10 March, 2021

The less you consider individualism, the fewer words you need. Who will question your assertion that 'this group hates that group.' Bonus points to using skin color.

California’s Proposed “Ethnic Studies” Curriculum Urges Students to Chant to Aztec Deity of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism – Calls For “Counter-Genocide” Against White Christians
March 10, 2021

Psaki Laughs When Asked Why Border Facilities for Migrant Children Are Fully Open But US Schools Aren’t
March 10, 2021

Biden’s Handlers Announce Hastily Planned Road Show to Prop Up Kamala Harris as Joe’s Dementia Becomes Impossible to Conceal
March 10, 2021

LA Teacher Warns Union Members Not To Post Vacation Pics While Classrooms Are Still Closed
March 9, 2021

Been trying for a couple hours to think of something to write.  I've been pondering the concept of 'government property.'  It is slavery but left loves it because it's government so in theory it has nothing to do with the individual.  In reality, everyone is an individual, hence the resulting absolute ruler which leftists also love.

There's a quote from Lenin on the state controlling everything, I think he was ordering one of his subordinates to measure and quantize every brick and nail, something along those lines.  I don't remember the quote and I can't even guarantee it was from Lenin himself, but I'm going through the biography by Dmitri Volkogonove trying to find it.  So far no luck - I still don't have much reading ability and probably haven't gone through this book since before I enlisted, a long time ago - but I am seeing a lot of stuff that looks very current.

As an example, while typing this I just notice that exactly 98 years ago, Lenin was undergoing serious health problems.  A lot of money was spent on him, including bringing in doctors from other countries because high-class care wasn't possible in Russia.  The people didn't vote on the matter, they just had their money spent on medical care that communists would never permit for them.  Of course the people weren't actually told yet, it was March 6 when he was paralyzed and March 11 before any public reports were made.

I gave up on finding the quote.  There's a lot of them that are relevant today but not the one I was looking for.  Even before looking at this book, I had been wondering for a while how long the media would take to tell us if something like that happens to Biden.  Then there was that internet article today that Kamala Harris is following him around, probably to be ready to take over any second.  Then there's purging the kulaks, going after the Romanovs, we can look forward to doing the same thing in the near future.

It's been pointed out that leftists have just changed "class" to "race" and that's pretty clear.  I think it goes deeper than that, possibly even deeper than eliminating individualism although at our level we can't see all that entails.  It's the source of marxism, leftism, fascism and on a day-to-day basis, feudalism, where those who live in mansions and palaces get to pretend they're doing it for everybody and can send men with weapons to impose their will and keep society in that place forever.

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