26 January, 2023

Who put the 'bot in the bot shu-bot shu-bot?

□ [“House Oversight Chairman James Comer Launches Investigation Into Hunter Biden’s Art-Selling Scheme"]

Ok, so what?  First of all, there's no incentive to even get started on this.  Second of all, it'll take a long time to actually find anything worthwhile.  Third of all, there's no incentive to find anything worthwhile.  Fourth of all, there's everybody who'd be standing in your way to prevent the investigation.  Fifth of all, not a single Democrat in Congress supports an investigation, nor does the Senate, nor does the guy who self-identifies as POTUS, nor does anyone working in the executive branch.

The only chance I see is if somehow Congress has the authority to conduct a special investigation that goes straight for the target.  If you don't have Hunter testifying under oath next week, you've failed.  Anything else is just a waste of time and money, probably because it's evidence that you're in on it.

And they basically are.  They're all paid by countries and corporations, funneling it through Ukraine or China or whoever is handy, obeying the masters and seizing every scrap of power over us they can find.  This is just another example of distraction for whoever will fall for it.

Pfizer Exploring “Mutating” Covid-19 Virus Via ‘Directed Evolution’ To Continue Profiting From Vaccines
January 25, 2023

18-Year-Old Arizona Freshman Dies Suddenly After Collapsing During Workout
January 25, 2023

Former NFL Player Jessie Lemonier Dies Suddenly at 25
January 26, 2023

Founder of Financial Firm Plunges to His Death From Manhattan Rooftop Bar, Second Suicide There in Four Months
January 25, 2023

□ [“'Covid-19 Vaccines Are Not Associated with Sudden Death' – FDA Response to an American’s Concerns About Vaccines"]

Well that was easy, didn't have to investigate or anything.  Any chance you'll be looking into the cause of all the "sudden death" going on or are you just going to shrug and find something else to do?  Probably the latter, the FDA isn't known for doing anything to keep people from dying.  That's not their job, they just get paid to talk about how much they care.

You're only now getting around to looking into the six month and one year results of these poisons, yet you're officially stating that there's no chance they're responsible for "sudden death."  You're also not interested in what *is* causing it.  That's a red-flag to any sensible person but you're enforcing your authority and demanding silence.  Funny how that works.

What would you be doing differently if you knew that vaccine was flat-out killing many people and you totally supported that?  Would you still be saying it had nothing to do with the deaths?  Would you still be requiring everybody to inject this into their bodies?  Would you still be lying about how safe and effective it was?  Are we still on how it will prevent people from getting the virus or has that been thrown out after all the people who said that got the virus?  Yet somehow you expect people to believe you.

Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction Blocking Newsom’s Covid ‘Misinformation’ Law
January 26, 2023

□ [“National Archives Asks Former Presidents and Vice Presidents to Check Their Records for Classified Documents"]

Someone decided they have to at least pretend to care where all the classified documents have gone.  But they're not even including every living POTUS, yet Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr. are listed for some reason.  I guess it's just for their representatives, some of whom are probably alive, but not Jimmy Carter?  Nobody in Congress, current or previous, is included, and certainly no government employees who may have ever had access.  Who do they think will pay any attention to this?

I will admit, I suspect there's a reason to go to the POTUS first.  I had that impression when Obama spent a day or so walking around in high heels and then all the directives on pretending to be a different gender began changing.  In many ways, the POTUS is the one setting the rules, so maybe this actually is an example to follow and enforce on everyone else.  A similar example is how the Secret Service specifically does *not* obey the POTUS.  I doubt that would stop them from being controlled in other ways, but at least technically, that's how it works.

They also aren't asking Hillary if she has any, but I guess she could just send any of them back by fax.  No one would object to that.

□ [“Biden Judicial Nominee Can’t Answer Basic Questions on the Constitution"]

She's asked what Articles II and V do and doesn't know.  I'll admit I'd have to look them up to answer but I don't get paid to pay attention to these things and I'm not trying to get a high-ranking job where I'd be dealing with them.  Is she flat-out stupid or is she actively opposed to the Constitution?  [She can be both, I'm just assuming for the sake of argument that it's one or the other.]

She's trying to be a district judge in Washington state.  The Supreme Court now has someone who doesn't know what a woman is.  These are the low standards Biden's puppet masters put on the highest-level positions, the people at lower-levels would certainly be a lot worse.  And that's who they expect to impose their will on the rest of us.

The whole point is to put these brainless 'bots into positions of authority and then our masters will tell them how to react on any court issues.  It just makes you react 'where do they even find these people?'  Ok, the answer to that would be 'the American school system,' assuming any of these creatures are American, but you get the point.  This is who our rulers want to judge us with.

British ‘single-payer’ health care program is cratering. That should be a wake-up call for US liberals
January 25, 2023

□ [“Doctor Who Claimed Obesity Can’t Be Treated With Diet and Exercise Tapped for Role in USDA’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee"]

Are these people you just order to become doctors and then drag through the medical schools, no matter how low the standards have to get?  How do you even find these people?

When Obamacare was imposed on the world, there was the statement that we should all just be permitted to sign up to Congress' health care system.  More than that, I think nobody should be permitted to be a doctor unless they've been in charge of our ruler's health care for a given number of years.  Those should be the ones who get all the early untrained mistakes and if they die, oh well.

These people are stupid enough that they're just going to order a vaccine for anything.  Take this chemical to stop being fat, it worked for the virus.  They self-identify as not-stupid so they're entitled to protection by all their predecessors.  The process is probably a bit more complicated but that's basically it.  Their urge to reduce population probably comes from looking in the mirror.

Dr. Naomi Wolf on COVID Vaccine: “A Bioweapon – Manufactured in Concert with the CCP – In a Slow Way to Debilitate If Not Kill Off the Population of North America and Western Europe”
January 26, 2023

Madonna Criticized for “Mocking Jesus” with “Blasphemous” Last Supper Photoshoot and Portraying Virgin Mary for Vanity Fair
January 25, 2023

Spain’s Under-15 Football Star Estrella Martin Dies Suddenly
January 26, 2023

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