12 September, 2021

We don't have enough disasters yet...

□ [“New York Hospital to Pause Baby Deliveries After Too Many Staffers in Maternity Unit Quit Over Vaccine Mandate"]

Probably not just the maternity unit having these issues.  Another part they never thought of, how many hospitals will have to close because they're forced to fire people who don't take the vaccine?  Are they going to hire people who don't have a clue what to do in a hospital?  Are they going to force people to work there against their will?  Will people with medical issues just have to wait until the hospital is fully staffed?

Obviously the people in charge will get to keep their medical care, it's everybody else who has to go without.  That's the way liberals want it.

□ [“Kentucky Health Care Workers Refused to Comply With Vaccine Mandate, Forced Bowling Green Hospital to Fire Them"]

Another one bites the dust.  We're going to get more of this.  It's what the left has always driven for, government is in complete control of everybody's health care and if they want to ban you from it, nobody can stop them.  Of course the elite get to keep their private medical care but nobody else does.

It probably won't take long for an underground movement to be operating since that's where the non-obedient will go, patients and medics alike.  Gotta say, it's one of those things that makes me think that Trump was planning for this all along.

□ [“Biden Removes US Missiles from Saudi Arabia, Aligning the US Closer to Another Terrorist Nation in Iran"]

So Iran will be invading shortly.  They've got nukes, a tighter tyranny and an extra 50 million people.  This is f*king ridiculous.  Shi'ites taking Mecca and the oil industry.

□ [“North Korea Successfully Test-Fires New Long-Range Cruise Missiles on 9/11 – Hits Target 1,500 km Away"]

And then there's that guy.  If Trump was such a weakling, why didn't they get into this a year ago or three years ago?

Biden to Announce New Covid-19 Measures Ahead of UN Meeting: Surgeon General Won't Give Any Details
September 12, 2021

Maryland Judge Kills Himself As FBI Agents Showed Up to Arrest Him for Sexually Abusing Boys
September 12, 2021

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