21 September, 2021

Happy 60th anniversary, 5th SFG (A)

Also a note, 16 years ago today, I joined the US Army.  After Basic/AIT, 5th SFG would be my only duty station until I ETS'd ten years later.

The virus wasn't wearing expensive clothes so it wouldn't have been permitted.

How do they not see the tyranny of elites that they're imposing on everybody else, they're literally surrounded by peons who are required to wear masks.  How can they not know what they're doing, they recite that nonsense all through their leftist brainwashing but have no actual objections to behaving exactly as they claim to oppose.

September 21, 2021

We're all breaking down these days but some more obviously than others.

What is this, the Clintons sending in their private army?  You have to immigrate to the country next-door and there's another country on the very same island as Haiti.  But America is so awful that they want to come here?  They're just obeying their slavemasters?

And it seems Harris will lead an investigation of how Haitians are treated, the Biden administration investigating the Biden administration.  Thousands upon thousands of invaders are getting together at the border for a full invasion, better make sure they aren't treated badly.

This is the same administration that surrendered Afghanistan, left plenty of weapons for the Taliban to use, bombed kids, lets anybody cross the border for any reason, and last weekend threw an obviously fake rally mostly made up of federal agents pretending to oppose the government.  And that's just what they've done in the last several weeks that we know about.

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

September 20, 2021

She doesn't know anything about viruses and she sure as hell has never given the slightest thought to any of the rules she writes and imposes on others.  That would take thought, intellect, a working brain.  That's not what you find with people who think "I was feeling the spirit" is an actual excuse.  It's openly saying how enjoyable it is to do things she forbids others to do.

Her orders specifically applies to people who have been vaccinated just as people who haven't.  Yet she ignored it.  Obviously no one would dare tell her to follow the rules, they wouldn't have the guts.  They were servants, you can tell because they were all wearing masks.

They don't see any flaw in this, they don't see any way things could go wrong.

A couple days ago, black women beat up an asian woman in a restaurant because she asked for proof that they'd been vaccinated before they'd be allowed to enter.

Are Democrats fine with all violence or just with black violence?  Are Democrats fine with beating up all women or just asian women?  Are Democrats fine with ignoring their laws on requiring proof of vaccination or can the right skin color ignore it?

They haven't complained in the slightest about black violence for years because they don't want to be accused of "racism."  And blacks are far less vaccinated than whites or asians.  The so-called elites don't see any problems here, they're happy with the way things are.  The peons may not like it but that's why they're peons.  That's why you can beat up peon women in public if they think the rules apply to you.

Then there's their pawns who only know one way to go.

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