02 February, 2025

But no one ever tells us how close the objects in the front mirror are. What are they trying to hide from us?

United Airlines Passengers Evacuated After Wing on Flight Bursts into Flames Before Takeoff in Houston, Texas
February 2, 2025

□ [“Anti-ICE Protestors Block Major Portions of Los Angeles Freeway"]

I'm guessing they haven't lost anything from the fires or are in any danger from the ones that are still going, although it is possible some of their important documents have been burnt so they can't be used as evidence.  And as always, these people clearly don't have jobs they need to get to, this is what they're paid for.  It's also obvious that they don't think California has enough problems right now, so they'll add more.

This is the first public appearance of the new 'resistance' movement, which is obviously just a sequel to BLM and OWS, probably including a lot of the same people.  The state and city government will be fully supportive of the fight for illegal invaders.  But this still seems stupid on several levels.

First of all, California is having other problems.  People who lost their homes or at risk of losing their homes or have friends and family who lost their homes, or any of those people who have lost their jobs, are not really in a mood to have the freeway taken over by this rabble.  Either declare them to be your slaves or let them go on with their lives without having anything to do with you.  There's no third option.  The gang members are going to be armed and have no reason to restrain themselves.

Second of all, I assume it'll happen elsewhere at some point, Chicago and NYC being the most obvious places, but it says something that LA is the only place bothering with this.  Can't find enough hired protestors to go out across the country this weekend?  This is showing the 'cultural shift' we've been seeing for the last three months and it's not going to favor the protestors.  This is the mentality that just breaks things down for its own sake and pretends to care about others as an excuse.

Third, this really is showing Californians what they look like to the rest of the world and if there's anybody sane in the state, provides more evidence that this is a bad thing.  How do you decide 'I'm not going to vote, I'm not going to city council meetings, I'm not even going to stand on the borders to keep Trump supporters out of this state, I'm just going to sit on a freeway and that will convince people to agree with me'?

As I said, I'm sure there will be more of these sprouting up, and it is a signal of 'resistance.'  I spent the last four years advocating resistance but I wanted us to go on strike.  Nothing to show off to the media, just letting the enemy tyrants see what it's life without the competent and rational Americans.  Which these protestors could never do so this is what they're reduced to.  I hope they're armed because they're going to need protection soon.

Woke Canadian Psychologist Arrested for Child Pornography, Promptly Released Back Onto Street
February 2, 2025

□ [“Trump Executive Order Requires Agencies to Eliminate 10 Existing Regulations for Every New One"]

I was hoping he'd do something like this.  I also hope he's including spending in a policy like this.  Like it or not, things are going to happen all of a sudden, it's just not possible to keep cutting stuff and never see a reason to add it.  This regulation is a way to handle that.  If you need to spend money in a way the organization hasn't had to before, make sure enough other spending has been cut to account for it.

With this executive order, it cuts regulations to make things simpler for the public, the customers and the ones who pay for this.  It will also make it easier for the organization to accomplish their task, meaning fewer employees are needed, which cuts costs even further, and benefits the citizens.  I'm sure it's not a remotely original idea, but I've been wishing for a long time that government would do something like this.  And here we are.

It will also show off how idiotic leftists are.  They're going to keep calling Trump a tyrant even as he reduces his own authority and the whole executive branch.  Don't know how long it will last but at the moment he's got enough influence that Congress could make some/many of these simplifications permanent.  It would make life easier, government less intrusive and taxes lower, the whole point of America.  So of course leftists oppose that.

They might try to re-install these regulations in blue states, but that's not going to work very well.  Their own voters will have problems with it and companies will have more incentive to move to a freer state.  Whatever else there is to say about Trump, he's obviously capable of thinking several steps ahead.

Subcontractor Files $40 Million Lawsuit Against Obama Presidential Center Engineering CCompany for Racial Discrimination
February 2, 2025

□ [“Buttigieg Blames Trump for Helicopter-Plane Collision; His FAA Rejected 1,000 ATC Applicants Because of DEI"]

I think this is the first one of Biden's parasites we've heard of in the last few weeks.  He's spent most of his life around leftist elites and failed his way upwards, nothing more but two terms as mayor of a city with barely 100 thousand people to show anyone wants him in charge.  But he's already ran for POTUS once and is guaranteed to try again unless something happens.  Like Bernie Sanders, he gives the impression of being more about setting the agenda for everyone else whether or not he actually wins.

We saw that with the Transportation Department where the FAA was short on people when he came in and stayed that way.  But he promoted DEI and gays and took a lot of vacations, so that was worth the money.  Never mind all the plane crashes happening with him in charge.  But only now is he saying anything about it, because it's always Trump's fault.

We will see more of these parasites, although it's not clear how many will go public to get attention and how many will stay in the shadows with those who are actually in charge of the party.  They're trying to resort to the rhetoric of four years ago, Trump's first term, and I really don't think it's going to work that well.  As leftists (gays, DEI, elites) they really don't realize how tired people are of this rhetoric and we're not going to back down.  Things can be fixed, God willing, but they have to get out of the way.  One way or another, that's what going to happen.

The Air Force Academy Finally Drops ‘Diversity’ Minor
February 2, 2025

□ [“NYC Raises Toll Prices for Law-Abiding After Failing to Collect Billions from Toll Cheats"]

They aren't going to waste time and money trying to enforce the law, they'll just keep increasing the price for those who obey.  It's obviously cheaper to disobey the law so they're just going to get more of that.  Not only is this going to help reinforce Trump's goal of getting the government out of our lives, but the city will encourage criminal groups which can provide 'ghost plates' which let them sneak in, or other underground movements for the same effect.

The rulers are just assuming everyone is rich enough to pay these bills, they certainly aren't concerned about the working class.  And anyway, they can all be forced on the trains like cattle.  This is definitely the way leftism operates, although I'm curious if this is just the nature of big cities.  Supply and logistics are so much bigger that there's just more room for leftists who contribute nothing worthwhile and a government who demands an ever-bigger share of the money.

Being delusional, they're just going to keep doubling down.  No one along the line will admit they're causing all the problems, it's always someone Republican's fault.  No idea how accurate the voting rolls are or how many New Yorkers actually voted for Trump, but this is just going to push more people to his side.

Wonder how long it will be before there's a theatrical play (or movie, tv show) set in a workplace or romantic comedy or something basic, and the climax is where the main character mentions that he voted for Trump.  Probably wouldn't be permitted on Broadway but might get some more attention off-Broadway.  Or youtube.  Maybe I'm just fantasizing but that could be very entertaining, especially to see the leftist reaction.

Newly-Elected DNC Vice-Chair David Hogg Wants to Abolish ICE, Defund the Police, and Designate NRA as a Terrorist Group
February 2, 2025

James Carville Throws Kamala Harris Under the Bus: ‘Couldn’t Put Together a Sentence’
February 1, 2025

□ [“Kanye West’s Wife Shows Up to Grammys Red Carpet Completely Nude – They Get Kicked Out!"]

Gee, what sort of husband would want to make sure everyone sees his wife naked in public?  What kind of wife would obey that?  As always, I assume most/all celebrities have their own cults and events like these is where the cults have to interact, so Kanye's just showing off what he's got , at least what he can do to others.

For convenience, I just say this is Hollywood although obviously it encompasses more than that.  They need to pretend to be civil, which will lead to people defying this, as we see from Kanye.  This was probably agreed on by everyone before it happened, they're just putting on a show.  They're the ones who make the decisions, the rest of us just obey, as we see from Mrs. Kanye.  It must take a lot of effort to prevent this from basically being demon worship and I doubt any of these celebrities are willing to put that much effort into it.  Kanye hasn't worked much with P. Diddy, that surprises me.

Their city's in flames but that's not important now, look at this naked soulless woman.  This is the resistance movement they intend to impose on the rest of us.  It shows how far away they are from reality, and indicates what Hollywood has been aiming towards all these decades.  They can't appeal to anybody, they can just waste time and money pretending they know what's best for everyone, and are always surprised at how that doesn't work out.

“I Don’t Know Where All This Money Is” – Zelensky Says Ukraine Only Received $75 Billion of $177 Billion in U.S. Aid
February 2, 2025

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