29 September, 2021

You call this a title? I could shit better titles than this. Excuse me, I need to visit the little boys room.

□ [“FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Says 'No One' Advised Him That His Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan Was Pure Lunacy"]

And some of his puppet generals have been telling Congress that they totally advised him to keep thousands of US troops in Afghanistan to avoid the disaster that would obviously come from doing otherwise.  To be fair, he also says that he doesn't remember anybody saying anything like that and he obviously doesn't remember what happened yesterday, much less a month or three ago.  He could be told to say he totally opposed withdrawal and he'd totally believe that.

Which has nothing to do with the servicemen he got killed by his stupid orders which he's totally proud of, but the people he's showing off for don't give a shit about servicemen.  And he knows that.  The whole point of officers is that they get to be from a higher class than the enlisted.  You could say he's setting the standard.

And the left follows his example.  They only tell you what they want you to know and nothing else.  Just obey and if you live through it, you'll get to do it again.

But the elites can turn on each other.

September 28, 2021

September 28, 2021

September 29, 2021

Are these serious conspiracies or just individuals knowing they'll get lots of attention if they fake this stuff?  It's the only way they know to climb the ladder.

September 27, 2021

September 29, 2021

September 29, 2021

September 29, 2021

September 29, 2021

You are government property.  You have no say in what they can do to your body.  Obey.  You'll never rise any other way.

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