27 February, 2025

Now is the time in World War III when we dance!

Five Democrats in Bridgeport, Connecticut Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges Over Mail-In Ballots
February 26, 2025

□ [“Trump Holds First Meeting of Full Cabinet"]

Ok.  Nice to hear.  So what?  This is something I was never high-ranking enough to be remotely interested in, why do they need to have these meetings in the first place?  After the veep, House Speaker and Senate pro temp, they're next in line for the presidency, so there are valid reasons to get together on occasion, I'm just not a fan of meetings.

They talked about border security, inflation and spending cuts.  That's nice and all but I don't get why they'd need to talk about this.  Wouldn't they already know the basics and be able to look up specific details if they needed to?  No word on if they talked about Epstein or P. Diddy's lists or the various assassinations.  Just gives the impression that anything useful has already been destroyed, with no clue when or by whom.

Maybe I'm just looking for reasons to complain, but currently the only specific benefit is the daily deterioration of the left.  I will admit the first month was just a constant improvement over the previous four years, so I may be coming off as a whiner now, but it is what it is.  There's no way to confirm, but I have to admit to being a bit worried about the executive branch firings, if they're even real.

Judges keep saying he can't do that, or it's reported that at least some can keep their jobs or be re-hired.  Not saying I trust that, but I can't say I fully trust Trump either.  If nothing else, you'd think the fired employees would have a lot of free time to go out and protest something, but we aren't hearing from them.  I doubt they've all signed up for classes to learn to code.

American Airlines Flight Aborts Landing at Reagan Airport to Avoid Collision
February 26, 2025

□ [“Supreme Court Stops Biden Judge’s Deadline For Admin to Pay $2 Billion in Foreign Contracts"]

This appears to be a deliberate part of the plan.  Might be connected to Trump's cabinet meeting, but otherwise this must be intentional.  The Biden-appointee orders Trump to start giving money to foreigners without hesitation, Trump filed an appeal and an hour later, John Roberts had intervened.

To the extent I understand this, Roberts' point was that the lower-ranking judge had just thrown in the deadline for no reason.  Trump must start paying foreign contracts by midnight, *or else!!!*  He also added a deadline to any appeal, it must be done by Friday.  Pretty sure he has more justified authority to impose a deadline on the court than the lower court does to give orders like this.

No clue how it works, but I would absolutely expect Trump to have run this stuff past the Supremes already.  There has to be limitations to being able to work out a verdict before there's a case - 'hey John, how would you rule if we appealed this?' - but there must also be back-and-forth between the branches, especially at the highest level.  Trump+ had to have worked out as many options in advance as possible, and to the extent they can interact with the Supremes, they must have gotten their opinions.

This isn't even remotely a permanent victory.  It does work as precedent so lower courts will have to be a bit more careful on giving their own 'executive orders' which overrule the POTUS.  It also puts the Supreme Court in line to make this a permanent decision, effectively the same effect on the judiciary that the last month has had on the executive branch.

If I'm correct, we've been waiting for something like this, something which can start moving things in the right direction.  It might be interesting for those judicial scholars to look into how far back this goes in court history, both in US history and precedents.  It might also not be interesting because very few people are interested in these details.  It's like quoting Shakespeare's "kill all the lawyers" while ignoring that this line is about overthrowing the government.  Or the Book of Genesis, "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

Trump Says Hegseth Should Fire Every Single General Involved in the Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal
February 26, 2025

□ [“AG Pam Bondi: 'Some Epstein Information' Will Be Released Tomorrow – Including Flight Logs!"]

But only "some."  We already have what are (presumably) the flight lists, so it'll probably just be those.  Otherwise we might have to wonder why nothing's been done about this.  Epstein died five and a half years ago and nobody's been arrested for anything related to him in all that time.  Why is the AG even involved in this case?

I've been mocking this delay, partially because it deserves mockery, but I must admit there might be a point.  All of a sudden a lot of people are making noise about how this information hasn't been put out yet.  One thing most people don't understand, including myself, is how the higher-ups maintain control of the masses.  As far as we know, nobody's is telling all of us to suddenly demand this info be put out yesterday, yet we're doing just that.  So either someone *is* telling us that or there are other methods to manipulate the public, which the Trump administration knows how to do.

I assume it's the latter, that each of us has our own views which may or may not have influence us.  Those who are successful at being in charge know how to use that, and most of them are probably leftists.  There's always been 'movements' trying to impose what they self-identify as 'advancement' for humanity, and they've put a lot of work into figuring out how to do this.

Epstein was a "transhumanist," there's been other attempts for the last few centuries.  Those people have probably been aimed at mass media ever since it was invented, radio, movies, tv, internet and probably A.I.  They also have a lot of old rich families involved, with whatever cult views they can come up with.  The point is that the Trump administration has to make its way through that as well as opposing standard leftism of the day.

So like it or not, there are (probably) valid reasons why there's been such a delay.  But by the same token, there's also problems with it.  We have no reason to trust whatever gets released.  We have every reason to assume nothing will be done about it.  Epstein's child molesting started being investigated in March 2005, almost exactly 20 years ago.  Yet nothing's been done about it sense, except to Epstein personally, with no clue that it'll ever go beyond that.

IRS to Close More Than 120 Offices Nationwide
February 26, 2025

□ [“As California Faces Massive Rebuilding Effort After Fires, Gavin Newsom Launches a Podcast"]

At this point, Nancy Pelosi's nephew is probably the most prominent star the Democratic Party has left, and this shows how low their standards are.  He really has nothing better to do than a podcast?  The problems his state has, what with USAID being cut, and this is where his attention goes?

It's not like he's just running it himself a few hours a week after work, it's being produced by iHeart, a huge radio/digital media corporation.  They're able to promote this show and its "vast Rolodex for frank conversations with Democrats."  This isn't something being made by one guy with a vision.  He's rich and famous, he has no clue how to do anything himself.

But this is where his attention is going.  I'm not sure I've ever heard him speak, but his voice on the ad didn't stir much interest.  And just the opening line, "we need to change the conversation."  Sounds like he doesn't like the conversation as it's going so he, not "we" wants it to go his way.  It just comes off like someone who's planners came up with this.

He claims he'll be talking with leaders of the MAGA movement, will that include Trump?  That would probably get some decent ratings and we know Trump can do long interviews anywhere.  Or maybe he'll try to get an interview with Biden and Harris.  That would probably get decent ratings but for a completely different reason, to make fun of how out-of-touch they are.  Otherwise I assume this program will go for a little while, then he'll quit because it's not getting him any attention.  Or iHeart will cancel it because it's too expensive, since he's not just doing it himself.

Military Contractors Pitch Trump on Plan to Enlist a ‘Private Citizen Army’ to Help Mass Deportations
February 26, 2025

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