28 February, 2025

What did I tell you about setting yourself on fire? Seriously, I can't remember and I kinda need that right now.

"Doc, what happens to us in 2015?  Do we die?"  "No, you and Jennifer grow old together.  It's Thanos, Marty!  Something has got to be done about Thanos!"20250228

Trump to Sign Executive Order Declaring English The Official Language of United States
February 28, 2025

□ [“Kathleen Kennedy: 'I am not retiring.  I will never retire from movies.  I will die making movies'"]

The internal conflict continues.  I still think the announcement a couple days ago was a deliberate attempt by Disney to get rid of her.  Just the massive universal response of being glad she was leaving should have been enough.  For rational people, it would have been, but then if there were any at Disney, they'd have fired her a long time ago.

Her contract expired last year, it's not clear why she's still around now, but she'll stay until the end of this year.  Even then, according to her, she'll stay around making movies.  She has nothing interesting to say about this, just the same thing she says about everything, regardless of how big of a failure it is.  She isn't asked about any of those failures.

Her comment about leaving being '100% her decision' stuck out for me though.  This indicates that she has some authority which is not part of normal business routine.  *THAT'S* why she hasn't been fired after all these failures.  The fans spent forty years wanting a Han Solo movie and it probably takes some work to make a total bomb out of a movie starring a white man, but she made it happen.

When asked about the chaos caused by the reaction to the announcement that she was leaving, she responds "There has never been any chaos because we know exactly what the plan is."  Normally I would assume that means she's part of a demon-worshipping cult who's goal was always to destroy everything Lucasfilm did.  But Kennedy doesn't strike me as making long-term plans, hence all the announcements for Star Wars movies she's made in the last decade that never went anywhere.  If she immediately retires tomorrow, she'll probably say that was always the plan.

Pope Francis’ Health Takes a Turn for the Worse With Breathing Crisis – Pontiff Put On Ventilator
February 28, 2025

□ [“Top Biden Aide:  We 'Gaslit' America About Biden's Mental Fitness, a Problem On 'Day One'"]

Cracks are forming even at the highest levels.  A couple days ago, CNN’s Jake Tapper promoted his book about how Biden's senility was covered up by the people around Biden, not the media.  Sure, he went on record as telling his audience that Biden was in great shape, but that's just because he believed the lies he was told.  He actually dealt with Biden so he couldn't see any of that, it was the rest of us who never dealt with Biden in person that saw the obvious problems.

Now, White House aide and Jill's press secretary Michael LaRosa says they knew it and hid it from the public.  Whoever was actually in charge oversaw everything Biden did to make sure nothing could go wrong.  He actually does use the phrase "gaslighting."  They knew they were lying and went ahead with it for years.

So what's this about?  Obviously Biden's done, nobody cares what he says, but putting out differing perspectives now about this seems strange.  The media is blaming the Biden administration and LaRosa is taking the blame.  The media would have to be involved, but he's describing the White House staff being the ones who kept pushing this.  Even Biden didn't, he always loved going out to deal with media, but now he was held down.  Of course he wasn't capable of showing authority or making decisions on the matter, he just obeyed.

Trump, being Trump, has made sure to throw in the cocaine that was found in a White House locker in 2023, saying it belonged to Biden or Hunter.  If the latter, ok, we could expect that, but if Biden just took coke as a normal thing, that does suggest something else was going on backstage, for him and probably everybody he's worked with for decades.  More tiny hints that something about our elites is going to be exposed.

Maryland Democrats Want to Install Condom Vending Machines in Public Schools, Including Preschools
February 28, 2025

□ [“FBI Director Kash Patel and Pam Bondi Release Statement Requesting Full Jeffrey Epstein Documents"]

This is "phase one" which, as MCU fans know, will lead to the Avengers.  But they're being more dramatic about this, the Epstein files were a disaster.  The version I've heard, which I hope is true, is that the Southern District of New York defied the order to send in all the files.  They sent in documents that are limited and edited.  Since Bondi had promised a release, she basically had no other option but to give several right-wing internet reporters printed copies and leave it at that.

One reason I'd like to go with this narrative is because the SDNY has been causing other problems and it does represent the sort of problems we face with our elites.  As an example, the SDNY is defying the federal government to hide information of Jeffrey Epstein, they are also currently prosecuting P. Diddy.  One of the SDNY prosecuting Diddy is the daughter of James Comey, who used to run the SDNY.

Comey investigated Bill Clinton for the pardon of Marc Rich.  He had already been deputy counsel for the Senate committee investigating the Clintons for Whitewater.  As Deputy Attorney General, he made sure to weaken domestic surveillance and enhanced interrogation in those respective scandals.  Obama appointed him FBI director to spread what we now see as the *woke* agenda about how helpless blacks are and to investigate Hillary's use of an unsecure private scanner for classified documents.  He made sure to protect Anthony Weiner before the 2016 election and even wrote a public op-ed about how Russia was attacking the US.

I was surprised at how many political events Comey had been part of when I looked it up, I even left out a few of them because they weren't relevant.  And now his daughter is installed in his footsteps and covering for Epstein and P. Diddy, in the same legal district Trump came from, Southern New York, which has gone after him a time or two.

I don't know where this is going, but just the connection with Comey and the Clintons indicates that it could be bigger than Epstein or Diddy.  Or the government could just find them all innocent and move on.  But Bondi and Patel are at least presenting themselves as going after SDNY for this.  Not sure what they'll do or how much of it we'll get to see, but this may be why James Carville and other leftists have suddenly announced that the next few weeks will be crucial.

FL Police Chief “Don’t Arrest Illegals”, Refuses To Work With ICE
February 28, 2025

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Actress Michelle Trachtenberg Found Dead in Her NYC Apartment, Age 39
February 26, 2025

□ [“Trump and Vance Team Up On Ungrateful Zelensky Inside the White House"]

One way or another, this is going to get the Russia/Ukraine thing one step closer to an end.  Zelensky came in to sign the rare metal rights over to the US in return for keeping Ukraine around to fight Russia.  But they got into an argument.  It started off when Trump insulted Zelensky's outfit, because he dresses more like Fidel Castro, without the military.  I can't believe I'm criticizing someone for *not* wearing a suit, but if you're going to beg for money and weapons, wear what the people giving them to you want you to wear.

Haven't watched any of the video, but what transcripts I've seen, it looks like Trump and Vance were just putting it out that Zelensky had no hope without them so he'd better start acting decent.  My guess is they knew how Zelensky would react, so they weren't surprised that it didn't end well.  They point out Ukraine is out of men to fight this war, making demands like this and refusing to sign a cease fire is a bad idea and he came to the US last year to campaign for their opponent, so he should be a little nicer.

"We’re trying to solve a problem.  Don’t tell us what we’re going to feel because you’re in no position to dictate that."  I like that line.  I'm actually tempted to watch some of the video.  The deal for metals was not signed, Zelensky was kicked out and he's going to need to censor this video from Ukrainians or they might start asking if they can have an election.

The deal wasn't signed and Trump is now considering shutting off all military supplies to Ukraine.  Marco Rubio has already cut off US support for Ukraine's power grid, which USAID was giving them for some reason.  If you didn't want any part of the Russia/Ukraine thing, or if you just didn't support Ukraine, this is a lot of evidence why we shouldn't be involved.  If you do want to support Ukraine, this is an example of why you should get a gun and head out there, because they really need your help.

This may have been why Trump offered the metals deal, to bring Zelensky in.  It's certainly why he made sure the meeting was filmed live.  He gets to show off his negotiation ability, Zelensky shows how he's not capable of that, and there's no agreement to be made here.  We never saw Joe Biden or Kamala Harris doing things like this, wonder why.

John Lawlor, The Facts of Life and Newhart actor, age 8320250213

India’s First Transgender Clinic Shuts Down After Losing USAID Funding, ‘No Hope of Resuming’
February 28, 2025

□ [“Today Is 'Feb 28 Democrat Boycott'; Angry Leftists Promise to Stay Home and Not Shop"]

Nobody's even going to notice.  There isn't going to be any notable decrease in shopping.  It's possible some media might lie about it but even there, the sales will be better the day before and after anyway.  They're leftists, it would be easy to justify going to a favorite store anyway.

It's a better form of resistance than protesting at the state capitols.  It's nice to see the left deciding they need to do something useful for a change, but what are the odds this will go anywhere?  As much as anything, I think they're just trying to keep their people united.  They can't just keep going to the capitol to protest, there needs to be some other options.

I will admit that it's a bit weird, I spent the last few years advocating a resistance like this.  I said repeatedly that we needed to go on strike and am not fully comfortable with how easily I stopped doing that last November.  The war's not over, we're still in for major problems, why am I not pushing for more organized units that don't have to rely on a functioning society?

Just take it as a given that Trump's not going to save the world.  He'd probably be the first to agree that we can't just rely on him to fix everything.  Even if Vance turns out to be awesome and goes on to win the next two elections, we'll still have lots of problems.  Look at what the left is doing now and try to think of ways that it could be done that's actually useful and helpful.  Trump has brought in a sense of ease and comfort, but we can't rely on that, even if it actually is permanent.

Teary-Eyed Federal Employee Compares Filling Out Elon Musk’s Email to “What I Imagine Living in North Korea to be Like”
February 28, 2025

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