16 August, 2021

Maybe he was paying too much attention to the invasion of Syria to see anything that could go wrong

□ [“Biden Refuses to Take Questions From Reporters After Blaming Trump For His Afghanistan Disaster – Immediately Takes Off to Camp David!"]

He must have really needed to waste gasoline, what other purpose would there be for flying in and out immediately?  He obviously didn't have any work that needed to be done.  He could have given the speech at home on a cell phone.

This only works on people who don't know anything.  It doesn't take seven months to plan a military operation or to change them.  We had soldiers in Afghanistan a week after 9/11, D-Day kept getting changed until almost the last minute.  The military is totally capable of doing things, the idiots in charge aren't.

But they're so happy to celebrate "Pride Month," just imagine how many more gun-battles can be won with that.

Or on a more serious note, just imagine how many "Pride Month" supporters will be so outraged by this that they'll pick up their guns and head to Afghanistan.  You'll have to imagine it because obviously they don't have the balls to do anything.

□ [“MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: 95% of the American People will Agree with Everything Joe Biden Said in His Afghanistan Speech"]

Leaving aside that she's obviously lying about asking 100% of Americans, how many of that 95% agreed with Biden a month ago that the Taliban had no chance of taking over?  I bet just as high a percentage of Americans agreed with Biden then too.  He must know what he's talking about, right?

He voted for the war when it started, he had eight years as Veep to watch it - and wasn't he officially supposed to be handling it then? - and he got to see what a disaster it was when Obama suddenly pulled all the troops out of Iraq so ISIS could take over.  Assuming he was paying attention, we're nearing the 20th anniversary of it starting.

Or is this one of those things where CNN doesn't ask Americans what they think unless the answer is what CNN wants so we'll never know how many agreed with him a month ago?

□ [“OPEC+ Smacks Down Joe Biden, Will Not Produce More Oil as He Begs For More Supply"]

Who didn't see this coming?  They have no incentive to give into the infidel and the infidel agrees with that, oil is horrible, it kills the earth and all that.

The few Afghanis we help escape I assume they'll be sent to Red States so they can vote Democrats.  Fort Bliss is already being listed as a possibility.  Probably not any female activists though, who would want them around?

At least China has announced that they'll have friendly and cooperative relationship with Afghanistan.  They need seven year olds to make devices for rich Americans to sell.

Pride Comes Before The Fall: US Embassy in Kabul Was Celebrating Pride Month as Taliban Launched Final Campaign to Retake Country
August 16, 2021

Biden Administration Issues Bulletin Claiming That Anyone Who Opposes "COVID Measures," Or Who Believes There Was Fraud In the Election, Is a "Potential Terrorist Threat"
August 16, 2021

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