07 March, 2021

Closing in...

New York Senate Majority Leader, State Assembly Speaker Both Call on Cuomo to Resign After 5 Women Accuse NY Gov. of Sexual Harassment
March 7, 2021

Insurrection! ANTIFA Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in A Series Of Malicious Terrorist Attacks
March 7, 2021

Portland Can Relax. The 'Enhanced Community Safety Team' Is On The Job
March 7, 2021

Australian ABC Reporters Told Not to Use the Term Pedophile to Describe Child Sex Abusers… Because ‘Not All Pedophiles Molest Children’
March 7, 2021

We're collapsing.  I think people are just waiting for the next thing to fall.  How many of them have spare food or other resources?  I'm half-tempted to see if I can put together material for future books so I have something in print to work on or even if I don't, it has a chance of existing longer than I do.

Hell, I feel like getting started on it right now.  I'll even drop the "History project" for a little while.

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