20 August, 2021

Always wear a mask, you can breathe when you're dead!

Naturally there's a lot of headlines for today as collapse and disaster get ever-closer.  Dunno how much I'll have to say.  I haven't even started on the book and it's already Friday night.

The main reason is that I've received copies of the new version of Life and Polonia so I'm enjoying that.  Naturally there are still typos I've missed but I've long-since gotten used to that in books.  It's been almost exactly ten years since I finished the first printing.

Three volcanoes are erupting simultaneously on Alaskan island chain
August 17, 2021

The British Parliament held Biden in contempt last Thursday for his loss in Afghanistan.  And he's the guy claiming our allies agree with him.  We have no allies greater than Britain and never have, we came from them.  I might be missing something but I also can't think of Parliament voting contempt for a POTUS before.  Of course they still have the military over there to rescue their citizens who all-of-a-sudden really need protecting.

And Biden just makes himself look worse.  In his only actual interview, he blames Trump, denies his years of insisting he'd pull out immediately, ignores that the Taliban didn't break up with Al Queda like they'd promised to and didn't try to make peace with the US-supported Afghanistan government who, by the way, hadn't supported the peace agreement.  He also claimed his dead son was still alive but couldn't remember if he'd served in the Army or the Navy, deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

It's not Trump's fault the Taliban wasn't remotely trying to live up to any agreement and he was willing to stay there against their will, Biden (or whoever's really in charge) was totally fine with them being in charge.  And now they rule more of Afghanistan than they did 20 years ago.

Don't forget another advantage the Taliban get from us immediately running away, we didn't have time to shred all the information still in those offices, including every bit of data we had on all the Afghanistanis who helped us in any way, where they live, what they look like, all that stuff.  You know, in case they want to have a chat.

□ [“Afghans Hold Large Protest in Jalalabad to Keep Afghanistan Flag – Taliban Shoot 3 Protesters Dead"]

That's more people than died in the January 6 insurrection that leftists were so broken up over.  But in both cases, it was the new tyrants who did the shooting so they totally support that.  That's what guns are for.  That's what the greatest nation ever has learned thanks to men who have sex with goats.

□ [“FBI Finally Admits there Is 'Scant Evidence' US Capitol Attack Was Coordinated –The 'Organized Plot' Talking Point Was a Massive Lie!"]

No, all the organization came from leftists who infiltrated and belonged to the same group that attacked Congress a year or so earlier.  That was probably a practice run for this.

A couple days ago there were reports of another bomb attempt or two.  I haven't posted them yet because they seemed to be more hoaxes which probably means they were leftists.  That seems to be the case but I'll wait another day or two before getting into that.  If the media doesn't cover it in the slightest, that's all the proof we need.

Biden Admin Scraps Plan to Charge Americans Evacuating from Afghanistan $2,000 after Public Outrage
August 20, 2021

Biden Effect: Taliban Fighters in Suicide Vests March in Zabul Carrying US-Made Weapons – Military Commander in Kabul Shows Off Fleet of US Humvees
August 20, 2021

□ [“UK, French and German Special Forces Rescuing Their Citizens Outside Kabul Airport While US Under Strict Orders to Rely on Taliban for Safe Passage"]

Safe to assume these aren't poor people being rescued.  They're probably from rich families and know other rich people, including high-ranking politicians in their respective countries.  Those people are calling the leaders of their nations because they want their children rescued from America's disaster.

The media has to acknowledge that this is actually kind of embarrassing for them to be so supportive of people who urged this disgrace onward.  They'll get over it but for the moment, there's something.  And he'll just get worse without them daring to mention it.

Biden Flees Podium, Ignores Reporter Asking Why He Continues to Trust the Taliban – Then Immediately Calls a Lid
August 20, 2021

LEAK: British Diplomatic Memo Reveals Biden Assured G-7 Allies in June US Would Ensure Kabul’s Stability
August 20, 2021

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Contradicts Joe Biden, Says Americans Trying to Get to Kabul Airport Have Been “Beaten” by Taliban
August 20, 2021

Justice Department Moves to Dismiss Bowe Bergdahl’s Case to Overturn His Conviction
August 19, 2021

July State Dept. Cable Warned Kabul Will Fall Quickly, Urging Evacuation Flights By August 1
August 19, 2021

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