28 November, 2022

If you don't cross the road, you're a chicken!

Brazilian Plus-Size ‘Model’ Throws Tantrum After Qatar Airways Tells Her to Upgrade to First Class Because She’s Too Fat For Economy Seat
November 27, 2022

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Blasts France’s Exploitation of Poor, African Countries
November 27, 2022

□ [“IRS Warns American Taxpayers to Report Transactions of at Least $600 in Venmo, Paypal, and Other Third-Party Networks"]

Yeah, because rich people are spending $601 on paypal.  Wait, they aren't going after the rich.  That would be too in-line with the leftist rhetoric for the last few centuries.  They're going after anybody else who can afford 601$ for anything and there's a lot more of those out there.

This will definitely start an underground movement.  Not sure how that'll work since I don't have a whole lot of experience with those, but we're going to find out.  The rich have to pay for their accountants to find deductions anyway, the poor people have to waste time and energy trying to figure out how to give the government more money.  We know which side our rulers are on, that's why they imposed this rule.

They're going to be coming after us to seize property and bank accounts.  That's probably why they hired thousands and thousands of new employees who are authorized to carry guns.

22-Year-Old St. Ambrose University Basketball Player Dies Suddenly
November 28, 2022

One thing that's really puzzling is why there's so little focus on all these young healthy people suddenly dropping dead, along with all the others who are also suddenly dead for mysterious reasons.  It's one thing to say that the rulers and their servants don't want this to be mentioned, but why isn't everybody else talking about it as much as possible?

You're so scared over a so-called virus that you go bonkers at the slightest hint of anything bad but people literally dropping dead is just normal?  The rulers aren't fully censoring every mention so where is the lack of discussion happening?  Even if tv networks refuse to broadcast anything about it, there are other tv networks, there's the internet, even local stations can do it, and those would get more attention precisely because we see it happening.

Just the fact that the government is silencing so much of this should be bringing up more resistance, people who ask what else are they are they hiding?  Then there's the people who were watching the sports when a 22 year-old athlete suddenly died, the teammates and fellow students at school, the audience, etc.

It's not like this just started yesterday, you'd think the protests would be overwhelming, just as we see these days in China, Iran, Europe, Brazil and elsewhere.  They can do it but we can't?

Renowned Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter Calling to End COVID Vaccine Program Immediately as Cancers and other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing in ‘Boosted’ People
November 27, 2022

Fauci Claims China’s Lack of Cooperation on COVID’s Origin is Due to Trump’s “Anti-China Approach”
November 27, 2022

□ [“Here We Go: Fauci Says We Need Multiple COVID Booster Shots Each Year Due to New Variants"]

So those who don't have the original shouldn't bother getting involved, they'll never catch up.  But those who did take the drugs are addicted for life, however long that lasts.  Good to know.  They're wearing the chains you forged in life and they're trapped forever.

Does anybody ever ask Fauci about that?  What about people who aren't taking part?  Can they just go on with their lives as they've been doing all this time or will they soon be under your thumb?  Put him on the record as actually opposing everyone's freedom.

Eat Bugs and Live in a Pod: WaPo Tells Americans to Eat “Salted Ants” and “Ground Crickets” on Thanksgiving Weekend
November 27, 2022

Whole Foods Bows to Ecoterrorists, Stops Selling Maine Lobster
November 27, 2022

□ [“Biden Admin Can’t Account for $20 Billion in Aid to Ukraine"]

Well, that explains why their lawmakers suddenly voted themselves a raise with all the money flooding in that isn't being tracked.  It also explains why our rulers threw all *our* money at them, it's being funneled back through things like FTX.  We give them $60 billion and a third of it just gets lost somehow.

It's easy to say the recipients are George Soros and his self-appointed world masters, but you still have to wonder.  Could it be China and their allies?  Would this be used to fund their private military or similar organizations?  This does a lot to explain the people who are totally focused on Ukraine regardless of what else is going on in the world.

Although there is a point to be made about Soros and probably others, they help themselves to taxpayer money and get massively rich that way, so everyone else thinks they know what they're doing and invest in whatever businesses/etc. they're in charge of, which just adds to the pot, but the taxpayers were the ones who put in the most.

Don't know how true that is but I'm thinking it's partially/largely true.  How many billions of dollars vanished when Hillary was Secretary of State?

Irish Government to Criminalize Hate Speech, Effectively Silencing Those who Hold Different Opinions- Penalty is up to 5 Years Imprisonment
November 27, 2022

New Disney Christmas Series Shows Children Holding Signs “We Love You Satan”
November 28, 2022

Protests in China Increasing Over COVID Shutdowns and Tyranical Government Policies
November 28, 2022

Again White House Christmas Stockings for New Dog and Cat, But Not for Hunter’s Love Child Navy Joan
November 28, 2022

□ [“University of Cambridge Dean Claims Jesus Could Have Been Transgender"]

Well that would explain why you and all your peers are so opposed to Him.  You're staring at this guy's dick and what's the first thing that comes to mind?  'He must be transgender!!!'  It's so obvious when you think about it.

Hey, you think Mohammad might be transgender too?  There might be a reason nobody is permitted to have any pictures of him.  You should suggest that to your peers, see what the response is.  What are they going to do, get offended?

□ [“China Is Building The World’s Largest Quarantine Camp In Guangzhou with 90,000 Isolation Pods"]

And with that, China takes a big step forward as the world's leader, or "role model" as our rulers call it.  How many camps has California set up, those wussies!  You have to be more like China, your leaders say so.

That's what fighting a virus is all about, isn't it?  You can do whatever you want to the people you're in charge of and you want more people to be in charge of.  Wouldn't take much work to include people of hate-speech or those who might have voted for Trump as residents of the camps.  What liberal would oppose that?  It's not like they have to vote on it or anything.

Put the people in cages, take them out whenever you want them to do something, put them back in the cages.  They're your property.  You don't even have to give them food or water, you can just find more people to put in the cages.  What could be simpler?

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