09 July, 2022

Do you get monkeypox if you're bitten on the hand by a radioactive monkey?

□ [“Parents Resist:  Only 1.3% Of Eligible Kids Under 5 Have Gotten COVID Vaccine"]

I really hope this is true.  Maybe they're just lying to the pollsters and it sounds like it's only asked about the last three weeks or some vague description like that.  They're not saying 'no, our children will never be poison-vacced!'  Just that they haven't done that recently.

They are trying to take out the next generation.  This is no different from 'late term abortion.'  I just saw a phrase describing the problem as "authoritarian Utopianism that masquerades as liberal humanism while usurping it from within."

That's a bit of a mouthful but I'm going to need to give it more thought because it's an accurate description.  A simpler version of that would be 'their way is the only way because they care so much so no one is allowed to disagree, but their internal conflicts don't stop.'  Ok, that last phrase isn't much simpler but it's a thought.

Secret Service Director Resigns — Will Go To Work For Big Tech
July 9, 2022

Houston Man Charged For Making Terroristic Threat Against Senator Ted Cruz in Cryptic Phone Call is Now at Large After Being Released on Bond
July 9, 2022

Shady Communist China Firm Financially Involved in Biden’s Luxury Camp for Illegal Alien Children in North Carolina; Chinese Took Over School’s Board in 2019
July 9, 2022

□ [“Footage Shows Sri Lankan President Rajapakse Fleeing Country on a Ship with a Suitcase Full of Belongings — After He Declares Country Bankrupt"]

Well this is a thing.  In April they cut off payment of all foreign debts, which added up to about $51 billion.  That didn't help and the riots have made it up to the Presidential Palace.

This could start happening elsewhere.  It *will* start happening, it's just not clear where yet, or how close it will eventually get to us.  But a boy can dream...

Tomorrow’s Democrat Party Leader: Young Demon Screams “We Love Killing Babies” at Pro-Abortion Rally in Front of White House
July 9, 2022

□ [“Democrat Governors Are Finally Figuring Out that Joe Biden is Intellectually Bankrupt and Out of Ideas and They’re Scared"]

Only if they're not going to steal future elections.  Seriously, this is what they wanted.  Everybody else knew it would be a horrible disaster but that didn't stop them.  They're still in power, so why not keep it?  Biden didn't get where he is by producing anything useful and he's the example.

You can tell how bright these Democrat governors are by how long it took them to realize this.  Biden's only been a national figure for half a century.  You've only know started paying any attention to him?

Just look at countries like Cuba and Venezuela to see how successful elections get run, you already support them.

If there's any benefit we ever see from this, it's that we will start seeing how federalism really works.  The states have their own rights and can stand up against the Fed.  Democrats have long opposed that but it's still the truth.

Pentagon Suspends Retired Three Star General’s Contract Over Tweet to Jill Biden
July 9, 2022

□ [“Biden Commits Another $400 Million Of Your Taxpayer Dollars To Ukraine"]

He's just forking out tons and tons of money, is it stupidity or funding/bribes to the conspiracy that rules him?  We'd already be suffering from this tyranny even if he wasn't funding a war but of course he throws that in as well.  Then there's the other trillions of dollars he's throwing away.

Obviously it's worse than Sri Lanka but the whole world is tied to us.  When we go down, there's nothing left.  That's the way the tyrants want it.

□ [“The Biden Gang Decides Against Emergency Order To Protect Abortion Access"]

This has been somewhat typical for totalitarians, they can't justify their demands in court, which keeps them from pursuing them in full.  That's why they need to overthrow the courts and install their own servants at every level.

Of course doing that causes them a lot of internal problems but we're not permitted to see any details of that.  That would definitely be part of the "usurping it from within."  It defeats their own self-declared humanism and reinforces the need for tyranny.

They're trying to figure out how murder is a health emergency.  If we don't stop them, they'll figure that out at all costs.  It's not like they want to save any lives.

These Doctors Risked It All To Saves Lives During The COVID ‘Plandemic’, Now They Are Demanding A ‘Cease Fire’ Of ‘Poison Death Shots’
July 9, 2022

Can’t Make This Up: Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because the US Government Was Aware of Vaccine Fraud
July 9, 2022

□ [“Biden’s Communication Staff and White House Come up with Bogus Lie in Attempt to Cover Joe’s Embarrassing ‘Senior Moment’ With Teleprompter"]

They're lying about their boss and forging the transcript of what he actually said.  Anybody who watches the video can see and hear that he isn't including "let me" before "repeat the line."  He said "end of quote.  Repeat the line."  That's very clear.

How do you even get to the point where you have to blatantly pretend something didn't happen the way everyone knows it did?  At least a sensible person would be able to say "yeah, we screwed up" but none of them are capable of doing that.  Authoritarian utopianism that masquerades!

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