24 July, 2021

We live in an insane world and that's why I'm sponsored by Rococo Coffee. No one sane would do that.

Book-making has gone well lately.  It shouldn't be too hard to finish a second book this year, assuming the world still exists by then.

I've never seen the Space Jam movies but I've recently heard a review of the new one and it's basically putting together as many Warner Bros. properties as possible.  I don't know if the first one did that but they did have the cartoon characters.  Steven Spielberg did a similar movie a few years ago.

This had been tried before in Who Framed Roger Rabbit but what stuck out was the open merger of everything in the company.  This sticks out for being what Marvel and DC have done in comics for decades and finally brought that into movies.  And that connects with using the recent Star Wars movie climax as a rip-off of the final Avengers movie and my theory that the elite are trying to promote something along the lines of 'alternate universes.'

Just trying to put this down so I can continue thinking about it.

So are the elite just demonstrating that they'll sacrifice anyone they want, some lives don't matter and helping us doesn't matter to them?  Are Iran and/or China just moving in?  Is this demonstrating the threat of Islam we've seen for the last couple decades, they know how to deal with the infidel?

They are blatantly working for China, that much is obvious now, even if it wasn't before.  Easy to assume China was involved in stealing the election and Democrats are all in on that.

I doubt it's a major factor, but trying to move into the Chinese market is probably a big reason why Hollywood has been in on this stuff too.  As is China's investment in Afghanistan and its neighbors.

This is how government property is treated.  Notice that Joe Biden is going around to talk about opposing the audit of the election than he spent campaigning.  That's why they're sending agents to start knocking on everyone's door to ask about vaccines but not if they actually voted for Biden.  That question would cause too many other problems.

They need to keep people from knowing what's going on.  Lebanon is falling apart, probably due to Iran and Syria's activities, but notice no one minds that.  They're focused on the imaginary nation of Palestine as an excuse to destroy Jews.

And the party that's supporting all this is totally after trying to prevent people from challenging them on anything.  But they can still pretend men can get pregnant.  They pretend to believe in "science" when it's all about "conformity."

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

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