06 March, 2021

Cardi B's "Wet-Ass Pussy" is voted song of the year. Dr. Seuss are banned. This is the world today.

□ [“MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Conservatives would trade tax cuts to ‘openly say the n-word’"]

Does this cunt even have a clue what she's saying or does she not bother paying attention to her words either?  All the rappers who vote Democrat get to say the word constantly and would also like tax cuts.  Of course she can't name a single person who actually thinks that, she's just making shit up for a paycheck.  Or, just as possible, she's saying what she's told to say.

□ [“Biden’s DHS Has No Plans to Test the Thousands of Migrants Streaming Across Southern Border — Has Not Tested Anyone!"]

They know the Virus is a fake and they want to destroy the nation anyway so it's win-win for them.

I would like to think we'll get through and beat them at their own game, but I don't see anyway of doing it, certainly not in our lifetimes.  They're going to steal every possible election and throw out any rules they want while imposing them on the peasants.  I'm just looking for a way out and I'm probably not the only one.

I'm meaning to look at a few articles that might be interesting but I haven't gotten around to it.  I've been focusing on the "History project" a lot these days.  The first step I'm taking is (hopefully) the longest and hardest.  I'm organizing basically everything that's ever happened into a consistent chronological order.  Right now, I'm almost done with "music."  After that, I just have "tv," "movies" and "sports" to get through.  When I've finally gotten that far, I will have to go through the entire list again, erasing duplicates, merging similar items.  I also hope to organize them by subject matter, most likely the specific location.  These will will be Step 2.

That last one will be a bit trickier, there's a limit to how much time and effort I can put in on everything.  As an example, a lot of people are listed as having been born in the USA.  How far will I go to find the exact city or state for every single person?  I know there will be subject matter that isn't based on limitation but I haven't worked out what-all I'll use when I get that far.

The third step is still very unclear, I'll go through everything again, I'll keep looking up specific details as needed.  I've been doing all this in an EXCEL sheet and I will want to keep the established subject matter, whatever it turns out to be, but I won't want it at the beginning of every line where I currently have it.  Once I get that far, I may have worked out Step 4.  At the very least, I'll have an awesome historical record of humanity.

I don't recall when I actually started working on this, but I started taking it seriously after the brain problem, finding something to focus my time on since there was nothing else.  No clue how much I had gotten done previously but it really started around November 2019.  That's almost a year and a half of solid work and I'm not even close to done yet, wow.

Hopefully I'll be done with the 'music' part by the time I post tomorrow but probably not.  One reason it's been taking so long is that a lot more work has to be done than one would expect.  Then again, that's what made history in the first place.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Says She’s Disappointed That Dems Are ‘Sending Money to Less People Than the Trump Administration’
March 6, 2021

LA Teachers Union Went on Witch Hunt to Find Out the Races of Parents Pushing for Schools to Open
March 6, 2021

White House Cuts Biden Live Feed Again As He Offers to Take Questions After Covid Roundtable Discussion
March 5, 2021

Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin
March 6, 2021

NYT columnist: Pepe Le Pew 'added to rape culture'—time to buy old cartoons before they're banned
March 6, 2021

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