01 March, 2023

Women get manicures but men don't get womancures

□ [“While Biden Attacks US Coal Producers and Families of Coal Miners, China Is Building New Coal Plants at Break-Neck Speed"]

This does show how ridiculous our masters are.  They pretend to believe these fuels kill the earth and will do anything to stop them, but they never even mention what any other nation does.  If we're all on the same planet, they should be involved, right?  But no, they're all about making people suffer here and that's enough for them.

China's not going to listen to them, nore will anyone else who's influenced by them.  So what good does that do the planet?  And our rulers still need to keep their planes and cars fueled.  Just because they're denying it to the rest of us doesn't mean they'll go without.

It's possible they could be using this to get into war against China, but how do they expect anybody to believe that?  They wouldn't avoid this because it's a bad idea, so it would be that they never thought of it, or China just told them not to.  That's the world our rulers made, if they claimed to oppose it.

SoCal Teacher Arrested For Secretly Recording Students in ‘All-Gender’ Bathroom
February 28, 2023

Almost 700 Schoolgirls Poisoned by Toxic Gas in Iran
March 1, 2023

Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Thrown Into Solitary Confinement After Saying Epstein Was Murdered
March 1, 2023

□ [“Lori Lightfoot Blames Chicago Election Loss on Racism and Sexism, Says ‘I’m a Black Woman in America’"]

She's black?  When did this happen?  Did anybody else hear about this?  Seems like the sort of thing you should tell voters before the election, or before the previous election.

This claim really doesn't make her sound very smart.  You'd think it would be better to use this line before being elected the first time, not waiting until after she's been mayor for a couple years and then loses re-election.  It's just too easy for people to say they know how the city she's in charge of has gotten worse since she took over.

The fact that she's saying this will tell everybody what it's like when black women are in charge and they aren't going to want that again.  I do assume that whoever's in charge will tell her to back up and say she really didn't mean that the people who elected her last time are racist and sexist.  Otherwise you might as well say every black woman is just like her, no difference whatsoever.

Well, ok, it's Chicago, so Democrats already know that, but you get my point.

Society of Actuaries Excess Death Numbers Released for December – In Age Group Under 44, Number Is 43% Higher Than Expected
March 1, 2023

Oregon Considers Bill That Would Give Homeless People $1,000 a Month – No Strings Attached
February 28, 2023

□ [“Three Years Later: FBI Director Chris Wray Nonchalantly Admits COVID-19 Virus Likely Came from a Lab Leak in China"]

Something is going on these days.  What the point of this sudden change?  All of a sudden, 'yeah it came from a Chinese lab' from the people who said it was racist to say that, and disinformation and all the rest of that stuff.

As always, my first worry is that this is deliberate, to advance our rulers' goals.  Like it or not, that's just a reasonable assumption.  That said, nothing about this seems to be going according-to-plan and I can't think of any reason this makes the slightest bit of sense to anyone.  They'd have to tell their supporters to completely ignore this *and* every single one of them would have to be unquestioningly obedient.  There's no way to believe that would happen.

First of all, the supporters have spent years telling us we must believe the government.  Second of all, the government and their minions have been saying the exact opposite for three years.  Third of all, they can't all have been ignoring the deaths from "suddenly," which only happens to people who got the magic cure for a virus which was totally natural and didn't come from China.

Even if you have a positive, trustworthy relationship, there would need to be acknowledgement of doing a complete 180 on something so important.  Our rulers and their mindless subjects don't have a positive, trustworthy relationship.  This would just cause divisions that they've tried to avoid, the basic problem of all totalitarian regimes.

□ [“Left Wing Hack Stephen Colbert Mocks Report That Covid Leaked From a Lab"]

Perfect example.  He's just attacking the Biden-run Department of Energy, 'stay in your lane!'  Now he's got to add the Biden-run FBI to that list of people he's forbidding to say what he doesn't want to hear.  I'm sure this will be ignored, but it's an example of the cracks that will spread.

Remember, part of the point of being individuals is that we're all going to come up with different viewpoints and this makes it really easy to see problems with our rulers' narrative.  They can focus all they want on the collective, they're going to have their own conclusions and will have to aspire to mindlessness for any hope of avoiding those.  Colbert gets paid to say this nonsense but the crew on his show, the staffers on his tv network, the viewers, the advertisers, every single person there can see a problem.  You going to punish them like the FBI?

There is *something* going on.  Don't know what and can barely think of any guesses, much less facts, but there does seem to be some change in approach, somehow.  Hopefully it's a resistance movement, the sort I've been calling for and do believe exists somewhere in the deep state by regulation.  Or maybe it's just a way to keep teasing us with hope, that makes just as much sense.

“This Is Not America vs America. This Is America’s Enemies + Woke Regime vs America” – Retired Air Force General Spalding
March 1, 2023

Another Train Derailment: Train Carrying 30,000 Gallons of Propane Derails Near Florida Airport
March 1, 2023

World Economic Forum Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel
February 28, 2023

Are the balloons and invading "objects" still happening?  Are they being shot down right away or just allowed to carry out whatever the mission is and we're not told?  It was such a big deal a few weeks ago, our rulers talking about how they'd prevent dangers from illegally crossing our borders.  Except for when they don't, but never mind that.

Or is this just another example of the evil foreign invasion that doesn't stop, the media just stops giving it much attention, like the Saudi Arabia/Yemen thing?  That's been going on since the previous Russia/Ukraine thing and we still don't hear any liberals complaining about what these non-white people are doing.

It also seems like World War III is getting into (slightly) clearer shape.  As far as I know, the New World Order hasn't announced its signed agreements to take over the world, which were due last weekend.  Perhaps this is the basis for that 'deep state resistance' I'm wondering about.  Handing over his so-called authority, as Biden has, would definitely be a place for an achilles heel.  Of all the places to look for hope, that's what I picked?

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