15 March, 2021

Nobody ever dies saying they wished they'd watched more television but does anyone die saying they should have watched more movies?

Another day closer to death.  Having problem with the "History project" today but I have gotten through the daily goals and hope to do more after I finish typing this.

It's strange going through the 'movies.'  I'm mostly down to the awards for each year and for one thing, it's amazing to note that I barely recognize any of the recent years.  I just haven't paid attention for a long time.  For another thing, even a lot of the winners I've never seen ever.  It's not a case of not remembering if I've seen it, I know I haven't.  Network, I don't know if I've seen it, I think I might have watched part of it once.  Taxi Driver, I think I have but don't remember, as I recall I found it boring.  Jaws, SerpicoBonnie and Clyde, The ExorcistA Star Is Born, never and never had the slightest interest even though they're well-known hits.

I am wondering if movies are part of a larger conspiracy, getting people to waste their time watching and doing nothing else.  The theory is probably that films can brainwash people to think the way their masters want.  I think this also distances them from dealing with real people.

Why has Hollywood made A Star Is Born so many times?  Looking it up - because it's better than seeing the movie - it seems to be a generic love story that ostensibly goes behind the scenes in the movie business, essentially a love story to itself.  I do wonder if Judy Garland was the prime example of Hollywood manufacturing their own children which may explain why she was in the 1954 version.  Not sure why they would pick Barbra Streisand for the 1976 version but it makes as much sense as anything, and Lady Gaga was in the 2018 version.  There was also a 1951 tv version but I don't see anything about that, but it was hosted by a movie-star, Robert Montgomery, whose show remade movies and just looking at his life gives a hint of the family-business the industry was.  His daughter Elizabeth was Bewitched.

Joe Biden to Propose First Major Federal Tax Hike Since 1993 to Fund Multi-Trillion Dollar Plan to Tackle Climate Change, Infrastructure
March 15, 2021

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