09 January, 2023

Megatron must be stopped, as long as the cost isn't too high.

Young Canadian Reporter Suffers Medical Emergency Live on Air
January 9, 2023

Thousands of New York City Nurses Go on Strike Because of Chronic Understaffing
January 9, 2023

Tsunami Warning Issued After Powerful 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Indonesia
January 9, 2023

□ [“Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Rushed to Florida Hospital with Severe Abdominal Pain"]

Convenient timing.  This sort of thing just makes it all look suspicious.  If nothing else, you'd think he had have gone back to Brazil to be with his people.

It's just the timing on things like this make me wonder if the rulers have actually implanted some sort of biological weapons.  Is there some restriction on setting it to 'kill'?  Would it be too obvious if they did that?  Now I have to waste time thinking about possibilities for something that could, by all logical sense, never remotely happen.  Maybe it's a gamble, something between 'death' and 'nothing happens' to him?

Or maybe it's all a fake, our rulers have a reason to tell Bolsonaro's supporters to feel sorry for him.  Was he vaccinated?

□ [“AOC and Other Globalists Claim Brazil Protests Were Done by Fascists and Those Who Disagree Lula’s 'Win' Should be Punished"]

And look, there's immediate unity by our rulers.  Not a single one has the slightest doubt about disagreeing with the people, none of them say Brazil can settle its own problems.  They are uniformly in line with the masters, and you will be punished.

How does that even work?  The military is siding with the people, so you're going to have to overcome the military to get anywhere.  That's the first problem.  The second problem is you need to have a looooooot of men with guns to impose your will on the enormous number of people who are opposing you.  That's going to require supply, logistics, transportation, maintenance, communication, administration... all to handle the men with guns you're sending out to stomp on the people's face forever.

Third problem, what are you going to do with them?  Brazil doesn't have enough prisons, that's going to require construction tools, equipment, fuel, workers, food...  So are you going to order mass shootings?  Obviously nobody on your side has an objection to that.  Fourth problem, how are you going to run the rest of the country while you're busy killing everybody who disagrees with you?

They really don't think this through very well.

Brazil’s Communist President Lula Condemns Protesters Today as Stalinists… Then Quickly Corrects Himself, “No, Not Stalinists, Fascists!”
January 8, 2023

Bolsonaro Condemns Vandalism, 5 Shot and 1200 Arrested as Protesters Disarm Provocateurs and Hand Them Over to Police
January 9, 2023

Lula Regime Sends in Buses to Take Thousands of Opposition Protesters to Prison, Moraes Blocks 200 Facebook Profiles, Hotels Ordered to Turn Over Guest Lists
January 9, 2023

Brazilian Army Steps in and Protects Protesters from Lula’s Police, Truckers Join in Protests
January 9, 2023

The immediate inspiration is that we should follow Brazil's example and show up in all 50 state capitals.  I totally oppose that idea and am positive it wouldn't work, but can't get it out of my head and if we are going to do it, I'd volunteer to help.

Organization would be difficult, I'm definitely not sure what the goals would be.  That's why my recommendation is that we do the opposite, and all go on strike the same day.  But anyway, the bigger problem would be the frauds who deliberately want to cause problems.  It sounds like Brazil had some of that, whom they immediately turned in to the police.  That's fine, good for them, I'm still skeptical Americans would be able to do that.

Still, I really love the idea.  Doesn't have to be limited to state capitals either, some states have capitals too far away from the majority of the population.  But by the end of January, something like this has to happen.

“IMPEACH 46” – Hundreds of Protestors Greet Biden in El Paso In His First Visit to Open Border, Which He Doesn't Actually Visit
January 8, 2023

□ [“Feds Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem"]

"Consider"?  They've obviously got this in place.  They can't produce electricity but they'll require every stove in existence can only be powered by electricity.  What they can do is turn it off any time they feel like it.  That's the real goal.

Best of all, China and Russia know that and they can control electricity too, turning it off for anybody they don't like.  This is the sort of thing that makes you wonder if our rulers are out-right working for them or if they're just too stupid to know any better.  That's probably why Russia and China picked them.

We could just go back to using wood, the way Germans are doing now that they're not permitted to have Russian fuel.  Because they care so much about the earth.

DOJ Looking Into Classified Documents From Biden’s Time as Vice President Found in Private Office
January 9, 2023

□ [“World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’"]

This came out about a week ago.  “Age gap love violate human rights.”  Seriously.  Preventing the rape of children violates the rapist's human rights.  That's always part of the goal.  Doing this saves humanity from itself.

It helps that children are too young to reproduce, if you call that "help."  This lines up with their other goals, destroying the family and depopulating the planet.  So naturally they want the laws against raping children to be removed.  Naturally the media is already in line with this, the New York Times, CNN, the BBC and many countries around the world are following along.

How many generations have they done this to?  This current trend is fairly recent, but the more I look into history, the more it looks like it's always gone on.  There's no way to know how much of this pedophilia (and demon worship?) is connected to the past and how much just arose wherever it happened to be.  It's the sort of thing nobody wants to look into except those who already agree with it.

But this is the sort of thing we need to fight back en masse.  The rulers want to own our future forever and will take anything they want.

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