25 March, 2023

We never see Clark Kent with any paraplegic black women. Hmmmmmm...

□ [“Indiana Jones Series Canceled At Disney Plus"]

How can they cancel Indiana Jones?  If nothing else, the world would finally get to see Harrison Ford starting in a tv show for the first time in his career.  Isn't that worth any other risk?  Or is he just charging too much money, like he did for $20 million or so to show up as Han Solo?  Some actors are just greedy.  That's why you shoot them first!

For some reason, I've been focusing on Disney's recent problems.  I've seen almost none of the movies and have mostly lost whatever affection I ever had for them or the characters.  I've never seen Willow so hearing that it had a tv show which was cancelled after one season is interesting, but not all that meaningful to me.  I've had very little interest in Star Wars outside of the One True Trilogy, although I did see the other trilogies at least once.

I still have some affection for the Marvel characters but that's mostly in the past as well and these particularly characters were never that important to me.  Lee/Ditko's Spider-Man, Claremont's X-Men, a few other titles and a past-tense interest in the Marvel Universe as a whole, that's where I was and is the view I bring to the table looking at Disney these days.

I'm still trying to figure this out.  Ok, they're trying to bring back the multiverse, never mind the contradictions and impossibilities.  Just bring in the Black Panther actor from a universe where he didn't die.  Have him portray the Panther in a universe where one day he had french toast for breakfast instead of an omelet but had the same action scenes as this one.  That's what they're trying to put forward with the multiverse, don't they at least believe in that?

This also looks similar to how Marvel and DC were behaving in the 70s, before X-Men became a hit, but I'm still trying to figure this out.  Partially it's because actors and special effects cost way more than a writer, penciller, inker, letterer and colorist putting out a monthly series.  They're also trying to figure out how to make the characters the only relevant part, but that means they have to figure out what to do with the actors.  They can't just be replaced, but that's the whole point of the characters.  I'm irritated by recent internet discussions about whatsisname playing Superman.  Why not just do what they did with the first one and hire a complete unknown?  That worked quite well, which is probably why they won't do that again.

Of the many things comics have going for them, they're cheap and easy to produce.  Some of my favorite comics are by one or two people putting the work together, sending it to a printer and keeping the profits.  It also helps that you can just steal a character differently, change the name and a few details, and there's a brand-new character.  That's something that could be done with Indiana Jones because no one will accept anybody but Harrison Ford in that role.

I've also been following the recent Marvel flops.  I am worried that this is deliberate, which is one reason I keep thinking of the mid-70s Marvel which was basically going nowhere.  But there's also a similarity to the early-90s when they were pumping out a ridiculous amount of garbage.  Sure, it sold, but it's basically where the industry started to shrink and it's only gotten worse since then.  Movies are a big deal so the problems are multiplied immensely.

I don't know if Disney has actually planned this.  It's actually scary to think it has, but I'd like to at least keep thinking about it for a while.  It took long enough but my interest in superheroes finally ended in various ways and most of the affection I still have falls on specific comics by specific creators.  I am curious what's going to happen to them though, and to the values they claim to represent.

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