09 April, 2024

The Ghostbusters are strange. Keep them out of this neighborhood!

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is Confused by Astronomy: “The Moon is Made Up Mostly of Gases”
April 9, 2024

Labor Secretary Laughs at Millions of Americans Who Think They Were Better Off Under Trump
April 8, 2024

□ [“Lawmakers in San Francisco Want to Allow Residents to Sue Grocery Stores for Closing"]

But if they don't pay, then they're the criminals, so you'd be required to protect them from the victims.  That's the standard you're establishing, unless it's only to be used against people you hate, like those who provide food and supplies that your pet criminals steal.

I can understand struggling to keep your business open, but this really is a living example of Ayn Rand, just close it and go away.  I doubt very many businesses are being opened - especially in this economy our rulers claim is doing so well, but more should be shutting down.  Let them take it, they'll just destroy it like everything else.

And where, dare I ask, are the residents supposed to get the money to sue a grocery store?  There's probably a lot of leftist lawyers looking for a government paycheck, that may be the actual point of this, but how are you going to set up government funding to give to the residents to give to the lawyers?  And what are they going to eat in the meantime?  This is just another excuse for tyranny, like our rulers didn't have enough already.

Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile Complains That When Joe Biden Speaks ‘Nobody Listens’
April 9, 2024

□ [“Harsh British Trump Critic FM Cameron Visits Mar-a-Lago Before Meeting with Secretary Blinken"]

This is just weird.  Cameron used to be PM and now he's foreign minister?  Usually when you have the top job and leave, for whatever reason, you don't go to a lower-ranking position.  But then, he's going to meet the guy I thought would be a great House Speaker, so what do I know?  Or this might be deliberate, to be in a more useful position when the collapse happens.

There's also the fact that Democrats just made a big deal out of limiting Trump's access to the standard information presidential candidates get, this meeting may have been why it was suddenly a big deal.  For that matter, Cameron may just think Trump is actually in charge because Biden sure isn't.  I would like to think this a meeting at higher levels of the resistance movement, but who knows?

But who was the last big name to visit Mar-a-Lago?  Far as I can remember, Ronna McDaniel, and look how that turned out.  It would be very nice to see a British equivalent of that meeting.  That could be even funnier, because Blinken wouldn't have a clue what happened so his reaction would be entertaining.

Illegal Alien From El Salvador Arrested For Murdering Man, Dismembering His Body
April 9, 2024

□ [“Insurrection:  Code Pink and Other Jihadis Take Over Senate Dining Hall and Ban Senators There"]

This is just showing off what they're allowed to do but people they don't like aren't.  They can also bring Senators drugs, sex and whatever other conspiracies they're part of.  This is just a show, the elites getting whatever they want.  But I have to wonder if some of them are serious.

It's always about attacking Israel, a much higher priority than whatever standard leftism they're talking about today.  Hamas will always be supported, transgenders, abortion and covid vaccinated won't.  It's been that way for thousands of years, Jew-hatred über alles.

This is the sort of problem elites always have with their subordinates, the true believers aren't going to stop just because you tell them to.  The final step of leftist tyranny is always that the people in charge finally realize that the rules were there for a reason, but they aren't even capable of enforcing them like a civilized nation.  They need thugs and elites who can ignore them.

They're going to keep doing this and it's going to keep building, at least up to the convention.  If our rulers don't have a reason to cancel the election yet, that'll do it.

Idaho Teen Arrested for Pledging Allegiance to ISIS — Planning to Attack Churches on Their Behalf
April 9, 2024

□ [“National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Bans Transgenders from Competing in Women’s Sports"]

Naturally they let some leeway.  Everybody is allowed to compete in men's sports, but only those who were biologically born as female can compete in women's, because equality.  You're forbidden to ban what we get to ban, that's how discrimination works.

But they are taking a small step towards sanity.  It's like leftist claims of supporting equality were all just practice for getting around to the pretend-genders.  We see that with how blacks sissy girls-with-vaginas have to sit in the back because the important ones deserve all the attention.  I'm really starting to think that this cult belief has gone on a lot longer than we believe, but for the time being, it does seem to be drawing down.

You can't make everybody miserable and get away with it, especially when this insanity is your primary goal.  I still can't believe there hasn't been a mass uprising against this, but then again, I can't believe this was ever taken seriously in the first place.  But look at how long Hollywood has been promoting Ed Wood and Glen or Glenda, they've obviously been after this for a long time.  Yet taking over sports only goes one way, men get applauded for beating women.

Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s 11th-Hour Request to Delay Stormy Daniels ‘Hush Payment’ Trial
April 9, 2024

After 18 days, I have to assume the new Ghostbusters movie is a failure.  Maybe not, it was cheaper to produce than the 2016 version, but it's still doing poorly.

Current Ghostbusters:  $89,326,551
Previous Ghostbusters after 18 days:  $102,822,420
Female Ghostbusters after 18 days:  $107,881,753
Ghostbusters II after 18 days in 1989:  $75,999,144
Ghostbusters after 18 days in 1984:  $63,444,355

Only Ghostbusters II was an immediate hit, because everybody wanted to see the guys back.  There are reasons to criticize it but I've always liked it so shut your ugly face if you disagree.  But with modern ticket prices, the current movie can't get very far in front of movies that had 1980s ticket prices.  We do know this movie was more expensive to produce than the previous one, sequels usually are.

But this is not selling tickets.  It's not doing much better than The Marvels, which had $77,095,333 on day 18.  There's the economy, people don't want to waste money on this crap.  There's the threat of every movie being *woke,* which the studios aren't going to get rid of any time soon.  There's also the fact that we just don't need movie franchises these days.

It's not even about being *woke,* there's the concept of making a movie you're interested in and then there's having to tie it together with several dozen other movies.  There's just no way to set up these big companies on something like that, but they're all devoted it to it now  Or rather, trapped.

There's actors, set and wardrobe, but otherwise how much more do you need to make an actual movie than a cellphone and a laptop?  I still think a handful of people could just be putting out short flicks or even an ongoing sitcom on youtube and would get a lot of attention if it's any good.

Billy Dee Williams Not Offended by ‘Black Face’ “You Don’t Go Through Life Feeling Like, ‘I’m A Victim’”
April 9, 2024

□ [“Time is Running Out on NATO"]

This is just coming off like a script, all set up for the upcoming stolen election and the 'new world order.'  Not sure who would want this, Russia or BRICS or western rulers, but it all seems so deliberate.

So NATO is realizing it has problems.  They can't fight a war and be *woke* and they're not giving up the *woke.*  Iran and China know this too, so if they have an actual plan, that's probably it.  Iran may be why the Muslim world isn't all invading Israel at once, holding out for a better moment, and China is just... there.

And the scariest part, besides the fact that most of these nations have nuclear weapons, is that they'd be on the right side, fighting the *woke.*  That's how much our rulers have degraded freedom and western civilization.  The BRICS founders were all in on it from the start, so maybe it's just a ruse to seize more power in their own ways.  They're probably not fighting for anybody's freedom, especially ours, although it's at least conceivable that some of them knew they had things better when the USA was real.

I know, I'm just fantasizing that something might go well, but that's how low we're getting here.  And the rest of NATO can see it too.  They aren't going to stand up and fight either, but they insist on being tied to Ukraine, who's also ready to collapse.

Arizona Court Rules that a 160-Year-Old Law Outlawing Abortion is Enforceable
April 9, 2024

Biden May Have Trouble Getting on Alabama 2024 Ballot
April 9, 2024

Black Woman Shooting Spree on Florida Freeway:  “God” Told Her To Do It Because of Solar Eclipse
April 9, 2024

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