14 March, 2023

OJ Simpson is looking into who caused the bank failures!

Australian Study Shows up to a 26 Fold Increase in Excess Mortality in 2021 and 2022. Consistent With American Insurance Companies Findings
March 14, 2023

March 14, 2023

Small banks being targeted for takeover by bigger banks or just more weaknesses being exploited as the whole system gets ready to crash?  Does it really matter?  Our masters wanted this so it's easier to impose digital currency on the nation and the world.

How long have they been planning this?  By making fuel more expensive, the price of everything else goes up, just as Obama promised to do in 2008.  In 2020, Trump warned that if he lost, we'd see a recession that could destroy the country.  The left has spent decades brainwashing children about how horrible money is.

And this is who they've implanted in the economic system.  Notice that none of the left are complaining about the stockholders selling out right before the collapse.  They knew it was coming and totally supported that, no matter how much misery it causes the customer.  That's how they work.

March 14, 2023

Maybe they would have had a different response if we'd sent a balloon.  And yes, US European Command complained about the fuel being spilled because it's environmentally-unfriendly.  Never heard of a war before where vehicles were destroyed and lost fuel as a result.  That's the 21st Century for ya.

Of course the US is also complaining that Russia's acting like its at war, even though it is and the US is totally involved with.  I'll admit, part of this doesn't make sense.  The Russian aircraft dumped fuel onto the MQ-9?  That's what the article says but why?  Then the two collided, which sounds more like the Russian pilot just rammed it deliberately, to show he could.

But we'll 'make our concerns known to Russian officials.'  Doesn't sound threatening, doesn't even sound like we get to send our drones anywhere we want and there's nothing you can do about it.  We didn't even say that to Iran or Afghanistan when they took Americans captive, why would we care so much for an unmanned drone?

March 14, 2023

They're looking into who needs their protection and who they can turn against.  The final results will only have coincidental similarities to the truth.  This way they can keep the details private until they've decided what results they'll find, or make up.  The rich people and the board members will be kept safe from the results of their own decisions.

At most, it might be an excuse to turn against China for all their use of these banks.  Of course China will get to keep the bailout money, that's just expected, but our rulers will rant and rave about how horribly China ran America's banks and they'll expect better results from China's digital currency and China's World Health Organization.

Off the top of my head, one easy way to impose digital currency is to follow FDR's example and shut the banks down.  People would need money to pay bills and such, so that's where the government also gives the option to install the digital controller, it would be just a simple jab like the vaccine.

March 14, 2023

Was this the plan all along or just a new development?  My guess is the former, the only question is if Ukraine was always in on the plan or if they'll just have to go along with the people in charge.  The world has gotten to see US leadership for two years, now that they finally got rid of Trump.

They just made a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia which Biden has never bothered to do, and more non-white nations are looking into joining BRICS.  The Biden supporters claim to oppose Russia and China, yet they're doing everything possible to make this happen.  It's one of those things where you wonder if they're just pawns of China, if they're stupid enough to think this will work somehow, or does it matter one way or the other?

Oh, but their New World Order will take care of everything!!!  And they see no way that it could go wrong, or be used against them.  As it stands, it looks like China and Russia are going to get most of the weapons and money we sent to Ukraine.

March 14, 2023

He says he was a high school senior, c. 1961, when he suddenly supported gays getting married.  Yet in 1973, he told the Senate he opposed gays working for the federal government, as they were a security risk, although he added he hadn't given it much thought.  He voted for the 1996 "Defense of Marriage" act which says marriage is between a man and a woman although it's not clear if that's biological or self-identification.  He even defended that vote in 2004, adding that no state should be required to recognize a same-sex marriage just because another state accepts it.

If he's deluded enough to make this claim with obvious evidence to the contrary, what else will he lie about?  There's certainly no reason to think his father ever said that.  And yet nobody will dare challenge him on his public record for the last fifty years to suddenly supporting this now.

Hell, he could have show up Obama in the 2008 primaries for saying marriage was between a man and a woman.  We already know Biden was far more popular among voters, Obama couldn't even get as many votes for his second term and Biden totally buried him either way, right?  Because that's what the voters really wanted!

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