10 January, 2023

If a tyrant makes you cry, is that tearanny?

18-Year-Old Woman In The Bahamas Dies Suddenly While Playing Basketball
January 9, 2023

Five College Basketball Players in Chicago Reportedly Hospitalized After ‘Rigorous Workout’
January 10, 2023

17-Year-Old High School Student in Ohio Dies Suddenly From “Cardiac Arrest” While at School
January 10, 2023

Air Force Academy Offensive Lineman Hunter Brown Dies Suddenly While Walking to Class
January 10, 2023

Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden
January 10, 2023

FEC Commissioner Trainor Sent Three Emails Regarding Millions in Dem Election Crimes and Still No Response
January 9, 2023

□ [“'That’s Something That Will Happen' Congressman Byron Donalds Reveals Impeaching Biden IS On the Table"]

Highly doubt it.  That's why you only have a small majority of one house.  You'd need to get Democrats to turn against Biden and they have no incentive.  What's the worst that can happen, they can be personally responsible for the first official woman POTUS? [not counting Bill Clinton]

There are a few things going on these days but they're actually part of the problem.  Classified information on Biden's home computers and Hunter's laptop, stuff like that has been known about for years and only now this is coming out.  It's like they've already planned the schedules for these things to be pushed to the public.  Can't guarantee they predict how the public will respond but there's good odds there.

Maybe this will go somewhere but I'm not optimistic.  It comes off as more of a distraction than anything else.

House Republicans Vote Unanimously to Repeal Funding For Army of 87,000 IRS Agents
January 9, 2023

University of Wyoming punishes activist for calling transgender student ‘male’
January 9, 2023

□ [“Top Secret Intelligence Documents Related to Ukraine, Iran Found in Biden’s Private Office"]

"Found" is the wrong word.  The FBI and the DOJ have known about this for quite a while.  They haven't done anything about it and aren't going to start now, but they "found" the documents quite a while ago.

This was at the U. Penn Biden Center, one of Biden's offices as Veep, who does *not* have the authority to declassify whatever documents he wants.  Only the POTUS can do that and if Obama had done so, that would be on record.  Biden still hasn't declassified the documents so that's a bad thing.  Or it would be if a Republican did it.  Hillary obviously got a way with it, and those are just the ones who got caught.

Reportedly there are ten documents, covering Ukraine and Iran, stored in a box with unclassified documents.  How do you even get to a point where that makes sense?  And how many others are these people pushing out to anybody who wants to see them?

By the way, Biden could just declassify them on the spot.  He self-identifies as POTUS, so no one's going to stop him.

Biden Ignores Reporter Asking About Classified Documents Stored at Penn Biden Center
January 9, 2023

□ [“China Upped Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign"]

I have been wondering for a while how much "classified information" is being pushed out by government officials who ignore the laws and often want the US destroyed.  I would definitely suspect that it's not about moving the documents themselves.  Just go to the SCIF, read a bunch of them and then go out with your friends or your Chinese mistress and talk about it.

It's not like the enemy can't find ways to access you.  They've been doing that for hundreds of years.  How many Chinese kids have been sent over to play with Biden while their parents get to go through the files?  But these people would also calle themselves a 'resistance' movement, trying to overthrow our rulers.  They've already got control, it's just a matter of time.

And China would know how to handle that.  Their own power, their own experience and they get full access to the US government because of their servants.  Allies in Russia and Iran can also benefit, all because of these minions who hate the US and somehow managed to seize control of it.

So, if our enemies can be classified as enemies, it looks like China's the one that's really out to destroy us.  Aren't you glad I figured that out?  What would you do without me?

Speaker McCarthy Moves to Remove Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar from Congressional Committees
January 10, 2023

U.S. says Iran may be ‘contributing’ to war crimes in Ukraine by selling weapons
January 9, 2023

Walls For Me But Not For Thee: Biden Building Massive Fence Around His Delaware Beach House While Leaving Southern Border Wide Open
January 10, 2023

□ [“Brazil: Up to 1700 Patriots Held in Lula’s Concentration Camp, 2 Allegedly Dead"]

The people need to keep pushing and the military needs to join with them.  That much is a given.  China and leftists want to be in charge and taking Brazil would obviously control most of South America.  This is also setting up mass concentration camps for their subjects.  That's how they want to rule the world.

It's starting to sound like this was a set-up.  Haven't worked out the specifics but the government knew it could crack down on the people, so they planned this.  They're probably looking up every contact the prisoners have and any other protestor.  If 90% of the people are "domestic terrorists," that's fine with the rulers.  Just arrest everybody who didn't who up for Lula's public appearances, that'll get rid of everybody.

From there, it seems logical that they would get information, funding, supplies, etc. from the CIA, the WEF, among others.  This is where it becomes guesswork, figuring out who's allied with whom, who supplies whom, what the chain-of-command is, etc.

Also, just a note, no idea if it's true, but apparently Brazil law requires the election results to be provided to the military for review.  Lula has not done this.  It's certainly believable, stolen elections are the new trend but the military isn't really the ones you want to be caught lying to about this, unless they've already been purged as happened in America.

□ [“Secret WHO Negotiations for Pandemic Treaty Taking Place This Week"]

And here we go.  They plan to take the WHO from an advisory committee to a governing committee.  They'll get to decide whatever "potential" problems they can intervene on and ignore any concept of freedom.  We all need to have IDs as proof of our servitude and they'll keep all the info they want on everybody and everything.

How nice.

They'll vote on this in May but we already know this is what they're doing, to the extent they haven't already been doing it.  If 51% of the member vote for this, that's the law for everyone, end of story.

The WHO is a United Nations agency, so that will be an extra layer of domination.  Does the UN control the WHO or vice-versa?  That's only a passing question, the little people won't get to know anything about that, it's none of our business.  We're here to serve, assuming we're allowed to live.

I've been expecting 2023 to be the year the tyrants really come out in the open, and here they are.

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