joe Biden was going to prove his doubters wrong at the big debate. I know that ever since that humiliation the whole world thinks the entire media was in on a massive coverup, but the fact is many of us (and seemingly many members of his team) genuinely thought the situation was better than it was. In a lot of ways it's more embarrassing to have been gullible and wrong when so many people with no sources and no inside info could see it clearly, but that's what happened - I was just wrong about one of the big questions of the year."
He's admitting his ignorance and how easy he is to manipulate, and by extension, everyone else in the media. We saw Biden's senility for years and we never had to deal with him on a regular basis for all that time. First of all it shows how idiotic the media is. Second of all it shows that they only get this access to the elite because they're so easy to control. Third of all they're the tools the rulers use to silence anyone else who points out the truth. Fourth of all they try to cover for themselves by being so close to the ruling class against the rest of us peasants.
So if they're willing to go this far to deny reality and claim Biden is healthy and has a working brain, what else have they pushed out to the masses that is just as false? And what people that he trusts have done the exact same thing? This is where the cracks in the Democrat party are getting much bigger yet are still below surface level. They can't have this sort of discussion in public.
Unfortunately it means the rulers probably know exactly how to keep them in line. The only hope is that they're as willing to get things wrong as the media are, denying it to themselves and pushing down on the agenda. But either way, they're going to have to figure out how to explain things to the rest of us and we already know they're lying, even if they don't.
A female reporter on CBS
Face the Nation
had similar comments. It's only taken them two months since the election to start acknowledging this is a problem, five months since Biden dropped out of the campaign.
“Dumb F*cking Idiots – Stupid MAGA Brain” Don Lemon's Profanity-Laced Tirade on Trump Supporters
December 30, 2024
□ [“Box Office Humiliation: Turns Out People Care About J-Lo’s Movie as Much as Her Kamala Endorsement"]
Apparently she has a new album which wasn't much more successful than this movie. Not sure how this works, I've heard exactly one J. Lo song and (looking it up) that came out 22 years ago. She's not 'Jenny from the block,' if she ever was. But she was P. Diddy's girlfriend so she has something else going for her, I guess.
But this is an indication that a lot of people have turned away from pop culture. She's been a big enough celebrity for a long time, you'd think there'd be a certain number of fans who stick with her, yet they've gone somewhere else. We can see this with the low success rate of movies this year, only 12 movies have made over $400 million worldwide. 18 in 2023, 14 in 2022 and 12 in 2021. That was after the fake-virus, so it took a while to get people back into theaters, but then, tickets were probably cheaper back then so they had to sell a lot more to make the same amount.
This is another deep cut going through Hollywood and popular culture in general. They hate to admit it but they're nothing without an audience. The last century of product still exists, usually in physical form - dvds, cds, books, comics - and you could spend the rest of your life going through all the stuff that's actually good instead of modern *woke* garbage.
Some celebrities have realized that they need to shut the hell up about pushing leftism, others are still dazed at what happened. But there's still the music, movies and other product they've been preparing for years on the assumption that Trump would be jailed or executed by now. What are they supposed to do about this?
Air Canada Flight Catches Fire During Crash Landing at Halifax Airport
December 30, 2024
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