25 August, 2021

With great power, I must always be the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very responsible.

□ [Spider-Man:  No Way Home - Official Teaser Trailer]

Well, I was right, they are trying to install the multiverse.  This trailer looked horrible and that was before the really unlikable Dr. Strange showed up.  I was amused to hear a brief voiceover from the only actor who should ever play JJJ although he wasn't identified.

It sounds like a really stupid story, then they went into talking about the multiverse.  Near the end, a Green Goblin bomb was dropped although we don't see who threw it.  Then Doc Ock's arms, then the actor who played him in the second movie from the first trilogy.

So ok, they will be trying to utilize whatever non-Disney franchises they can add.  Dunno if this will be all of them, no idea who's going to play Wolverine when they finally bring back the X-Men - not that it matters, you could count on one hand the number of movies I've ever seen Wolverine in - but that's what they're going for.

They obviously have to know that people really don't care which studio makes which movie but probably do care which actor plays which character.  It's almost the inverse of how Marvel and DC worked all these decades, the company and the characters matter, who writes and draws the comics doesn't.

I'm not sure how they'd work this out.  At some level they have to realize that Alan Moore and Frank Miller actually brought something that others didn't and Neil Gaiman set an example from there.  How does this get applied to making a single movie, much less a franchise?  The actors are going to get old and die no matter what, everybody else is already replaceable.

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