10 February, 2025

If you can read this, why aren't you waiting for the movie adaptation?

Trump Confirms Palestinians Will Have ‘No Right of Return’ Under Proposed Gaza Takeover Plan
February 10, 2025

Pakistani immigrant allowed to stay in Britain despite 'preying on barely pubescent girls when his wife wouldn't have sex'
February 7, 2025

□ [“Obama Judge Accuses Trump of Non-Compliance with Court Order Blocking Federal Funding Freeze"]

Leftist judges are trying to do what they can.  Doesn't look like any of them are citing actual laws Trump is breaking, they're just giving orders and expecting obedience.  A couple others have just spoken, saying Venezuelan illegals can't be sent to Gitmo and Trump can't get rid of birthright citizenship.

This one is covering the Office of Management and Budget.  There's another one with the Treasury Department where the judge has said all information must be hidden, even from the head of the Treasury.  That's not how you run an organization, when you're denied access to how the money is used, which is kinda important for the Treasury.  Yet whichever judge that is thinks he has more control over the executive branch than the chief executive or his appointees.

This isn't going to work out.  The judges might have some case for the illegal immigrants but they're going to need to prove it.  Otherwise they have nothing to stand on which is required for a judge.  Now we're going to see how deeply the leftism has sank into the judiciary.  Trump will appeal and we'll see how high up the line this goes.

Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I wouldn't even trust the Supreme Court at this point.  It's been stacked with right-wingers as much as possible but as we've seen before, that can fail.  Remember when John Roberts somehow convinced himself halfway through his argument that Obamacare was good?  Something like that might happen again.  As the Chinese say, we live in interesting times.

Trump Administration Deputizing Thousands of IRS Agents to Help ICE Round Up Illegal Aliens
February 10, 2025

□ [“Tennessee Pastor Calls for Violence Against Elon Musk, 'The Christian Thing to Do'"]

They're trying to make things go kinetic.  The ones getting attention seem to be black like this pastor.  Black female members of Congress just did this in DC.  It's like they're trying to get their servants motivated but how many will actually do anything?  They're openly using phrases like "we're at war!"  No they aren't, they're just delusional enough to believe that anyway.  But who else will believe them?

This just looks like something that's guaranteed to fail.  First of all, their target audience is hardly the most competent or active.  They might have a chance as suicide bombers, but that's about it.  They're the ones who want to ban guns so they're not going to be competent at using them against the rest of us.  Then there's the way they've suddenly started talking about the American Revolution, the founding fathers, how they're all about protecting America, the country they spent years saying was evil and racist and all that.  Many of them are still saying that.  Which is worse, if they can suddenly do a 180 like that or if they try but fail?

This obsession with Musk is also disturbing.  Trump is always the enemy but somehow becomes irrelevant whenever it's convenient.  They barely even mention Putin anymore, who was the one they claimed controlled Trump for the last eight years.  They never explain how they changed their minds on this and nobody who would ask about that is permitted to be in their presence.  They just keep providing evidence that they can't be taken seriously.

In a few months, they'll have probably been able to organize something and will make whatever serious attempt they're capable of.  Probably at some point in Spring, maybe early Summer.  But the rest of us who pay any attention have already seen enormous evidence of government fraud and abuse, just from the last three weeks, and Trump+ will keep pushing that out.  These diehard leftists are being boxed in and don't even realize it yet.

Just speculation, but I've wondered if this was one of the reasons for the "War on Terror," taking down some actual enemies but also giving a lot of Americans experience in a warzone.  Veterans of the last 20 years, we know what it's really like and what the enemy is capable of.  These people aren't that competent, but they believe they know best.  Pretty sure not very many of them vote Democrat either.

Congressman Mfume (D-MD):  We Need a “Street Fight” to Stop Trump and Musk from Cutting Spending
February 10, 2025

□ [“Houthi Rebels Kidnap United Nations Humanitarian Workers—UN Suspends Operation"]

The war in Yemen has been going on for quite a while now, is there a reason the UN hasn't stepped in to stop it?  Are they just waiting for the US to do all the work?  Because that's going to be a long wait.  The World Health Organization could just declare it a pandemic and then all the nations involved would have to obey.  Iran backs the Houthi's, maybe you should talk to them about this.

The UN isn't getting much attention these days so they probably need to do something.  Sure, this event doesn't include Israel so nobody cares, but this is the sort of problem the League of Nations had back in the day and look how that worked out.  This is just going to give everyone even more excuse to ignore them, and it's not like they can take care of their own people, much less anybody else.

We pay so little attention to this part of the war, I'm really not sure what Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting about here, other than just trying to be in charge of the Muslim world.  Even there, you can't move Mecca so conflict in Yemen isn't going to make much of a difference.  For that matter, are any other countries in the region involved?  This just seems like a war that's deliberately ignored.  No wonder the UN is involved.

Cringeworthy Super Bowl Ad of Black Female Player Humiliating Men
February 10, 2025

□ [“Dems Keep Putting Themselves On The Wrong Side Of Popular Issues In Trump Era"]

A lot of us are trying to figure out what's going on, each of us trying to work out our own individual explanations.  Here's another example, mostly focused on the trans movement but will expand to the economy, global warming, and the rest.  The left seems to aim for whatever position is least popular and advocate that for everyone else.

We see this with transgenders, a very very small percentage of people are born without specific XX or XY chromosomes.  Rather than treat them separately based on their own biology, instead the left insists that it can be chosen, and that everyone else must respect it and be punished if you don't use the proper pronouns.  We also have to pay for their operations and drugs and every other biological problem they've imposed on themselves.  A vast minority becomes the goal and the majority gets no say in it.  The right wing perspective would be 'you can chose to be a freak if you want, but stay the hell away from me and my kids.'

It's not that the left believes in these views so much, it's that they want to argue for them and force others to accept them.  The passion and experience of doing this gives the impression that they know or care more about the subject than others, which has carried them a long way.  This is how they've managed to infest popular culture, business and politics for so long and at such high levels.

But they are reaching a limit on that, which is why they're so clueless now.  Trump and his staff must know something the rest of us don't because they've figured out how to set this up as a trap for the left who just keep making it worse for themselves and whoever's left on their side.  And that number will continue to decrease as more people see the problems here.  I don't know how Trump planned this, but it's clearly intentional.

Barack Obama Created DOGE Dept When Covering for Obamacare Website Failure
February 10, 2025

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