06 August, 2021

How much wood would a woodchuck axe if a woodchuck could afford to buy an axe?

□ [“Democrat Arizona State Senator Arrested, Charged with Multiple Counts of Sexual Conduct with Child"]

If everybody is forced to stay home, he's less likely to get caught.  If the police are defunded, they can't do anything to stop him.  And what are the odds he was obeying the rules about wearing a mask when getting close to that youngster?

You'd think Democrats could at least insist that you have to obey the latest rules on preventing viruses when you stick your dick into someone underage.  Now that child might die of the virus and it's all his fault!

□ [“Democrat Women Power Players Have Meeting In DC To ‘Discuss’ Kamala Harris"]

It's a tempting headline but who are they kidding?  Any discussion along these lines would be about how to force everyone to obey her.

I don't have much to say at the moment.  It's actually been a better week than I've had for a while.

Joe Biden Falsely Claims – TWO TIMES IN A ROW – That 350 Million Americans Have Been Fully Vaccinated
August 6, 2021

Report from UK Shows 35% of Those Hospitalized with COVID Had Taken Two Doses of Vaccine
August 6, 2021

Gov. Cuomo Accuser Files Criminal Complaint Against Him
August 6, 2021

Chicago Teachers Union Using COVID Delta Variant to Shutdown Schools
August 6, 2021

Checking last night's G'n'R concert, I haven't specifically compared the order but it looks like they changed it a little.  They did add "Patience" but otherwise it's the same setlist, just maybe in a slightly different order.

Looked a little closer, it's mostly the same order.  They did drop "Dead Horse" so that must count for something.

Also just a note, Alice Cooper was originally a band and eventually the lead singer took the name.  I cannot find any reference to if he was actually called "Alice" during the time in the band, but it's safe to assume that influenced Axl.

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