13 July, 2021

I see a red door and I want it to stay red. I'll kill you if you make any changes.

Is it possible that the left/right definition came from early parliaments where the leftists sat one side and it happened to be the left,?  Being leftists, they all totally focused on their leader who snottily insisted as far as possible away from the enemy as possible.  And they projected that onto the enemy because of course they did.

No evidence but it's entirely plausible.  Strange the things I think up the second I start sitting down to write something.

Saw a note today that white prices are going to skyrocket.  This sort of thing always happens when outright socialists take over.

It also sounds like there is evidence ready to come out about the stolen election.  I'm not optimistic.  I'm just trying to get through each day as it comes at this point.

□ [“Judge Rules Newsom Can’t Label Himself a Democrat on Recall Ballot After His Team Makes Filing Error"]

"Newsom sued Secretary of State Shirley Weber in late June, arguing that the law imposes a needlessly early deadline for recall targets to request their party designation and that voters deserve to see that information."

They already know who they're voting for or against, that's the point of a recall election.  How stupid do you have to be to think they need to know what party you're in to make any such decision and still be permitted to vote?

Oh wait, this only became California law in 2019.  It's his law he's trying to ignore and it's his reelection team that forgot to mention what party he was in.  No wonder he wants to keep power, a sensible person would never try to get away with that.

□ [“‘Where’s President Biden?’: Officials Sound Alarm As ‘Socialist Shock Troops’ Deployed On Cuban Protesters"]

He supports the men with guns and that ain't the protestors.  It's strange that Democrats are so insistent that Cubans aren't protesting communism.  So these protestors are lying?  That's probably what the Cuban media and internet says and the government has banned anything it doesn't like.  Which is how Democrats want it.

□ [“Omar and Tlaib Mum on Whether Palestinian Aid Should Be Conditioned on Human Rights Abuses"]

That's like asking them what their views on Palestinian abortion and homosexuality.  We know what they think about that, they totally support Palestinian views.  They won't say anything because it would irritate liberals and might possibly get some of them to question how this works which simply won't do.  Don't worry, we're all Palestinians, or will be soon.

□ [“Biological Male 'Mother' Attempts To Breastfeed Newborn Birthed By His Biological Female 'Boyfriend'"]

Texas House Democrat Who Fled State to Block GOP Voting Laws Absurdly Compares Staying in Chamber to Being a “Hostage”
July 13, 2021

Chaos and Mayhem in South Africa: Indian Militias Fight Back Against Looters and Rioters in Durban
July 13, 2021

China Forces US Warship Out of Disputed Seas — As US Navy Continues to Focus on Diversity and Promote Drag Shows
July 13, 2021

Peter Schweizer: Secret Service Records Validate Authenticity of Hunter’s Emails; Laptop’s Content Confirms “Joe Biden was a Direct Beneficiary” of Son’s Corrupt Deals
July 13, 2021

Jill Biden Appears on Sesame Street to Promote “Race Literacy” to Little Children
July 13, 2021

Joe Biden Says Trump Supporters Are Worse Than Slave-Owning Confederates in Divisive PA Speech
July 13, 2021

Dr. Fauci: Two-Year-Olds Should Mask Up – “No Doubt About That”
July 13, 2021

Thief Smashes Car Window, Climbs Into Vehicle and Robs Female Driver Stuck in Oakland Traffic in Broad Daylight
July 12, 2021

Capitol Police Will Use Military Surveillance Equipment on Citizens to “Identify Emerging Threats”
July 12, 2021

New York Magazine Admits That Children Have Never Been Threatened By Covid, and That We've Known This From the Earliest Days of the Pandemic
July 12, 2021

‘Down With Communism!’: Thousands of Cubans Demand End to Dictatorship
July 12, 2021

Hotel in Tokyo apologizes for ‘Japanese only’ elevator
July 12, 2021

TikTok video shows white woman on American Airlines plane duct-taped to her seat. The airline says she tried to open the door midflight.
July 11, 2021

□ [“Rolling Stones, 'Paint It, Black'"]

I've been thinking lately about how I've been listening to more music lately.  I'm stuck driving and although it doesn't happen often, I do turn the radio on at times.  Of course I can't writing anything about it because, you know, driving.

But I did hear this song recently and enjoyed it.  Obvious why, it's a great song that's built very well and just provides something worthwhile to pay attention to for three and a half minutes, that's basically what music is there for.

So I thought of it a few minutes ago and because I was getting ready to finish this post, decided to play it again.  Yes, it's still wonderful.  It's also an example of how music can add up to more than the sum of its parts.  The only thing that really sticks out is Brian Jones on the sitar, probably his most notable contribution to the band other than forming and naming it.  And it's not that it's great sitar-playing, it just sounds neat against the rest of the music.

The band themselves are fine, Jagger's vocals are good, but nothing stands out as far as ability.  The lyrics don't really make any sense but this was when rock music was trying to promote itself as being *about something* even if it really wasn't.

It's also another example of how the lyrics are meaningless, until seeing this "Official Lyrics Video," I'd always thought "people turn their heads and quickly look away, like a new born baby it just happens every day" was actually "like an h-bomb, baby..."  That makes as much sense but, seeing the lyrics right there, it's clearly not what Mick is singing.

However, "don't wanna see the sun flying high in the sky"?  No, that's clearly not what Mick is singing.  It's possible that I'm wrong and it's not "I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky" but that's a lot closer to the recorded version than the *official* video says it is.

Still trying to figure out what rock'n'effin'roll really meant to anything but I have to give it points for stuff like this.  It came out fifty-five years ago, almost ten years before I was born and it's still a lot more worth listening to than the random batches of noise people listen to now without a fraction of the popularity or longevity.  It's probably a straight-forward path from one to the other but at least there was talent once upon a time.

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