29 April, 2024

I distort, you reside.

Florida Disney World Resort Uses Transgender Biological Male as Snow White’s Evil Queen
April 28, 2024

California Democrat Introduces Bill to Ban ‘Excessive Homework’
April 29, 2024

□ [“Hunter Biden To Sue Fox News for Defamation by Airing ‘Revenge Porn’"]

They reported on his laptop.  The laptop which became the property of the computer repair store when Hunter didn't bother to pick it up after 30 days.  The computer repair store which Hunter had given his laptop to with full access to its contents.  The only crimes committed were by Hunter for the content of his laptop, but his daddy runs the legal department, so this will only go one way.

It's not clear how that's a "leak," the computer store gave Fox permission to air the material which was their property.  Do other media outlets really want that to become illegal or do they think they'll get away with it because they're friends with Hunter who can ask his daddy for favors?  At one point, Hunter claimed it wasn't even his laptop, but he can apparently get away with lying.

Clearly the elites are just jumping right into getting away with anything they want.  The rules only apply to their inferiors.  Because Hunter has to protect his reputation or something.  This is what we're left with now that civilization has ended.

Ford Losing $132,000 on Every Electric Vehicle Sold This Year
April 28, 2024

Federal Government Giving Voter Registration Forms to Non-Citizen Refugees
April 29, 2024

□ [“G7 Countries Reach Agreement to Shut Down All Coal-Fired Power Plants by 2035"]

They're just destroying themselves.  China and India use far more coal plants than G7 countries and they have nothing to do with the agreement, except in the sense that China ordered our rulers to do this and they obeyed without hesitation.  It's like saying you'll win more marathons if you cut your legs off and inspire the other runners be that stupid.

In any of these countries, all the people need to do is overthrow the rulers and they'll no longer have to pretend to go along with this agreement that nobody voted for.  Somehow they think they can stay the elite forever and nothing can go wrong.  I don't know when or how, but they are going to be proven very wrong very soon.

They don't know how energy is created and they have no clue how strong the earth is, but they think they can give the orders and that'll be that.  Did a single one of them avoid burning fossil fuels to come to this meeting in Turin, Italy?  Of course not.  Atlas just needs to shrug and they'll be gone.

Secretary Blinken’s Hostile Reception in Failed China Trip
April 28, 2024

James Carville Triggered by New CNN Biden Poll, Curses at Young Voters in Angry Rant
April 29, 2024

□ [“Zelenskyy Announces 10 Year Funding Agreement with U.S.: 'Glory to Ukraine'"]

This was the point of the lates $61 billion gift.  A lot of it will probably go into the elite's pockets but I think the point was to fund the 'new world order.'  That's why the uniparty waved its Ukranian flags when Congress passed the bill, they're showing off their real government that's now taking our money permanently, all the name of keeping the war going.

The real war is against us and any other elites that don't obey them.  The only question is if Russia is actually the enemy or if they've always been part of this.  I can't even make a guess on that, both options seem far too believable.  It would explain why they haven't just gone through Ukraine like typical Russians, that's just a distraction.

I've noticed that the Ukraine supporters have mostly gone silent.  Not just because they're more interested in fighting Israel or because the economy is causing too many other problems, they're just ignoring it.  They don't mind cancelling elections, they support pushing draftees to the front lines and keeping there to die, they're totally allied with the uniparty to keep this war going at the cost of everything else, and they don't even need Congress to declare war.  It'll just be there forever.

Chaos Erupts at Michigan County Meeting After Minister of Satanic Temple Delivers Satanic Invocation
April 28, 2024

Wyoming Girl Scout Fined $400 for Selling Cookies in Her Grandparents’ Driveway
April 29, 2024

□ [“Jewish Student at UCLA Blocked from Entering Open Area on Campus by Anti-Israel Radicals"]

The video shows no evidence that he's denied entry because he's Jewish, only that masked agents decide who gets to come on campus and will deny those who pay tuition for whatever reason they have in mind.  They're obviously Jew-haters, otherwise they'd just be letting people go about their lives, and this is how you get Nazis.  They're told to keep people out and they obey.

There's any number of anecdotal videos showing that these protestors don't have a clue who they're actually defending.  Gays, women and the *woke* especially think that.  Just makes me wonder if anybody's ever done a real examination of Germany in the 1920s to figure out how the kids were so brainwashed.  Well, someone probably did make that examination and they're using it now.

Columbia ordered its protestors to dismantle their tents by 2PM, no clue if anybody actually obeyed.  There's rumors that they've added more people for this.  Either they're going to go nuts and start smashing people or they're going to harass enough people that someone else starts it for them.  I'm still expecting May Day to be the target date.

Columbia is clearly in favor of the chaos, their faculty are surrounding the students to keep the police out.  I'm sure more Soros-funded troops are coming in, maybe Antifa, maybe from the southern border.  Well, not just Soros, it's what tuition fees and student dues are for.

Joining Forces?  Trump and Ron DeSantis Meet Privately in Florida
April 28, 2024

Federal Appeals Court Rules West Virginia and North Carolina Must Pay for Transgender Healthcare
April 29, 2024

□ [“International Criminal Court Prepares to Issue Arrest Warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Other Top Senior Officials"]

Anybody surprised?  It's all about the October 7 attacks, there's certainly no complaints against Hamas who started them.  Any question about the hostages?  No, of course not, they're better off dead.

This is the elites claiming they run the world.  Frankly I'm surprised they aren't issuing warrants for Trump, I assume he'll be the next one the list, as soon as they make something up.  Israel's not even a member of the court, but they self-identify as having the required authority anyway.  The Palestinians are members, but they aren't biased!!!

I think they're going to come to a real shock when people refuse to obey their orders.  Not just Israel and not just the ICC, but all the authorities across the world.  At least China/Russia/Palestine/etc. are used to sending in men with guns to shoot anyone who doesn't obey, do you really think our masters have the guts for that?  Or are they just going to had the issue over to China/Russia...?

Heavy Hailstorm, Devastating Tornado Hit Industrial Metropolis of Guangzhou, China
April 29, 2024

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