25 November, 2022

They spent decades saying the population needs to be reduced and now have millions of people begging for free poison.

We can see why the tyrants had to take the US military down.  Partially it was just an easy target, they *all* have to get vaccinated, so this would get rid of the youngest, strongest and best-trained men.  But it's also because the military would have obviously stood with the people as a resistance.

The soldiers (sailors, airmen, marines) wouldn't turn against their families, their home cities and states and the nation they vowed to protect. That's why they had to be taken down first.

So how do we put together a resistance?  My vote is to go on strike but that still requires unity and we're going to need to fight back regardless.

□ [“Researcher Claims Anti-vaxx Groups’ Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics Cause Vaccine-Related Adverse Events Like Blood Clots and Heart Attacks"]

He's from Australia, maybe that explains it, but why has this only started happening now and why is it only happening to the vaccinated?  Why haven't the unvaccinated been dropping dead of three-foot bloodclots for the last two years when people like you kept telling us we're going to die?  Why weren't people worried about the virus getting them before a vaccine was ever invented?  Why weren't people being attacked by Antifa or called racist getting them for the last several years?

The fear-mongering cause side-effects in the vaccination process?  Can't do that without the vaccine so what you call 'fear-mongering' isn't the problem.

Brazil World Cup Fans Chant “Lula, You Thief, You Belong in Jail!” as MiIitary Coup Looms
November 25, 2022

Attorney Who Requested to Represent President Trump But Was Denied by New York Court, Died Suddenly Last Week at 48
November 25, 2022

30-Year-Old Crypto Firm Co-Founder Dies Suddenly in His Sleep
November 25, 2022

I'm trying to figure out how we can get a count of people who have died from the so-called vaccine.  An immediate problem is that we have no way to trust it.  We could start a website or facebook page or something for people to post on.  DATE, STATE, CITY, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, AGE and any specific notes about the death, 'they were driving a car and passed out,' 'proof of blood clots,' 'I miss my daddy' or whatever the poster adds.

Ok, that makes a way to organize the deaths and it would at least help to single out frauds.  I don't know how it could be managed but it would make a start for counting the number of people who've died from this poison.  I don't know how trustworthy it would be either.

But the point would be to start getting a count of this atrocity.  At least this way if you're going to list somebody, you can look them up and see if someone else has already named them.

Iranian Soccer Team Gets the Message From Brutal and Punitive Iranian Regime, Sings National Anthem Before Second Match
November 25, 2022

Outspoken Iranian Soccer Star Arrested Over Criticism of Brutal Regime
November 25, 2022

So what is their plan for seizing guns?  This is something where I totally believe they have something in mind, beyond just passing a stupid law like they've been doing for decades.  If I'm wrong, ok, fine, we'll all keep our guns and go on with our lives.  But I don't expect that to happen so what will they do?

They couldn't get the police or military to just start raiding our houses.  It would be a suicide mission for any officers that try and none of them would go along with that.  Their antifa and blm wussies would be even less capable and probably a lot more fun to use as target-practice so that's not an option either.

So what else is there?  I assume they're willing to impose house-to-house searches like typical fascists, could sleep gas be dropped on a block or three at once to make that happen?  They've got the internet and keep records of legal gun/ammo purchases so they'd be able to pick their targets more carefully.  Access to our phones or computers might help point to a direction where weapons are stored.

I do think they'll have some celebrities openly announce that they're giving up all their guns and everybody should be like them.  Maybe they'll even include their security guards.  Yes, this seems unrealistic but look at who we're facing.  I don't expect them to be automatic failures just because they're leftists.  If it'll cause more suffering for more people, they're almost guaranteed to win in the short-term and possibly in the longer-term.

Start from the premise that they'll succeed and then try to think of every possible option that would be required to make that happen.  Does the vaccine include an electronic bug that can be used to turn people off when you raid their houses for guns?

England’s Soccer Team Takes a Knee Before World Cup Match Against USA to Support Transgender
November 25, 2022

It's also time for them to finish strangling the economy.  They impose their 
ESG cult [environmental, social, and governance] on every possible business to destroy profit, in addition to taxes, gas prices and inflation.  From investments to pensions, they'll decide what you're permitted to do with your money and charge you for the privilege.

They were so blatant about insisting the economy is fine and we're not in a recession a few months ago that I'm not sure we can remotely trust any of their future economic reports.  The very-rich can just add bribes onto the expense list, no leftists will complain about that.

What is it going to take to get a resistance movement started?  I don't remember the details but a couple days ago I saw an article about women going out to pray non-stop in front of one of the tyrants' headquarters.  There's probably better options but at least that's something.

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