11 February, 2025

Trump still hasn't remade the Star Wars sequel trilogy to star Sidney Sweeney!

Choice for New British Health Minister Wants to End Same-Sex Toilets, Believes Females Can Have Penises and People Can Identify as Llamas
February 11, 2025

□ [“FBI 'Just Discovered' 2,400 Undisclosed JFK Assassination Records Never Provided to Review Board"]

So is this the hidden secrets that people have been waiting 60 years for or is it just evidence that the FBI is freaking incompetent and can't even keep track of important documents?  There's arguments for or against both sides.

There's the timing, they just discovered it now?  As the information is ready to come out?  Doesn't seem likely.  Decades of conspiracy theories and the way this assassination, along with RFK and MLK, have been into some sort of modern mythology, basically everybody who gained access to these files would have gone to look them up just to finally get the truth.  For that matter, they would be starting to put it out themselves..

But that said, I could easily believe a decision was made to keep some documents separate from the others, precisely so the real truth wouldn't get out.  The public statement would be that the FBI didn't know it was there because, well, virtually none of them did know.

Or they can just be incompetent.  If that's the case, these documents won't matter, they might just be copies of what's already known.  At some point someone wanted a spare copy and didn't bother to go through regular procedures.  That's also believable.  About the only certain thing is that this proves the information is coming out soon.  There'd be no reason to mention it otherwise, nobody else would need to know that they just discovered something that will remain hidden.

As I've said, I'm not all that interested in these three assassinations, but they've been relevant for the last 60 years, so they should be the first to be revealed.  But only the first, I want a lot more secrets being exposed to the public.  This has all gone on far too long.  If I were in charge, there would need to be serious reasons for anything before 2000 to stay classified and most things afterwards.

USAID Paid For Top Al Qaeda Terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki’s University of Colorado Tuition
February 11, 2025

□ [“DOGE to Investigate Federal Government Workers Who Managed to Accrue 'Tens of Millions of Dollars'"]

Will anybody be left out of these investigations, like, say, members of Congress?  Because if that happens, Congress will almost-unanimously vote for immediate impeachment and they won't care how that looks to the citizens who have to fund all of this.  Well they might, some of them could have enough sense to be afraid.  No matter how much money you have, you can't take it with you.

This will hit the entire uniparty, but there will at least be a little leeway for RINOs, because the whole point is to insist it's alright for people to be rich.  Won't save them any other way, but then there's the liberals who spent their whole careers protesting other people being wealthy.  They write the tax laws, they couldn't increase how much they have to pay?  I suspect this will also provide some information on how they and their family and their friends got taxbreaks.

I wrote that before even looking at the article.  Yes, Musk does point out that Elizabeth Warren has somehow gotten over $12 million dollars while being in Congress despite only getting a $200,000 annual salary.  At the moment, she's probably the biggest target, but I'm waiting to hear from Nancy Pelosi.  She's not even the richest Democrat in Congress, but she's the one who's been in charge of complaining about the rich.

So whaddya say, Congress?  You want to get in on this?  Or maybe we could get the people to *vote* on this.

In Surprise Move, Google Cuts Pride Month from Calendar App
February 11, 2025

76-Year Old Democrat Rep. John Larson Suffers Medical Episode, Freezes for Nearly a Minute
February 10, 2025

□ [“Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Latest Attempt to Freeze Federal Funding"]

Haven't actually been following much of Trump's executive orders or those that have been stopped by some court.  Just the fact that he and his staff have been moving so fast is evidence that they had this planned, which means they knew there would be courts in place to stop them.  That means this is part of the plan too.

Those who follow the court system are saying that after the Appeals Court, the next step is the Supreme Court and when (if) Trump wins there, then we can reallllly get started.  Under normal circumstances, it seems quite obvious.  Elected Chief Executive has a lot of control over the executive branch and no one seems to be pointing to any actual laws Trump is breaking, so there's really no way to make him stop.  We should worry that the Supreme Court will disagree, but I'd like to think that they'd be showing their own incompetence and failure if they did that.

You'd think all nine of them would have judgements which verify that the chief executive can follow the rules and make these decisions.  They couldn't suddenly say 'but this time it's different!' without ruining their reputation and the decades it took to get them here.  Not saying it can't happen, but there's a point where you have to ask 'shall not the judges of all Americans do right?'

EPA Advisor Admits Agency Hastily Allocated Billions in Climate Change Funds Before Trump Took Office
February 11, 2025

□ [“Democrat Congresswoman Announces Crude ‘Strategy’ at Rally:  'We Have to F**k Trump!'”]

Women.  See how they are?  She's not remotely attractive and he's a married man, but that's where her mind goes first.  She's pretending to oppose Trump and openly admits the lust they have for him.  And the response is cheers and applause.  The only thing that would make this more cliched is if she's actually a lesbian and proving that she'd just never met a real man before.

This is not how a resistance movement works.  They don't have actual plans so they can't do anything, they've never respected competence so they can't find anyone who will be useful, and the media has lost its USAID funding so they won't even get the publicity they think they're entitled to.  Going on strike and detaching themselves from the rest of society is still a valid option.  Let the public see how bad life is without you around.

□ [“Secret Blue State Resistance Agreement – 22 States Make Pact to Resist Trump on Birthright Citizenship"]

I get the impression that this is another trap although I can't point to what, specifically.  The federal/state relationship is far too messy for me to bother looking into, but between funding and all the laws Democrats passed to give the fed authority, it's obvious who the winner will be.  But just doing this will set up problems for most of the governors with their own legislatures.

Remember, Congress passes thousand-page funding bills that they don't even bother to read.  They don't specify how many employees the POTUS must hire for these specific tasks in exchange for this particular annual salary, so the executive branch has to work out those details on their own.  Which, as we see, Trump is doing, in accordance with the law.  Congress will be very surprised when they finally get around to discovering that, and the same thing will probably happen to most of the states.  This is yet another trap set for leftists to rush into.

"Ok, doc, you got me.  Would you like to defund me now or wait until next term?"
"Defund him now, defund him now!"
"You keep outta this.  He doesn't have to defund you now!"
"Oh yes he does have to defund me now!  I demand you defund me now!"

There Are at Least 15 Active NIH Grants Paying for Transgender Animal Experiments
February 11, 2025

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