27 March, 2021

This can't last, what's going to fall apart first?

□ [“Sesame Street Forgets Own History To Be Woke"]

Elmo asks why Wes’s skin is brown, his father Elijah says "the color of our skin is an important part of who we are."

That's what they want to drill into children's heads.

And they're trying to get rid of everything, right now it's the filibuster.  Democrats always hate it when they're in charge but love it when they aren't in charge.  They used it 300 times last year alone.  No wonder, it's "racist."

□ [“Lil Nas X Says Children Are His Core Audience Before Releasing Music Video Giving Satan a Lap Dance, Selling Shoes Made With Human Blood"]
□ [“Lil Nas X and Nike Release Shoe Dedicated to Satan with a Pentagram and Human Blood in it – In a Limited Edition of 666 Pairs"]

They're going straight for this.  This is what they've been after for a long time.

Watching another show, the origin of The Facts of Life as a spin-off of Different Strokes.  I haven't watched that series in many ages and certainly haven't missed it.  But giving it a chance, this is not good.  The girls are all there to wear tight outfits, most of the main characters are there except Natalie.  I'm blanking on the name of the actor playing Mr. Crocker but he's clearly from The Bob Newhart Show and Night Court.  Jack Riley, there is is.  Mollie Ringwald is there of course.

Charlotte Rae is the only one worth watching, there's nothing else.  It must have been inspired by doing a young version of Charlies Angels or something like that.  There's no reason for personality or anything like that.  That's totally not the Blair even in the first season, much less later on.  It's specified that Tootie is 12 and she's very much not.  Is she there for any reason other than to make the other girls look more developed?  Nancy's given the closest to any part of the story, apparently she was the first actress hired for the girls.

I'm still watching other episodes, or at least playing the dvd.  I definitely prefer the Eastland years, less mature and face it, less like each other.  It's just a better set-up that the girls have no reason to be around each other but are forced to.  

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March 27, 2021

Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs
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Four Police Officers Shot in Gun-Controlled Chicago Over the Last Two Weeks
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That Was Quick: On Wednesday Biden Taps Kamala to Fix His Border — On Friday Kamala’s Spokesperson Says “The VP Is Not Doing the Border”
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