17 November, 2022

They loved me and hugged me and called me mad! MAD!!!

Nobody's saying anything about the missile attack in Poland, it seemed to be recognized right away that it was either a complete accident on Russia's part or (possibly) deliberate on Ukraine's part.

This does make the point about how irrelevant NATO is.  You can bomb our own members, even killing people, and nobody is bothered in the slightest.  If Russia had done that, we'd be declaring war immediately, but since it was Ukraine who has never bothered to join NATO either, meh.  What else is new?

We see something similar going on with the latest Senate nonsense about banning Trump from running for POTUS with a Bill of Attainder which is blatantly unconstitutional.  The Senate only has its authority from the Constitution but they're willing to ignore that and see no downside.

I'm probably just being delusional, but could this be part of the plan?  An actual lesson of what the Constitution means?  It applies to people you don't like just as much as it applies to you, so if you're going to ignore it, they can too.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Secretly Colluded With Google To Auto-Install Contact-Tracing Spyware On Your Phone
November 16, 2022

□ [“The Biden Administration Is Still Pushing For Their Unconstitutional Student Loan Bailout"]

Why not just admit you ignore the laws?  You don't need them, throw them away.  That's literally what "seizing power" is, which is what you're doing.  Why not admit it?

Just a random guess but the point of this might be to indoctrinate all the people who were stupid enough to take loans for college they couldn't be bothered to pay for.  And sure, they've already been indoctrinated plenty but when has that ever held back a totalitarian?

As has often been pointed out, it's not about getting people with ability or competence or even respect for those qualities.  People who actually learn how to do things would look for jobs and pay off their debts.  Instead our rulers want those who can do nothing without government controlling every aspect of their lives and demanding more.  Even if I still can't figure out the 'why,' that is how collectivism works.

So they're probably trying to organize these helpless creatures into a massive force to destroy the rest of us.  That's not going to work but it will make the last two years of disasters look like a minor hiccup.

CNN Head Confirms Layoffs at the Network as Early as December
November 17, 2022

Fit and Healthy 10-Year-Old English Girl Dies Suddenly After Collapsing at School
November 17, 2022

□ [“'Sometimes Life Creeps Up on You' – FTX Owner and Dem Donor Sam Bankman-Fried Blames Ex-Girlfriend for Collapse of Company and $32 Billion Loss"]

How did I lose tens of billions of dollars?  Well it all started when I met this girl...

That's actually believable as long as we don't take it too seriously.  I'm also wondering how much of this is just another attempt to destroy currency in and of itself.  That's not going to work but it's not going to stop them.

Men with ability and knowledge aren't going to give it up for free.  Our tyrants all love Marx' line about 'from each according to ability to each according to his need,' a complete fantasy about existence that they'll impose with force any time they get the chance.  They don't maintain their mansions according to their "need" yet they always keep their mansions.

It's obviously a basis for totalitarianism, we can't actually measure 'need' or 'ability' so someone needs to make the decisions and force obedience.  Collectivism always goes for this, individualism is about permitting individuals to make their own decisions and take the consequences.

Also worth noting that his girlfriend is really unattractive.  There are women with ability and/or knowledge and, coincidentally enough, they at least acknowledge the importance of looking as good as possible.  Men are men, women are women and best if we each use what assets we can get.  And this chick obviously opposes that and has billions of dollars to show for it.

Civil War Looms in Brazil: Far-Left Supreme Court Wants to Axe Minister of Defense for Telling the Truth About Stolen Election
November 17, 2022

UK Economy in Freefall, Highest Taxes Since WWII, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt Delivers Somber Economic Speech
November 17, 2022

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Gives Up Leadership After Republicans Take House Majority"]
□ [“Steny Hoyer Retires From Leadership After Republicans Take Control of the House"]
□ [“Democrat House Majority Whip James Clyburn Steps Down From Leadership"]

This may have been the final motivation for whoever handled the stolen elections, these people were alive back when FDR was still in his second term in office.  There had only been one War to End All Wars when they didn't get aborted, World War II had barely started.  [Technically Nancy was born months after Germany and Russia invaded Poland, the start of the war, but they hadn't started fighting Britain and France yet.  Clyburn wasn't aborted a month after the Dunkirk Evacuation.]  It's time to give their jobs to someone else.

This is a surprise.  For one thing, I really never thought they'd quit if they were still breathing.  Ted Kennedy sure kept the seat long after he was too old and sick to bother showing up for work.  For another thing, unless there really is a secret group who runs everything and they're still there, I assume they'll drop dead fairly quickly.  They wouldn't have stayed this long if they weren't addicted to power so going cold turkey is basically death anyway.

But I think this was deliberate, a decision made by whoever's really in charge of them.  It is also the case that neither of them would tolerate a demotion.  Maybe they'll stay in the job and just put their puppet in the actual seat.

□ [“Mar-a-Lago Raid Story Falls Apart After Midterms, New Leak to WaPo Reveals Trump Took White House Records as ‘Mementos’"]

It's definitely strange that they would put this out through a leak.  Why not just say 'this is what we did, this is why and these are the results'?  For novelty's sake if nothing else, but to actually look like they know what they're doing.

So, as expected, they found nothing of any importance.  Rather than tell the peons that was the case, they put it out through an unnamed leak.  This isn't going to give the rulers more approval than they're already getting from their minions or anybody who disagrees with them.  Sure, they've established that they can send in lots of men with guns to anybody else's house if they feel like it, but that's usually not considered a good thing, even by leftists.

He took basic souvenirs from his Presidency.  Is that the real story or he did take documents from Hillary's unsecure private server which will get even less attention than souvenirs?

Zelensky Continues to Lie About ‘Russian’ Missiles Hitting Poland in His Continued Attempts to Start WWIII
November 17, 2022

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