05 April, 2024

I read the propaganda today, oh boy!

I look younger than I did yesterday.  20240404

We've never seen Trump and Beau Biden together... 20240404

Looks like I picked the wrong week to wish you both good luck, we're all counting on you.  20240405

Tuberculosis Found in Sanctuary City Chicago ‘Migrant Shelters’
April 4, 2024

Officials Along Path of Eclipse Quietly Declaring States of Emergency
April 5, 2024

□ [“Maduro Signs Referendum Claiming Essequibo, Guyana as Part of Venezuela"]

Kinda surprised it hasn't happened already, but they are pushing the next war.  The left has basically ignored Venezuela since their idol died and his chosen successor can get way with whatever he wants, so I'm skeptical that they have any real objection to this.  I dare you to name any recent example of the left opposing one nation declaring ownership of another nation.  Doesn't count if those nations are full of white people.

That said, our rulers might insist on being involved anyway.  If nothing else it's another excuse to give away taxpayer money and military equipment.  Maduro even made a big ceremony to sign this law, announcing that Guyana was ruled by the Southern Command (i.e. the US military), the CIA and ExxonMobil so we know leftists will want to help him.

This is another example of the WWIII we're facing.  This Venezuela/Guyana problem has existed for decades, so it has nothing to do with Trump, except that since he's been gone, our enemies all have a reason to push this all the way.  We're not weak enough yet, so they need to take more, and that's not counting the problems people in this part of the world are actually living through.  Just the fact that our rulers want this much chaos shows how eager they are for complete devastation.

Bird Flu Outbreak Shuts Down Largest US Fresh Egg Producer, 1.6 Million Chickens Culled at Texas Facility
April 4, 2024

A Confused Biden Has to Be Guided Into Place Despite Giant Xs Taped to the Ground
April 5, 2024

□ [“X-Files Next Up for Retro-Demolition"]

X-Files itself isn't a big deal to me.  I probably had to sit through a few minutes of it once or twice, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen a full episode.  But what on earth is the point of remaking these old properties?  They're still there if anybody wants to watch them, why not make up a new series to promote the *woke* agenda?  This will just piss off the old fans and won't add any new ones.

And everybody will assume it's *woke* because that's what mass media puts out.  They make sure to advertise that it will have a "diverse cast" which tells us everything we need to know.  If it wasn't a big deal to the megacorporation paying for this, they wouldn't include it in promoting the work.

This mentality just seems to be about displaying a corpse that they created.  At this point, we know what it's like to see actors redoing characters decades later and there's nothing to gain from that.  I'm not even sure there's any nostalgia left for that.  If Christopher Reeve were still alive and healthy, would you actually want to seem him wearing a Superman costume for any reason?  Or George Reeves for that matter.

That's what we're getting here with things like this.  Just change the name and a few details and you've created a new character, one that's not based on decades-old corporate propaganda.  But they're just not capable of that, no matter how much money they waste on this.

Biden Starts Whispering into Microphone Again… “In the Biden-Obama, The O’Biden”
April 5, 2024

□ [“Activist Warns Democrats to Stop Registering Young Voters – They’re Going to Vote for Trump"]

I assume this is just more propaganda to push fear, even on their own side.  Or it's just another reason to cancel the election which low-ranking employees wouldn't know about yet.  But for the sake of argument, I will pretend for the moment that this is exactly what's going on.

For one thing, what's the best way to promote something to young people?  Have old people oppose it at every turn, never permitting the young to hear any other viewpoints.  It's just astounding how mass media never shuts up about Trump.  Didn't hear much about Obama when Trump was in charge, didn't hear much about GWB when Obama was in charge, Clinton during GWB's term, etc.

Then there's the fact that, unless they just turned 18, they know how much cheaper and easier things were back when Trump was in charge.  But Democrats not only refuse to acknowledge that, not only are they pushing the policies that make life harder for everyone, but they're actively lying about how much better things are, even when it contradicts what they said before.

Well-paid government officials are told to put out papers that say the economy is doing great.  That does nothing for people who see rents rising and the prices of basic supplies going up, never mind the rich people who go around saying we need more of this.  Young people are capable of seeing these problems.

This just reminds me of that line in the Simpsons, "You kids don't know what you want.  That's why you're still kids, 'cause you're stupid!"  That's the attitude Democrats have to their youth. Yet another excuse for "population reduction."

‘It’s Like the End of Times’ UN Expert Predicts ‘Apocalyptic Scenario’ in Haiti Mass Exodus To US ‘In Weeks’
April 5, 2024

□ [“Biden Regime Introduces Regulations to Block Trump’s Plan to Expunge The Deep State"]

This is certainly believable, but I still get the feeling it's about something else.  It's officially about making it harder to fire government employees because they're so competent and have nothing to do with politics.  Supposedly it's so Trump can't purge them out on the off-chance there's actually an election and Democrats can't steal it.

That makes no sense, why wouldn't Trump just be able to put the order out on Day One?  I can see why there'd be policies that don't permit a complete purge immediately, but I don't know how that would work and it sure seems like something Trump would know about.  That's why I think there's something more going on here.

Then there's the fact that higher-ranking Democrats don't act like they have any risk of Trump taking over, so what's the big deal?  That said, this does come off as desperation, making it obvious that they're reinforcing the walls to keep the enemy out.  And this one guy is the enemy?  Not likely.

Bidenomics In Action: 99 Cents Only Chains to Close All 371 Locations Nationwide
April 5, 2024

□ [“P. Diddy's Former Bodyguard:  There Are Secret Tapes of A-Listers and Politicians"]

That's taken as a given.  Even poor and middle-class people have cameras around to oversee things, certainly rich people would need ways to keep track of the people who come in.  It's like when P. Diddy dropped off cocaine at the White House, they had him on film even if he didn't have to show his ID.

So everybody has film of each doing everything they do.  I could see this being used as blackmail but you'd think anybody permitted to attend these parties or enter the mansion would already be fully aware of what the elites are into.  They like having secrets and are tied to each other anyway, so it seems like there'd be more.

I do wonder if they're making private movies, with big budgets.  Famous actors and musicians involved, lawyers to approve use of corporate property, the point is to show they can get away with anything they'd want other people punished for.  What we need is to know who was in on this and, if there are any, who was forbidden access.

Biden at Baltimore Bridge: “The Biden Family Goes All the Way Back to Being Watermen in This Bay For a Long Time…Back in the Mid-1800s”
April 5, 2024

Magnitude 4.7 Earthquake in New Jersey, Tremors Felt Through Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, and Delaware
April 5, 2024

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