10 November, 2022

Is the last stand over? I'm ready to sit down.

We know they're stealing elections but it doesn't quite make sense.  Ok, some states have actually passed laws to prevent fraud - Florida is the most notable example this election season - but the states that don't clearly haven't been stealing everything.  Even California has a handful of Republicans in its state senate and assembly.

You can argue that they're leftists who self-identify as Republican but how can they win these elections in the first place?  How could you possibly get to a point where the rulers pick Democrats and make sure they lose in local elections?

One advantage their side has is that each defeat cuts down our motivation to keep fighting.  That's one reason I'm arguing for a strike but even so, it's really easy to reach the point where you don't see any motivation to carry on.  'What's the point?'  They feed on that desperation.

Americans were pissed off in 1994 and 2010, what's changed?  We can't say things were worse back then than they are now.  As it stands, it's still a "maybe" that we'll even get the House of Representatives and safe to assume the fraud votes won't be coming in for Republicans.

I will say that if Republicans win that, they should absolutely make Trump the House Speaker.  That may be the job he was born for.

Well, That’s Odd: Election Map of New York Appears to Show Exact Same Vote Counts For All Red Counties
November 9, 2022

They're going to just keep stealing elections.  At some point they'll steal all of them, or at have puppets pretending to be Republicans.  I thought that Pennsylvania thing was an obvious example, Democrats will easily pick the brainless guy and Republicans really don't want the famous leftist.

Going on strike would be initiative and resistance from people who are actually capable of doing things, or at least know how to support those who do. I think it's the only hope any of us has to survive.

□ [“'The Overwhelming Majority of the American People Support my Economic Agenda' – Biden to Reporters"]

They like spending more money for less food.  They like spending more money for child porn in schools.  They're looking forward to the complete end of transportation thanks to you flying around the world and driving cars when you get there.

Haven't heard how the train strike or the airways strike is going, that should be voted on any day.  At this point, we can assume the vote will be stolen like everything else.    Don't have a clue how but the rulers manage it everywhere else.

One thing we need to do is at least pretend they're a legitimate majority.  It's only damaging our own mission to claim otherwise.  If there's a specific reason to point that out, fine, but otherwise, accept being the minority.

This is where underground resistance would come into play.  I know there'd be code-words and terminology in place so that in discussion with strangers, those 'in the know' could show who they were.  No idea how that works, I never had to deal with such things, but just because I don't know something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Then there's the acceptance that we're being spied on.  For one thing, it should be taken as a given.  Ever since I realized I believed in God, obviously someone's watching over me.  God is God, everyone else is everyone else.  That may be good for the soul but in the real world, it means taking it as a given that you're under surveillance wherever you go.  God is watching and so are others.

As always, I go back to supply and logistics.  Food is the most crucial and immediate requirement so how are we going to bring that in?  I think starting on that would be the best way to support a community going on strike.  Who is there that can produce food?  Who has vehicles big enough to transport a day or week's worth?  Who will maintain the vehicles and guard them in transport which will add more expenses?

What do we use to pay for the food and the fuel?  I could see doing it in trade or we could try to use actual money, either printed US dollars or some paper approved by both sides.

There's also spreading the info.  In the modern world, most of us don't even have a clue who our next door neighbors are and we're at a point where we wouldn't even trust internet ads so what options are there?  Flyers?  Posters?  No idea.

We need to start resisting.  That's the only way things are going to change for the better.

Xi Jinping: Yes, China is preparing for war
November 9, 2022

Transgender Democrat Wins Minnesota House Seat in Landslide Victory
November 9, 2022

Well, That’s Odd: Election Map of New York Appears to Show Exact Same Vote Counts For All Red Counties
November 9, 2022

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Rejects Emergency Appeal From NYC Workers Who Lost Their Jobs Due to Mayor Adams’ Covid Vaccine Mandate
November 10, 2022

Connecticut School Director Placed “On Leave” After Detailing Sexual Fantasies with Minor Students: ‘Every Day There is Different Panties On’
November 10, 2022

□ [“Who Wants to Tell Them?… New Yorkers Beg Hochul to Do Something About Soaring Crime After Election"]

She's getting exactly what she wants and that has nothing to do with the citizens she's in charge of.  That's what they voted for.  Either the elections were stolen or the voters are just too stupid.

It was very obvious for quite a while that the rulers would double down on their insane tyranny immediately after the latest election thefts.  Since the citizens love the rarity of food and the price of gas, do more of that.  That applies to crime too.

Fortunately few people reading this live in New York City because those who are there are completely screwed.  But the rest of us aren't far behind.

White Supremacist? 18-Year-Old New Jersey Muslim Omar Alkattoul Arrested For Threat Against Jews that Prompted FBI to Issue Warning to Synagogues
November 10, 2022

□ [“PA Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro Vows to Crackdown on Fracking and Energy Sector in State – Affecting Thousands of PA Jobs"]

Despite what I just said, this is proof that the elections were stolen.  They picked this result and did everything necessary to reach it.  The question is how did they do it.  Nobody's going to vote for more of their own money to be seized and break the supply chain even more than it already has been.

There's not even a claim to make sure people suffer less during the transition because they will absolutely be suffering more.  The rulers are fine with the peons suffering.  This is where the underground resistance needs to start moving fuel and other supplies in to their supporters while the rest are starving.

Joe Biden if GOP Takes the House: “The American People Have Made it Clear: They Expect Republicans to Work with Me”
November 10, 2022

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