28 July, 2021

Today was actually a good day. Tomorrow needs to be twice as bad to make up for it.

□ [“Tennessee Ten Year Old Held Captive and Tortured By Teens For Five Hours While Their Mother Allegedly Filmed and Posted on TikTok"]

Well, that would do it.  Those creatures need to die right away.  If I still lived within a couple hours of Elizabethton, Tennessee, I'd volunteer to provide supply/logistics.  There is no reason to leave them alive.  It must happen as soon as possible, beyond that I don't care what pain or suffering gets them there.

□ [“Code Pink Radicals Don’t Understand Why Cuban-American Protesters Want Nothing To Do With Them"]

Because they see who you are better than you do.  This is why communists can never permit freedom of speech.  People who are free to say what they think will disagree and communists don't like that.  They don't like thinking either, there's probably a connection.

□ [“CDC Director Now Says ‘New Data’ Shows Breakthrough Cases in Vaccinated People Can Spread as Much Virus as Unvaccinated"]

They're getting closer to admitting that at best the vaccine does nothing.  But they still demand everybody be vaccinated.  People who think can see the difference, that's not who these people are.

□ [“Biden Mingles with Maskless People as His Admin Pushes For Mask Mandates on Americans Regardless of Vaccination Status"]

Well the mask doesn't keep you from spreading the virus so...  But the mask keeps you from getting the virus so...  But the government opposes people being close together because they might get a virus so...  But if you carry a photo ID of being vaccinated, it will prevent the virus so...

They don't even think that people can be smart enough to see through this nonsense, much less take advantage of it to get their own power over people who are stupid enough to go with it.

□ [“Biden Lies to Truck Manufacturer, Falsely Claims He 'Used to Drive an 18 Wheeler'"]

Sure he did.  Last night when he finished exploring Jupiter.  He found a lot of souvenirs and needed to bring them back.

The media isn't giving this any attention.  They don't want anybody to know what's actually going on.  They're only interest is in serving the rulers, no one else.

Maryland Voter Integrity Group Finds Serious Anomalies in Four Maryland Counties …Update: Maryland Secretary of State’s Office Responds
July 28, 2021

New York Times Reporter Katie Benner Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Calls for Labeling Trump Supporters “Enemies of the State” to Combat “National Security Threats”
July 28, 2021

California Urges Everyone to Wear Masks Indoors Regardless of Vaccination Status
July 28, 2021

Twitter Censors the Nation of Islam for Criticizing mRNA Vaccines But Not for Attacking Jews
July 28, 2021

Iranian Defector Wins Olympic Silver Medal in Judo for Mongolia, then Dedicates the medal to Israel
July 28, 2021

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