17 March, 2021

John Galt is on first base, now stop asking who's on first!!!

Individuals have their own thoughts and viewpoints.  Collectivists can only see what their group tells them to see, regardless of reality.  Of course they are individuals themselves, whether or not they admit it, and obviously can't perceive the way a group does. [I have no idea if "groups" actually exist as beyond a gathering of individuals but let's leave that aside for the time being.]  They're just trying to copy other individuals, usually higher-class.

This lines up with the leftists' explicit denial of reality.  We see this with how they focus on skin color and call anyone who thinks differently "racist."  If they don't hate men, they're "sexist."  They oppose mansions but are keeping theirs, private jets, guns...  Look at all the people ordering everyone else wear masks and then get caught without their own.

The same ones who complained about an election for the past four years now try to prevent anyone from pointing out they stole an election.  There's not even a 'people have a right to think and say what they want,' they're in charge and no disobedience is permitted.

I have been meaning to look into the first post-invasion elections of Iraq because I have often wondered if part of the point was showing Iraqis what they get when they vote for modern Islam.  This was the reason for post-9/11 invasions and obviously they weren't going to make Afghanistan the ideal, not with Baghdad, Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo and other states in the region, not to mention Mecca.  LTC Miller was there to help over-see the follow-up elections and about the only way I see any hope is that this was all part of a larger plan, to let the enemy take over and show how they really are which would be re-enacted here at home.

Liberal Hypocrite and Biden Climate Envoy John Kerry Flouts Federal Mask Mandate on American Airlines Flight
March 17, 2021

Smug Jen Psaki Announces Any 10-Year-Old Slave in the World Who Makes It Across the US Southern Border Will Be Allowed to Stay Here With His Owner - She didn't actually mention slaves
March 17, 2021

More American Troops Entering Syria – What Is Biden Doing and Does He Know He’s Doing It?
March 17, 2021

Russia Recalls Ambassador After Joe Biden Threatens Vladimir Putin and Calls Him a ‘Killer with No Soul’
March 17, 2021

8-Year-Old Social Media Star ‘Dating’ 13-Year-Old Influencer — With Her Mom’s Blessing
March 17, 2021

Doctors Forced to Provide Cross-Sex Hormones Under Equality Act Could Send Teenagers Into Premature Menopause
March 17, 2021

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