08 January, 2023

You must be vaccinated to be allowed to read this, but read it quickly before you die of "suddenly"

MMA Rising Star Victoria Lee Dead At 18
January 7, 2023

21-Year-Old US Army Fire Control Specialist Dies Suddenly While in the Shower at Her Fiancés Home
January 8, 2023

□ [“LOL: John Bolton Announces Run For President On Foreign TV Channel"]

There's a cliche about every member of Congress thinking they're entitled to be POTUS.  That's blatantly false and they're the proof, shown by how almost all of them have spent their lives avoiding any executive responsibility.  But at least they're in a high-enough position to delude themselves and be surrounded by puppets who agree.

Then there's this guy.  He's 74 years old now and says it would be a serious run for office, although he adds that the man point would be to defeat the competitor who assigned him to any prominence he used to have, i.e. defeat Trump.  He made you, he can break you and you're deluded enough to think you have the slightest chance against him.  But you claim that's not vanity?  The closest to being sane Bolton is here is the fact that he's saying this on British TV, not actually to Americans directly.

It is an example of the 'shadow government,' officials who never remotely had to deal with the public so they're able to devote themselves to delusions like being in charge of everything.  As a landlord, Trump had to deal with tenants and maintenance.  As a casino operator, he had to deal with government, rich gamblers and staff.  As a tv star, he had to deal with the network, advertisers and crew.  And he had to build from all of that before running for office to become POTUS.

At any point along the way, people could decide they wanted nothing to do with him.  Players on his baseball team, construction workers on the Central Park ice-skating rink, the businesses operating in Trump Tower, all of that is someone who has to know how to deal with people.  This isn't even counting the government officials everywhere.  And only a few of our rulers and their servants can even conceive of this.

17-Year-Old Basketball Player Dies Suddenly at Home Due to “Medical Condition”
January 8, 2023

Scientific American: Damar Hamlin’s Injury Proves Football Is Racist
January 8, 2023

Mars Unveils Limited-Edition All-Female M&M’s Bag Featuring Lesbians and ‘Fat Positive’ Candies to Celebrate Women
January 8, 2023

□ [“Rep. Dan Crenshaw Apologizes For Calling McCarthy Holdouts ‘Terrorists’ After Major Backlash"]

How did it help the mission?  Or did you just decide that you didn't need to help the mission so calling members of your party "terrorists" would be fun?  Seems to me that would contradict everything you learned as a SEAL but maybe this event wasn't all that important to you.

Do you call Democrats "terrorists" when you're working with them?  No, probably not, that requires self-control and you wouldn't want the media to catch you saying something so horrific about your co-workers.  You can do that to Republicans though, that's totally fine.

How did you pick the word "terrorists"?  Why not "asshole" or "dickhead"?  It comes just as naturally and would be more accurate in describing fellow members of Congress who don't agree with you, but, well, that's probably why you consciously chose the term that you did.

Now I have to wonder if he's self-projecting what he's really after onto his enemies, a standard leftist tactic.

Democrat Connecticut State Legislator Killed in Car Crash Hours After He Was Sworn in For Third Term
January 8, 2023

□ [“El Paso Rushes to Remove Illegal Immigrants and Disappear Migrant Camps Ahead of Biden’s Visit"]

He's never been to the border before?  Ever?  Not in the Senate, not as Veep?  You'd think at some point he'd have been on a plane that landed in El Paso, that would count for something.  Also, by this point he has actually gone around the country a few times, so he's not *entirely* limited to the DC/Delaware travel.  Just *mostly.*

But this is obviously just a pointless photo opp.  He and his people support the invaders and want more of them.  They can bring in all the weapons, viruses and human trafficking they can carry and our government will reward them for it.  Bonus points if they bring children for Biden to touch.

It's probably also a Secret Service requirement that the streets be cleansed of non-white foreigners before Biden shows up.  It might be dangerous and they wouldn't want that.  After Biden leaves in a few hours, it'll be back to normal.  Suck to be the citizens who live there year-round, but they're not special like Biden is.

It's probably already in the teleprompter for him to say how wonderful this place is and how he'll increase immigration as much as possible to get more of it.

College Basketball Player Suddenly Collapses During Game
January 8, 2023

□ [“Socialist Criminal Lula Flees Capital City and Flies to Sao Paulo, Massive Crowd Increasing in Size, Police Attacked']

Now this is why Biden and Congress *should* leave Washington DC.  This is what a worldly celebration of January 6 should be.  Protestors have taken over the Presidential Palace, Congress and the Supreme Court.  But we need more of that.

Apparently police and government forces did make an attempt to stop the protestors but gave up very very quickly.  Smart boys, they'll go far.  No need to hurt the cops or the horses, just take them out of the way.

This is happening elsewhere in Brazil, the people aren't going to take it anymore.  Definitely inspirational.  There's so much dust in these videos, it's coming through my computer screen.  'Scuse me for a second.

Banner at Brazil Capital Protest “WE WANT THE SOURCE CODE” On Election Machines
January 8, 2023

So what will the rulers do?  They can't let this happen, it won't be limited to Brazil.  They can inspire the rest of us.  I have to think they'll rush towards open totalitarianism before it becomes too late.  They could give up now but have gone too far for that.  They'll need to kill a lot of people before they decide to find something else to do with their lives.

Naturally I worry that there really are bigger plans ready to be used against us.  The fact that the police immediately gave up and so far the military is on the people's side is a good step.  They *probably* won't nuke Rio or do anything that drastic, although they may look for other ways to create massive bodycounts.

They may still have back-up plans in mind and are just awaiting permission to get started.  They've obviously made a lot of use of the virus, the vaccine, control of computers and the economy, the media and probably several other techniques I'm blanking on at the moment.  They've got people on the internet who aspire to be 'bots.  But they don't have is men willing to stand and take to the streets.  Government employees, yes.  Actual real life men who see a task to accomplish?  Not so much.

Tens of Thousands of Brazilians Descend on Brasilia, Storm Congress – Shots Fired
January 8, 2023

Chechen Commander Calls $3 Billion in US Military Aid “Money Laundering Scheme – No More that 15% Will Reach the Trenches”
January 8, 2023

Local El Paso Reporter Confirms Police Were “Arresting People” at the Border in Advance of Biden’s Drive-By Visit
January 8, 2023

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