15 August, 2021

The Taliban is not going to get banned from Twitter.

□ [“Jen Psaki Taking Next Week Off Amid Afghanistan Fiasco"]

Well of course.  What leftist would permit the media to ask them any questions that might not make them look good?  It wouldn't surprise me if she had this vacation planned for months because the rulers knew they were giving up Afghanistan the previous week.

Maybe Trump supporters should try this type of "insurrection" since the media already accuses them of that.  Nobody getting killed is white so it's not like Democrats would care.

Fully Vaccinated Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Dies From Covid-19
August 15, 2021

Taliban Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Declares Victory and Announces ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ From Presidential Palace
August 15, 2021

Maybe it was just 2001, but my opinion is that we should have announced Afghanistan would be a permanent move-in.  I was thinking of the Monolith, we'll be there as long as need be to make them learn how to be civilized human beings.

And yes, I would have lowered the rules of combat.  You kill one of us, we kill 20 or 30 of you.  As long as it takes.

I knew this wouldn't happen, right from the start GWB had to stand up against leftists who supported 9/11 and accused anyone who disagreed of being "racist."  Now non-whites will be slaughtering lots of non-whites and power will be seized by other non-whites.  And Islam has another victory.

Xi Jinping Goes to War With Chinese Businesses And the sanctions are widespread.
August 13, 2021

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